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Posts posted by sajal

  1. i use my own router in my apartment(on 20th floor)...

    but if i carry my notebook to the balcony, i get a whole lot of routers to connect to.,...nonw from my room...

    anyway...u should get the software network stumbler, it shows you all the connections with live signal strength graps.

    it helps u arrange the notebook in the optimum position.

    as tso310 said its the position of the antenna which counts....move yr notebook slowly while monitoring the signal strength graph....adjust the screen aangle....etc...

    in my old apartment found i could use another persons wifi by this method.....in my room in one position i got the signal...

    i stll use this if im on travel from a hotel room...

    usually takes me 5 mins to adjust optimum position....

    sometimes the guys even leave the default passwords on the router....fun to get in.,..but dont change the pass or screw up the settings...;-)

    PS: its unsafe/illegal to steel other ppls wifi....the dude(or anyone in the range) might have some packet sniffers....if so then they can get yr passwords n details.....very risky....unless u browse ony https:// pages...

    good luck ...

  2. Shivek, let's not go around trashing the games that other people play.  You're going to get a lot of backlash from people who play MMORPGs, and there are QUITE a few.  Also, plenty of Thais play online FPS's like CS... there are lots of Thai servers.

    agree.... one mans music is noise to another...

  3. Once upon a time, a king carried by his slaves wanted to cross a rope bridge. He called all his slaves and asked, "Is it safe? Someone go ahead and cross."

    All but one stared at each other and began to point and say, "Your excellency, send him, he is wisest and can tell you if it is safe." Each poor slave pointed at another, and another. Finally, one said, "Let me go across, sire."

    Having crossed the bridge, he cut the rope.

    - by Ryan Lackey

  4. There are no World of Warcraft servers in Thailand (unfortunately) your looking at the US or Europe for the servers.

    From Thailand the connections isnt great, the game itself (World of Warcraft) is playable, although PvP (Player vs Player) doesnt work too well if your having a bad connection day.

    I play this game a lot, its the only game i'm playing o nthe PC at this time, i have a couple of friends who play (or used to play) so if your looking for a regular group or just someone whos playing in your timezone, then drop me a PM.

    just some curiosity....how much would you be ready to pay(hourly/daily/weeky/monthly) if there were a world of warcraft server in thailand...?

  5. How forgot :D If you are very rich :D Buy a World of warcraft license and bring

    a server here :o

    Good luck

    im not too rich(depends on what is rich)....

    any clues how many world of warcraft servers in thailand?

    if i remember correctly ive seen ppl play this game in thailand.....any idea they play on the net or against other users in the same cafe?

    how much is the license for?

    i dun mind investing if profits can be seen....;-)

  6. hey all...

    firstly the only online game i play is monopoly.....with other hubbers in the expat hub...that too very rarely...

    used to play CS and Q3 on lan in a cyber cafe(20 to 30 hours a week) in my college days....

    now im interested in setting up paid gaming servers inside se asia(ping from true is 60 to 70ms) to serve the region.

    the motive is to make money of it....any pointers?

    Check http://www.porar.com/linuxserver.aspx

    They have nice service for what I have experienced and the latency isnt too bad

    from bangkok (10-12ms). You could start with your own connection upgrading to

    the max Upload Speed availabe to see if it catchs up. You could also try some

    partnership with some gameseller (CNet / Zest) to give you some help, they would

    certainly sell more game if the online experience would be far better than what it

    is now.

    Good Idea and good luck man.

    tx a lot for the pointers...

    maybe im straying a lil off topic here....

    the main thing is wether to focus on only thailand or to focus on the region....

    if i host in thailand, the international connectivity sucks....only few countries have fast access to thailand...

    is online gaming a very big thing here?

    is it possible to charge ppl for joining to games hosted on my server?

    im sure ppl wouldnt mind paying some subscription fee for a gr8 gaming experience.

  7. In Mahasarakham province I pay:

    100 Baht fee per month. Plus 3 Baht for 2 hours.

    I have to recall after every two hours.

    For a month 600-700 Baht totally for me.

    I also have got a user name and a password.

    Correct, but there are other user/pass combinations that will give you unlimited connection time, no cut off after 2 hours.

    Spend some time with google it's there on a thai website.

    when im staying in hat yai i use e-go internet 199 baht for 15 days unlimited connection via the TOT 1222.

    monthly cost for password =398 baht....

    call costs approx 6 baht per day....(connect frm office in mornin and home at night).

  8. hey all...

    firstly the only online game i play is monopoly.....with other hubbers in the expat hub...that too very rarely...

    used to play CS and Q3 on lan in a cyber cafe(20 to 30 hours a week) in my college days....

    now im interested in setting up paid gaming servers inside se asia(ping from true is 60 to 70ms) to serve the region.

    the motive is to make money of it....any pointers?

  9. well...started F@H at 3 locations....notebook, my zeon server and p4 test server....

    on the notebook ive set maximum cpu usage to 90%....heat problems...

    my zeon box is set to 100%.....but in task manager it shows only 50% CPU usage....any clue? <-- abt 3.5 mins/frame

    the zeon is at a remote location....any problem(not fixable remotely) is a BIG problem....anyone have had any system crashes due to F@H?

    runin zeon 3.2 with win2k3...

  10. Thanks, very interesting. It sounds quite plausible, and is at least consistent with the (less detailed) stuff on Google's webmaster page. I guess you'd need to read the patent to find out for sure.

