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Posts posted by DekDaeng

  1. Yeah I think we will just end up homeschooling the children. However it is very important that the kids interact with other children which I am sure we could find a way for that to happen.

    You could find a local school - let them learn & socialise there (follow the curriculum yourself, somehow) but give them the antidote to the indoctrination at home.

    (Would love to hear what is in the indoctrination that induces the xenophobia. - Anybody?)

  2. I don't think Cidadas are particular about which type of tree the crawl up. When I was a kid in Wash.D.C. suburbs, there were tree lined streets where cicadas would coordinate their calls, on and off, so it sounded like the whole universe was making rhythmic sounds. Did you know the assumed reason cicadas time their arrival (coming out of the ground) at such odd times, like every 13 years? Apparently, it's to thwart the many species that eat them. If the bugs came out at shorter intervals, like every 2 years, all sorts of prey animals would be waiting for them.

    & there is another variety which come out after 17 years. So these two only compete every 221 years.

  3. Thailand needs to get to grip with the slow trains first,how many

    derailments in the last few weeks,4-5,ok not much damage done

    as the trains only run slowly,but a derailment on a high speed train,

    thats a disaster on a grand scale, the other big thing is road crossing

    on rail lines,Thais think they can beat the slow trains now,although

    quite a few every year have found they cannot !,

    Regards Worgeordie

    "but a derailment on a high speed train," sometimes called 'pink mist'.

  4. This must be another example of this countries unique. Thainess! Will they ever learn?

    What does this have to do with Thainess? These sort of vicious murders don't happen elsewhere?

    Will they ever learn what? How to be a good (and clearly superior) white man like yourself?

    What is it with these people who interpret every news story to fit their narrow vision of this country? Save it for your bar stool, pal. Most of the people on these forums are sick of this condescending racist rubbish.

    I believe he is referring to the bailing of murder suspects -

    • Like 1
  5. Monitors are much more interesting to look at than fish. Why not get him a mate....you have the food supply allready installed.

    Perhaps you don't realize how much a good, mature Koi can cost. 1000 - upwards to 7000+ Baht. Pretty expensive pet food. wink.png

    Maybe the fish are expensive but what about having your own monitor lizard.

    Super cool clap2.gif

    They are smart enough to come when offered food, just be careful of your pinkies giggle.gif

    Pinkies is pretty expensive monitor food!

  6. EVA flight from Bangkok to Amsterdam and back are generally good.

    Good service, nice staff, always happy to help you out.

    Twice the back of the 747-400 was filled up with Chinese travellers.

    Halfway the staff were on strike, all drinks and food werd gone, just taken by the Chinese.

    They refused to serve the Chinese, being Chinese themselves.

    If you asked for some water, lemonade, coffee or tea?

    All gone.

    The breakfast near Amsterdam was not served, there was nothing left to serve.........

    Besides that, very noisy, walking around in the plane, disturbing staff and passengers. shouting, gambling.

    In short, a menace.

    "They refused to serve the Chinese, being Chinese themselves."

    Taiwanese. Abt 30 years more civilised.

    • Like 1
  7. when did you purchase this HD ?

    could it be mark wrongly by the sales staff ? or they sold you a old stock ?

    Abt April 2011.

    Even if it is old stock, 3 year warranty should be valid -

    I think SG (& local agent synnx) just pulling a fast one.

    BTW, about 50% of the drives I buy fail w/in 3 years. How do the manufs get such LOWWWWWWWW MTDF figures? (fractions of a %)

    Maybe drives made in Thailand, MTBF stats made in Thailand?

  8. I want out of this ASAP. Life's too short.

    There we have it. Life is too short to be embarking on a pointless exercise to get your wife kicked out. Phone UKBA and they'll give you short shrift.

    Make the divorce as acrimonious as you like, but it will only prolong the agony.

    Does your wife know you want to divorce?

    If you want out as soon as possible, seek legal advice and endeavour to come to an amicable settlement with your wife.

    Get evidence of what she is up to if you can. Hold it in reserve. Or not, up to you, T.I.T. ;-)

    When you split, change all the locks, & add some new ones.

  9. Thousands upon thousands of stray cats in Bangkok which are a health hazard.

    Perhaps they could do something about that problem, rather than this pointless tosh?

    Doubt you were around at the time of the Witch Trials in medieval Europe whereupon cats were caught and killed, being witches' 'familiar' of choice.

    This resulted in the Black Death, caused by the subsequent proliferation of rats, the cats' plat du jour. Som nom bloody na.

    Given Bangkok, indeed Thailand in general is overrun with rats, which would you prefer? A cat or a RAT.w00t.gif

    How the Catholic Church Created the Black Death by Eradicating the "Satanic" House Cat


    Personally, I like cats.... slow roasted, BBQ, stir fry, etc. (just joking)

    Seriously, one has to wonder whose cousin, brother-in-law is making those bags. No one in government does anything without some kind of rebate to the person who tendered the offer.

    Thanks very interesting. CC has so much to answer for.

    But actually they helped reduce the human pop. - good for the planet. We exceeded planets capacity to carry humans (as in beasts / acre) in the mid '70s (~1976) it is said. But no thanks to CC. Maybe time to ban cats again, till pop. is manageable.

    Or allow birth control for tykes.

  10. I would like to butt in here with a different situation.

    We are considering volunteering, for a week or two, to help with The Christopher Robert Foundation https://www.facebook.com/thecrproject

    There would be me on a retirement visa, the lady, Thai (not married) and probably 2 10yr old kids (Thai, belonging to the ladys sisters)

    Could I do this without a work permit?

    i don't think so...

    you can't even help in a natural disaster.

    Tsunami in Thailand 2004. Forensic Experts from the German BKA ( similar to the American FBI) flew right after the catastrophe to LOS.

    They had a hard time, as the bodies were in sea water for a while and you couldn't even say which ethnicity they were. They did a great job identifying many bodies.


    They were kicked out by Thai authorities for working without a work permit. Insanity at its best. Hope that answers your question.-wai2.gif

    & US Navy (in the Gulf of Thailand) told to 'piss off'* after offering help as floods headed for BKK.


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