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Posts posted by Stradavarius37

  1. The protests while not 100% peaceful have been relatively peaceful. Occupying streets and making idle threats is one thing. No one dies. However, these idiot red shirts want to escalate the situation by provoking fights and we know both sides have guns. With the cowardly bombings probably going to continue, it's only right that the army and police take action and not let things get worse.

    Where is the evidence the reds are responsible for these attacks? seems like the yellow faction may be instigating these to get the army to intervene with a coup :/

    Where is the evidence that the yellow faction is instigating these attacks? There are enough hot heads on both sides to account for the sporadic violence that has been occurring. The Feb 2 election will not solve anything, it will be like the one prior to the 2006 coup where there will be too many irregularities due to the protests and a lack of a credible alternative and the results will likely be swept away. Phamily Member Yingluck will likely lose her job over the rice "scheme" at some point in the not too distant future so don't expect a resolution of the current situation anytime soon. Despite the Army's inability to govern properly there may not be another option before too long.

    Chad, please don't wish a military govt on Thailand. With one exception more than 20 years ago, their forays into leadership have been utterly pathetic: massive deficits, huge military spending to no good effect, terrible appointments of cronies, lickspittles , sycophants to key positions, monopolies granted to the "connected" , ludicrous policies in health and social welfare, nothing of consequence in economic development, brinkmanship foreign policies, inability to deal with insurgencies. Many well known families got a tremendous boost out of those years, the vast majority of Thailand suffered. The solution to these problem needs to come from politics, not military involvement. Be careful what you wish for. Those wishes have turned to nightmares in the past

    How is that any different than any other government of the past 20 years? LOL

  2. The stance of the NHRC is correct. This administration seems bent on taking as hard a line as possible. They should stop and look at the people on the streets - who are the Thai people - and ask themselves how they can protect them from the continuous mini-army vigilante attacks. The administration is supposed to protect its own people, not look the other way when atrocities are committed. The army has been consistent with the balance of their argument. Unfortunately, the ones who are entrusted with the weapons and the responsibility to protect the people is the police. And the police by their actions have shown themselves woefully unworthy of that responsibility.

    "The stance of the NHRC is correct. This administration seems bent on taking as hard a line as possible."

    Mmm, suthep:

    "The people cannot negotiate ... there is no win-win situation, there is only win,"

    The Government:

    Caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra has assigned caretaker Deputy Prime Minister Phongthep Thepkanjana to hold meetings with all sides regarding the Election Commission's proposal for the election to be postponed, PM’s secretary general Suranand Vejjajiva said yesterday. Phongthep will invite representatives of five groups - the EC, political parties, people who want the election to go ahead, people who are against the February 2 election, and the Cabinet, according to Suranand.

    However, PDRC leader Suthep Thaugsuban yesterday ruled out his attendance at any talks on a possible postponement of the election. He insisted his group would not engage in any such talks with the government until the protesters had "won the fight"

    Oh , you're right of course, much too hard a line...........................coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJ.gif alt=coffee1.gif pagespeed_url_hash=2220208811 width=32 height=24>

    THIS is the government that you are defending? You seem to be hogging all the good weed man, puff puff give, puff puff give...

  3. It is funny to see TV posters choosing sides, depending where their bar girls / chinese hisos are coming from.

    When in reality this country is divided into violent muslims, violent red shirts and violent yellow shirts.

    A few reasonable people here and there, but the majority is lacking common sense and lacking the will to settle disputes in a civilized way.

    This statement is probably about as close to the truth as any I have seen on this issue thus far -

    • Like 1
  4. I feel bad for anyone here who thinks an UNELECTED council to choose the government is a good idea. Name another country besides dictatorships that does this .... Sent from my SM-N900 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    sorry but gotta say it

    Your posts make me think you were part of Kukla , Fran and Ollie

    For those who don't understand that dated and obscure reference - here is some help - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kukla,_Fran_and_Ollie

    • Like 1
  5. From a member 20 minutes ago:

    Thai news reports bomb attack at Victory Monument.

    An unknown man was seen throwing two bombs in to crowds of people. The protesters tried to apprehend the assailant but were shot at it.

    Source was Nation TV.

    More reason for the guards to be permitted to be armed.

