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Posts posted by sajal

  1. PADANG, Indonesia (Reuters) - An earthquake of magnitude 6.8 rattled parts of Indonesia on Sunday, sending people in this city on Sumatra island rushing out of their homes and heading toward high ground in fear of a possible tsunami.

    However, there were no immediate reports of casualties or damage, or that the quake had actually caused a tsunami, officials in Jakarta said.

    Quakes have been common in Indonesia since a massive temblor on Dec. 26 triggered a tsunami across the Indian Ocean that killed more than 180,000 people. Nearly 50,000 more are still unaccounted for from that disaster.

    According to the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, no tsunami warning has been issued as a result of the quake, but it also said there are no tsunami detection devices in the immediate area of the quake.

    The latest quake was felt in Indonesia's neighbor Singapore as well.

    A Reuters reporter in Padang, a city of some 800,000 on Sumatra's west coast, said he saw many people leave their houses and seek higher ground.

    The United States Geological Survey said on its Web site http://earthquake.usgs.gov that the quake, which struck at 1729 local time (6:29 a.m. EDT) was "strong" and located in the Indonesia's Kepulauan Mentawai region.

    It said that aftershocks of 5.8 and 6.3 magnitude occurred in the same region at 6:45 a.m. EDT and 7:14 a.m. EDT, respectively.

    "It's part of the chain of previous quakes. It's not an aftershock," Fauzi, an official with the national meteorological bureau in Jakarta, told Reuters.

    Wijayanto, another Jakarta official monitoring quake activity, said: "We are still checking with Padang but there is no damage report until now."

    He said the quake epicenter was in the ocean 105 km (65 miles) southwest of Padang at a depth of 30 km.

    Singapore's Channel News Asia said residents of high-rise apartments in the city state reported feeling their buildings swaying.

    - from Reuters....

  2. i guess with many ppl probably switchin from IPSTAR to ADSL its more bandwidth s available to the users still on IPSTAR...

    neways...how much does IPSTAR cost...ne idea...i checked the CS loxinfo site and it was way too high...any other providers offerin this?

  3. 1) u visit http://www.lyngsat.com/freetv/ check out the list of free to air channels there....if what u need is there then this is for u...

    2) check out if the channels u need/the satellite serving them have their range in thailand....

    3) get a dish antenna (prefebly with a motor so u can turn the dish around siting in your living room to get access to various satellites)

    4) get a free to air receiver to view the channels on your TV...

    setup cost : approx 20,000 baht...

    monthly/annual cost : NIL

    all channels are available via the dish...but to get some premium channels uve gotta sibscribe with the channel, they will give u a smart card and a decoder. to them u need to pay a monthly or annual subscription fee.

  4. from what i read in adslthailand's forum, WIMAX is highly restrected in thailand...

    only tot has tried it...and that too will be used for rural areas where phone line isint there.

    the equipment cost is very high...

    btw wimax is a new technology using IEEE 802.16.

    under line of sight condiditions max distance is 75 Km and maximum bandwidth is 26 mbps...

    maybe wait 2 yrs and wimax would become popular in thailand....

    no more cluter of cables for the net....just take yr notebook...drive accross the town....use the net during traffic jams....

    govt should allow wimax...that way we wont crib about the traffic....;-)

  5. the best way is to keep on posting yr links all over the web in directories n places...

    exchanging links with related websites...

    when the google bot updates yr page im sure yr page will be ranked higher as now many pages have links to your page...

    still get a lot of link spammers when tryin to search for something on google...really pisses me off sometimes...

  6. he wants to visit nepal(only the plains or KTM also?)...bhutan???


    is a tuk-tuk powerful enough to climb hills?

    i would not attempt this trip without a car with 4 wheal drive...ad a tuk-tuk doesnt even have 4 wheals...;-)

    EDIT: and i forgot...he would be crossing india.... i dunno if his cameras and scanners...printers,....n stuff will be stolen or they would have mercy for his sorry ass.

