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Posts posted by delgarcon

  1. I believe this is a symptom of what happens when the US threatens every bank in the world who does US business with large fines unless they meet some very stringent banking rules and regulations / reporting requirements.

    These relatively new rules have been causing problems for Americans all over the world, some banks have been refusing to open accounts for US citizens because of this issue, others in different places have been closing existing accounts and telling people to get their money out.

    For once this is not the US alone. I'm British and have been asked for proof of address and identity by English and European banks. It's all part of International anti money laundering laws and you just have to comply and fill in the form and yes if you don't want to do it, cut up your Amex card, but don't forget to write to them to cancel the card.

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  2. Chicog, on 29 Oct 2014 - 18:08, said:
    delgarcon, on 29 Oct 2014 - 17:33, said:

    Why download? There are plenty of web sites where you can stream and watch pretty good quality movies with no risk attached. Try movie4k.to for example, I've also used their site to watch the complete tv series of The Sopranos and Breaking Bad.

    Why do you think there is no risk attached? Sites like that are usually riddled with adware and spyware.

    I use movies planet for streaming films and TV series. Never had a problem with adware or spyware.


    I've never had a problem with movie4k either, it's a great site with some good features. Some of you negative posters would do well to do a bit of research before you tell the forum which sites are "usually riddled with adware and spyware". The internet is here to be explored and enjoyed and I get great entertainment through my laptop which I wouldn't get if I was frightened to try what looks like a good web site. There's plenty of software out there if you've got a problem, be brave!

  3. Have a look at this e-mail I sent my son, therein might lie the answer.

    "Thought you might be interested to know that it looks like I don't have a virus on my laptop after all. Having scanned it with Norton and several of the adware stuff you suggested, there was still the same old shit going on so I googled my problem. Someone on line had suggested that add ons in Mozilla could create problems so I had a look and found one called ConveRtMe 3.4 that was installed last May, so I disabled it and have since removed it and it seems to have solved the problem"

    I dont know if it would work with Chrome or Explorer, but it sounds as if you have exactly the same problem as I had

  4. Our new PM Gen Prayut, has promised to stamp out corruption in his country, a noble ambition! If he wants the rest of the world (and his own people for that matter) to believe him and to trust him, he must look into claims of malpractice by his police force (as is done in other parts of the world) and ensure that cover ups, such as the infamous Red Bull affair ( http://www.newyorker.com/business/currency/the-red-bull-heir-and-inequality-in-thailand ) cease to happen.

    Like everyone else on here, I don't know whether or not these Burmese guys killed Hannah and David, but if they are charged and found guilty, there must be no reasonable doubt about the outcome.

    Over to you General!

  5. I would imagine that this guy is alienated in his own country because of his ailment and feels that he fits better in Thailand, as it's full of crocks, cripples and down and outs that wouldn't see him as a blot on the landscape.

    What he probably needs is someone to help restore his pride and show him that this is not the way to cope with his disability.

    "Crocks, cripples and down and outs"? "Blot on the landscape"?

    Yep tell him that he's a proud member of those termed in such derogatory terms and I'm sure it'll will boost his pride no end.

    and your point is Bluespunk?

    He's not a cripple? He's not down and out? He's a proud man? Look up the meaning of the word derogatory. An example of a derogatory remark would be, " you're obviously pretty stupid as you've totally missed my point!2

    My point is that you feel it's ok to use derogatory remarks about people as your last remark addressed to me proves. You are clearly insensitive and callous towards others. As for stupidity, its under s in the dictionary. Look it up.

    Yep, looked it up Spunky, turns out that I was not so stupid after all. This piece of low life made a lot of people on here and elsewhere in Thailand look pretty stupid and he wont be the last will he!

  6. I would imagine that this guy is alienated in his own country because of his ailment and feels that he fits better in Thailand, as it's full of crocks, cripples and down and outs that wouldn't see him as a blot on the landscape.

    What he probably needs is someone to help restore his pride and show him that this is not the way to cope with his disability.

    "Crocks, cripples and down and outs"? "Blot on the landscape"?

    Yep tell him that he's a proud member of those termed in such derogatory terms and I'm sure it'll will boost his pride no end.

    and your point is Bluespunk?

    He's not a cripple? He's not down and out? He's a proud man? Look up the meaning of the word derogatory. An example of a derogatory remark would be, " you're obviously pretty stupid as you've totally missed my point!2

  7. I would imagine that this guy is alienated in his own country because of his ailment and feels that he fits better in Thailand, as it's full of crocks, cripples and down and outs that wouldn't see him as a blot on the landscape.

    What he probably needs is someone to help restore his pride and show him that this is not the way to cope with his disability.

  8. Madness is over. This is win of common sense.

    Deception based on irrational and blind nationalism has lost.

    I hope forever.

    Salmond's concession speech clearly showed that he is looking for another go. Really think that would be a bad move. However, Salmond is the kind of guy who doesn't know when he is beaten even though he had previously stated that this was it 'for a generation'. Don't think another divisive campaign suits any other than those who care not what mayhem they will cause.

    Just hope that Westminster holds to their promises, despite the noises coming from others within the Tory heartlands.

    There will def not be another referendum in the near future, all parties have agreed to that!

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