    Do people seriously expect the protesters to whistle at an armed attacker? I hope they get him and expose him for what he is.... A THAKSIN paid terrorist.

    Really? If that turns out to be the case, then it is what it is. Otherwise, conjecture is pointless and a masturbatory exercise.

    Thats my favorite kind of exercise!!!

    WHAT !!! you say pointless???? if you don't have a point , don't follow through ..... no point

    The point was pretty clear, but maybe you need help...ok here goes.

    I was mocking your inflammatory "masturbatory exercise" comment by taking it a step further. I know that's hard to grasp, but most people probably think my comment was quite humorous, because your inflammatory language was just thread baiting.

    • Like 1
  6. From a member 20 minutes ago:

    Thai news reports bomb attack at Victory Monument.

    An unknown man was seen throwing two bombs in to crowds of people. The protesters tried to apprehend the assailant but were shot at it.

    Source was Nation TV.

    More reason for the guards to be permitted to be armed.

    Do people seriously expect the protesters to whistle at an armed attacker? I hope they get him and expose him for what he is.... A THAKSIN paid terrorist.

    Really? If that turns out to be the case, then it is what it is. Otherwise, conjecture is pointless and a masturbatory exercise.

    Thats my favorite kind of exercise!!!

    • Like 1
  7. "As to whether she's fit to be PM - guess what, in a democracy the people get to decide that. That is the only thing that matters in a democratic system. You don't agree? Vote against the party. And if that party has ties to a person you don't like then vote against them. It's not a tricky concept but it seems to cause some confusion in these forums." Snig27

    Yingluck is a party list MP which means she doesn't even represent a specific riding or territory. She was selected as leader by the PT party, or more likely her brother. She has had time to show if she if fit to be PM, I think she has been less than stellar. The idea in these forums that a democratic system is always fair and cannot be abused is very naive. North Korea has Democratic right in it's name, I guess that proves that it is a free country where people's votes choose the leader. If the people don't like their current despot they should just vote him out, right? People here in the forum have an understanding of what democracy is but they won't admit that things get murky when it is applied in the real world. Votes get bought, people get intimidated, propaganda is used. Nothing is as simple as you would like to pretend it is. And yes both sides do it.

    You are trying to compare Thailand's political system to North Korea because of a word? Seriously? That's beyond ridiculous - do you have a grasp on how the two systems work? I guess not. Whether she's a list MP too is neither here nor there, she is the leader of the parliamentary majority party and thus PM. Forget about North Korea - your comparison is ludicrous - in a parliamentary democracy roughly equivalent to the Westminster system that's how a PM is selected.

    And if we are talking qualifications, Yingluck's academic and business past would arguably make her the most qualified politician in the current parliament - at least from an admin POV - for the job.

    He is correct both North Korea and Thailand have a democracy. It is a word that has many interpretations. Yet it is the word used in saying that Suthep doesn't want one. It is a word used through out the threads as some thing that Suthep doesn't want by his opponent's and some thing that he wants by his supporters. Only he wants an honest one.

    What is her business past. A post in her brothers corporation that was done away with when he made her the head of the PTP. In other words her business past is comparable to her post as PM nepotism. that is the sum in one word of her business past.

    What is her academic record she graduated from a collage hardly any one ever heard of. what was her grade point average. If Abhist was still in the parliament he would blow her away. by the way there is no current Parliament Yingluck disbanded it.

    what the heck does that have to do with anything ??? plenty of world leaders have 0 work experience in the real world same as Abhisit also plenty have below average grades or none at all some do just fine. Abhisit blows ill give you that.

    PS caveat I dont rate YS either but try not to make sweeping statements about political capability based on education or work record as quite frankly its irrelevant in a successful leader of which neither of them stack upto

    I believe Aphisit was an elected MP several times before becoming PM - does that count as no experience? Lol

  8. @OP: Whether you agree with what they are doing or not is it not better to actually be part of what THEY believe in rather than being the mighty keyboard warrior dissing those that actually get off their sofa?

    Yes, yes, by all means, let's applaud those who actually have the balls to get up and really support fascist anti-democracy on a stage, blowing whistles, in person, rather than just doing it on Thaivisa like so many of the right-wing racist numbnuts here...that's so, so noble.

    Lotta big words there - congrats!

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