  7. what u could do is buy 2 unlimited packages and connect to the net together....

    now when u try to use the net, it would use the newest connection...

    then use the ROUTE command to route specific range of IP addresses thru the specific modem...

    very hard work i guess....maybe there r some softwares which do this and will even do load balancing....as in depending on the network usage of one modem, it may divert some traffic to the other...

    i have no clue on how this can be done....but im pretty sure it can be done....try search in google....

  8. hmmm ok (about to show my ignorance).. Then what port would incoming packets be routed at (in a web scenario)..

    I had assumed incoming data packets would be on port 80 for web (http) traffic ?? Also I had read thats how Skype communicates in thier whitepapers..

    My thinking was that your inbound traffic would be directed to the webserver..

    hey i got yr answer now.

    i did a "netstat -n" on the command prompt, here is a lil bit from the results.

     TCP    172.16.x.y:3615    69.93.a.25:80        TIME_WAIT
     TCP    172.16.x.y:3632    b.115.2.144:80       TIME_WAIT
     TCP    172.16.x.y:3640    83.z.101.146:80      ESTABLISHED
     TCP    172.16.x.y:3644    69.93.a.25:80        ESTABLISHED

    the first IP must be my local LAN and the second the IP of the wabsites im viewing../.

    u see the second one has the port 80...the first one has 3615, 3632, 3840 and 3644/....

    so each connection to a website is connected via a seperate port number on your PC.

    the router detects this...it knows the request has come from which PC on the lan and diverts it to the web server on the internet.

    when the web server sends the reply, the router already knows the destination to be as the computer which initiated the connection....so no problems there.

  9. Muslims... i shit em, and that is all of em, no matter if they are terrorists or not, they are alienating themselves from / attacking the rest of the world and we are doing very little about it, over an antiquated and inappropriate relgion for the modern world. Those who are not terroists are supoporting the terrorists by not handing them in.... what is to gain from this stupid attack on innocent people.. a shagged tourist industry and some dead ppl.. well done ragheads.. next time i'm walking behind you.. ill be the c**t flicking spit on yer back

    No point complaining. Noone complains about a cobra biting or a scorpion stinging.

    It's their bloody nature, isn't it? Cut their heads off if you don't want cobras to bite. Fry them in oil if you don't want scorpions to sting.

    But at least cobras treat their same kind and females better I think.

    x@$*^#Xyz PEACE LOVING MUSLIMS. :o I love you!

    5 4 3 2 ....

    Well said, fry the f***ing lot in burning oil.. i wouldn't give em the steam off my piss to put the fire out

    i guess its gettin a lil too racist in here...i guess some modding is required.

    ive seen a lot of muslim thais in bangkok n even in south...

    the current generation is not the extremist type and not as closed minded as the proper muslim form the mid-east.

    we souldnt generalise the muslims as "the enemy".

    maybe the terrorists happen to be muslims but it Does Not mean that all muslims r terrorists....i personally have many muslim friends...they abuse osama and saddam at any chance they get...

  10. motor bike bombs....the trend in south thai...

    in lee garden plaza at hat yai they have booths where they check all the cars and motorbikes for bombs...

    the motor bikes r checked....not so properly i suppose...

    only the bottom of the cars r checked...and very very rarely they wanna see the luggage compartment...

    <deleted>...if i wanted to carry a bomb in, i would put it inside the car....

    or maybe the resistance here isint rich enough to afford car-bombs....uncle osama hasnt called yet...

  11. incoming packets....im not sure...

    probably it generates rangom unused ports for incoming connections...im not sure....

    but one thing i know for sure...

    seting up a webserver on your lan...redirecting the port 80 to the server wont cause any interuptions in web browsing of the server or any other person in the lan...

    the port 80 or sometimes 8080 is always the target port your browser connects to port 80 of the server......i dunno abt what port the browser uses for the incoming/outgoing connections...

