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Posts posted by Stradavarius37

  1. As an active participant in TV for over 8 years, especially in the news forum, I have come to witness an interesting phenomenon. During times of political crisis (2005, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013), there appears a very curious strain of poster on the TV News Forum - the TV Red Shirts. These posters seem to spring up to "pop off" only during these times of crisis, and them just as quickly fade away after the crisis settles. The are characterized by a few noticeable traits.

    1) Denial - They will never say anything bad about Thaksin, Pheu Thai Party, or the Red Shirt movement, regardless of any fact or argument presented. In fact, their typical reaction is the classic "ignore, and the misdirect". They refuse to discuss or debate, but instead rely soley yelling their point again and again, ad nauseum. This type of poster who only sees their side as "all right" and the other side as "all wrong" make most of the news threads during crisis times a chore to wade through. It's also a childish worldview to insist that only one side in a discussion is at fault. People who live in this type of "bubble" and profess these beliefs can be found on both sides of the discussion, but the majority are can be found in the TV Redshirt brigade.

    2) The False Equivalency - this is a particular favorite of theirs. They like to state that "Both sides" are equally guilty of corruption, malfeasance, etc. While it is certainly true that there is corruption on both sides (in this case the PTP and Democrats), any reasonable look at the hundreds of billions being funneled away and lost in the rice pledging scheme (to name one example) dwarfs any program the Democrats ran that had corruption issues. Both sides being corrupt does not mean that one side cannot be MORE corrupt.

    3) The Yellow Shirt Label - most of the reasoned, thoughtful news posters are well informed, polite, and welcome open and honest discourse. This discourse goes out the window during these crisis times. They most common response to a Red Shirt directed criticism is "Well the yellow shirts did this and this and this", as if the poster they are arguing with is a yellow shirt sympathizer. In fact, most the the well-reasoned thoughtful TF news forum debaters do not self identify with either movement, but instead try to look at things through the lens of "Thailand is my adoptive country, and even though I can't vote here, I want it to find sustainable success".

    The "If you comment on my post you must be a yellow shirt" is a] worn tired cliche.

    4) Name Calling - While any crisis brings out an increased TV readership ("Those "Breaking Alert" things that flood my inbox), the people who pop in, and pop out after the crisis tend to be much more vitriolic, and more willing to offer insults when their comments are commented upon in any negative fashion. I was just called a "<deleted>" by one particularly delightful "Pop-in TV Red Shirt". These folks are certainly good for the TV ad revenue stream, but really don't bring anything tangible to the conversation.

    I could go on, but my fingers are tired of typing, and I suspect this will be one of the more interesting threads going forward. Lets see how many of the Crisis "Pop In" TV Red Shirts come to visit, and show us examples from my list lol.


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    The leaders came out on the streets with their millions of followers unlike the PTP red thugs in 2010 who were directing things from their bunkers while their troops were in the front line.in what wasn't a " peaceful protest" as the convictions have since shown.

    I guess you're forgetting the red shirt leaders that were at Rajprasong when the army under Suthep's orders was firing live bullets and killed over 80 civilians.

    And if you think that Suthep is a "leader", it just shows how brainwashed you are. Suthep is a puppet for higher powers.



    The situation is different. There were armed terrorist (Men in Black) among the Red Shirts, hence the order to use life bullet was justified and appropriate.

    There were men in black in Ramkamhaeng a week ago shooting people. Didn't see the army come out and kill civilians and news reporters.

    A true believer kook aid - Charles Manson would be proud

  3. Suthep didn't win. He lost. An election is the last thing he wanted. And he will lose again when February comes and the Thai people show the Democrats again that they don't want them in power.

    Suthep can proclaim victory like North Koreas Kim Jong-un but the truth is that he has no power at all, without the army or police behind him, which he doesn't have.

    Amsterdam? Where have you been? We've missed you !

    Are you sure he doesn't have the army? I might bet you on that lol.

    Some people are dumber than a pile of dogshit.

    Classy too? You wife really struck it rich with you, bless your heart

  4. Suthep didn't win. He lost. An election is the last thing he wanted. And he will lose again when February comes and the Thai people show the Democrats again that they don't want them in power.

    Suthep can proclaim victory like North Koreas Kim Jong-un but the truth is that he has no power at all, without the army or police behind him, which he doesn't have.

    Amsterdam? Where have you been? We've missed you !

    Are you sure he doesn't have the army? I might bet you on that lol.

    • Like 2
  5. "Police are unarmed, with only shields and batons. We will not use tear gas, or if we have no choice, its use will be limited," Interior Minister Jarupong Ruangsuwan said in a televised news conference late Sunday."

    Didn't they just a few days ago mentioned that they'd bought 10 million baht worth of stronger tear gas? For what?

    "We expect 100,000 people to join the protest. The government believes we can control the situation. We will focus on negotiation," he added."

    The government couldn't control it last week... What make him think they can control it now?

    There is a hell of a lot more than 100,000 marching right now. Half a mil easy...

  6. Has anyone noticed that no one has been shot today? Why is it that they only time people get shot or hurt is when the Red Shirts are around.....

    Really? Thais only kill themselves at night. I will come back to this post tomorrow at the same time and I'm sure we'll have a different count.

    Careful...your class is showing...

  7. One thing this thread has displayed is that people really don't know what the word sarcasm means, and how it differs from the word satire xtongue.png.pagespeed.ic.HP_JpdOU4y.webp

    One thing this thread (your OP and follow-up posts) has displayed is that some Members here don't value their reputation and Stradavarius37, your Card is marked.

    What continues to amaze the members here is that you continue to blame us, satire vs sarcasm.

    When your hole is that deep, wise men stop digging ... maybe time now to show the Forum how smart you are.


    You make me laugh, grumpy anonymous internet guy - but keep trying to lecture me. It's working, truly. Lol

    THAT was sarcasm, btw...lol

    • Like 1
  8. One thing this thread has displayed is that people really don't know what the word sarcasm means, and how it differs from the word satire Posted Image


    One thing this thread (your OP and follow-up posts) has displayed is that some Members here don't value their reputation and Stradavarius37, your Card is marked.


    What continues to amaze the members here is that you continue to blame us, satire vs sarcasm.


    When your hole is that deep, wise men stop digging ... maybe time now to show the Forum how smart you are.


    You make me laugh, grumpy anonymous internet guy - but keep trying to lecture me. It's working, truly. Lol

    • Like 1
  9. One thing this thread has displayed is that people really don't know what the word sarcasm means, and how it differs from the word satire tongue.png

    If you don't like it here, there are free seats available on the next plane home, for sure!

    ...yes, I got his sarcasm! wai.gif.pagespeed.ce.ptXUXgG4cA.gif alt=wai.gif width=20 height=20>

  10. That's the only thing that Thais are good at "talking" and now they have cancelled talking as an option.  


    But for anyone who has had a Thai wife or GF talking has a limited chance of success as after 10 minutes they get a headache and you have to adjourn...... most have the attention span of an ant.     Posted Image

    Perhaps it's just your wife, after taking to you? You've given me a headache in far less than 10 minutes :)

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