    Anyway, most of this fits in with accepted 'good practice' in web publishing.

    I liked the piece about length of rego of the domain name.... subsequently, I've just added 2 years to mine. :o

    gr8...all my domains expire after 2010....

    nice topic very insightfull...

  11. PS: If you are going to join us then just add a reply to this thread to let us know because you wont turn up on the team stats page until you have completed your first work unit.

    ive just joined....user id devil_dog...

    lets c how this runs on my test server(p4 2.4 Ghz).....

    maybe i install this on my zeon server(single 3.2 Ghz) later.....

    can i use the same user name both the places?

  12. Thailand has a track record of implementing technology that just doesn't work right. The ADSL fiasco well documented in this board is one example. UBC satellite is another example--your tv goes blank every time it rains which can be a daily ritual and the compression causes annoying loss of picture quality all the time. Those things just wouldn't fly in developed countries. I suspect for Internet TV, they will just live with lots of outages (whether they be brief few second glitch, choppiness when overloaded, or hours at a time when the service goes down), terrible picture quality (due to overusing compression, super low resolution, and low frame rates to fit into the insufficient bandwidth), and even putting limits on how many hours a day a subcriber can watch TV so as to save precious bandwidth. My observation is the way they do things here is duct tape some shoddy technologies together that has low quality and a high failure rate and sell it at premium western prices. So I would not be surprised to see them roll this contraption out on top of the already problematic existing infrastructure.

    Mai Bpen rai.....;-)

  13. To accomplish what their talking about (actual broadband TV over the internet) will require FTTH (Fiber-To-The-Home).

    While Japan, Singapore and other Asian countries are moving rapidly ahead with FTTH, most other countries are actually lagging behind. The USA, for example, has dropped from 2nd. to 13th. place in this "race".

    If it's going to take them 1 year to get VOIP up and running, my guess is it will take 10+ years to install FTTH to the point it is practical and profitable. And the cost ............ :D (Don't even ask.)

    I wonder who they expect will put up the money for this venture?


    iptv if streemed using mpeg4 would give u very good quality with 2 mbps...i dont think FTTH is needed....

    only that the mpeg4 equipment is very rare,...and expensive too....

    if they go with mpeg 2 then better bandwidth is needed....or the quality is sacrificed...

    as per the info i had was that true is also into IPTV....they r also planin somethin big.

  14. i just saw on ebay...

    the OEM CD of winxp media center edition with remote is on sale at ebay....

    lemme check with my copied version whats the result...

    the thing is i already have a pc which is my test server as of now....

    it would be free in some days time.....i want to use that....the only thing to buy would be good tv tuners and network attached storage. - already have 3 hard disks + CD rom....


  15. its likely that those emails didnt come from these organisations...

    perhaps someone had these organisations email addresses in their contacts on outlook and that person had your contact also.

    so now some malways/spyware/virus infected his system and sending mails from ppl in his contact list to other ppl in his contact list.

    check the headers of the mail about the origin IP of the mail.....

    you can compare that to mails from other organisations ....

    if the IPs are same then all the spam is coming from the same person (or same computer)...

  16. hey all...

    soon gonna get a new home....with a large enough hall to accomodate a projector....

    now the thing is im considerin usin a windows xp media center edition for my media controler and tv tuner(as projectors dont have one)

    some questions...

    1) i have a copy of windows xp media center.....can i buy the remote seperately (note to mods: no comment abt my source or gunuinity of the copy)

    2) can i buy the windows xp media center edition (with remote) anywhere in thailand?

    3) can i install the windows XP media center myself or do i need to buy those pricey desktops which come bundled with one?

    looking for some help here....would really appreciate if someone who has used media center/gone thru the process could enlighten us....

    as for me im comfortable with installing os(not linux) and a bit of programing......and am not too comfortable using branded/ready to use pc.....assembling my own pc gives me some sort of pleasure....i dunno why....

  17. do police departments in thailand hire psychiatrists to treat the officers....chk their mental status n stuff like i suppose they do in the west>?

    if not then i guess this would be the best time to start.....

    the guys actions are not at all justified...but i guess he was too frustrated....insulted,...threatned....etc.....

    these things regularly happen in my home country.....and if a police officer was stupid enough to shoot an offender for just some insults it would mean ###### for the ministers n stuff...just one such public incident would trigger a mass political movement.....

    not in thailand the other ppl r all with the mai bpen rai attitude on the surface increasing their internal frustation level...i guess if things go on as they are going this wouldnt remain a LOS....

  18. Won't work unfortunately. They will just block the site.

    That's what they (True/CAT) do most of the afternoons anyway to all international website access...  :o

    Democracy and freedown of speech declared dead in TH.

    Maybe someone with connections to some western media should spread the articles....see what happens ?

    Should just get a Bulgarian server or something.

    fm9225.com was hosted on the datacenter of issp.com....

    i dont think the government has blocked access to fm9225.com, just that they have asked issp to pull the plug on fm9225.com

    i guess if they move to another country would it solve their problem temporarily???

    for all i know issp requires the customers company registration/ ID/ passport to use their services....so whats this thing abt "So the websites were ''suspended'' until they were improved and registered properly."

    do a whois for fm9225.com and you get their complete registration details....im sure ICT knows abt this....

    all this doesnt bother me a lot....what really bothers me is that the thai ppl are OK with this......"mai bpen rai" attitude....sometimes crosses the limits.

    court case wont work....im sure the justice ministry is on toxins payroll...

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