  12. Why can't the Muslims who disargee with this stuff work to help turn these people in. There is most likely quite a few people who know who's doing what, and they are not saying anyhting. 

      Why can't the good policemen, military men and politicians do the same?

    the others who dont turn these ppl in r because :-

    1) they agree

    2) they are afraid....of the guns, priests, what others may say about their faith....etc...

    The only thing needed for the triamph of evil is when good people do nuthing...

    good policemen and politiacians.....very rare find...

    they would probably wont last long or stay at lower positions....if they try turnin somone in they would be penelty posted in some jungle or something...

  13. Partially correct.. One of my routers has a built in Dyndns system.. Set up an account with them and every time the ISP releases the IP for the router it then automatically informs the router which in turn updates dyndns..

    This way your web address of webaddress.dyndns.com stays valid continiously without user intervention..

    However running a webserver on port 80 in the network makes web surfing / skype etc difficult because of port 80 packets not intended for the webserver but intended for the browsing computer..

    i disagree...

    port 80 packets packets are intended for the webserver.

    its not the port of the browder or anything, but the port on the webserver.

    when u type google.com in yr browser, the browser connects to the port 80 on the server which hosts google.com. 80 is not the port of your browser.

  14. i guess all religion has lost their meaning.

    we dont need the priests(for any religion) telling us what we need to do or dont, we are mature enough to make our own decisions.

    religion now is just a political tool where the priests and other higher authorities can brainwash and control the peoples minds...

    be it anywhere....any religion thats the case(maybe not for buddhisim i dunno)....

    i really feel disgusted how some people(probable malaysian driven) can brainwash people to do such acts of terror in the name of religion....really sickens me...

    what sickens me more is that other people of the same faith dont oppose to that....

    other muslims(who disagree with these terrorists) should protest against these terrorists....if they dont the only signal we get is that they agree with the terrorists ideology...

    PS: u visit any house in the deep south, u may find photos of osama bin ladden or saddam on their walls...

  15. i am currently at hatyai...

    my trips to hatyai are very reguar...

    i arrived here last wednesday from bangkok and saw approx 500% increase in the number of security personel, including police and milatiry(on airports?).

    at that time i thought it maybe some VIP was expected or something....

    now im sure the authorities were expecting this attack....

    didnt come accross a threat to the airport in the media before it happened....

  16. Khun Jean: Please read Message No. 6

    On this *UNlimited package* TTT cut off every user after just three hours, whatever their OS.

    The user then has to reconnect, and TTT's software refuses to reconnect Win98 and Linux OS immediately, so racking up the cost to the end user at 3 baht each attempted (and failed) re-connect.

    I'm not suggesting this is delberate profiteering; merely TTT and CAT (Their partners) incompetance.

    They have been informed of this thread.

    Let's see if they do anything to address this blatant false advertising.

    Their T-Net N-Rich package has no mention (in English) of this being cut off after 3 hours.

    I only found out when I emailed them. See Mssg 6.


    PS. I'm not using a Mac, never had one, though the new Mini Mac looks tasty.


    if any of the advertisements didnt mention 3 hour disconnections or u feal the adds mislead u, u can lodge a complaint at consumer protection department or something...they will force ttt to atleasr change the adds...

  17. me personal experience says here in thailand u dont need to worry abt waranties n stuff....

    even if u dont have the invoice/waranty card ther fix it for u...

    yr case isint some big thing that uve gotta contact the head office first and they would ask the service center to expect u..

    u just goto any outlet where they sell laser computers(prefebly where u bought it from) ask them about the service center...they r likely to call the service center and speak on your behalf in thai....

    its very unlikely that your monitor would sort out by itself...this could onlyn be if your area still has some voltage problems...but very unlikely to get a voltage higher then what u should get...

    mailin the headoffice wont help u a lot...customer service over email(that too in english) is not good here...in some cases unheard off..

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