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Posts posted by Stradavarius37

  1. Citizens can vote. Same as all the other countries. If you have denounced your home country and now posses a Thai passport, you can vote. Where's the problem?

    Why should you have to denounce your home country to become a Thai Citizen - that doesn't happen the other way around in the UK - and seriously what really are the chances of becoming a Thai citizen?

    Plenty of Thais were actually born in other countries and only came to Thailand after they finished their education. Mark (Abhisit Vejjajiva) is a Geordie who came back to Thailand after completing his education and became PM, he is ethnically Hakka Chinese. Korn Chatikavanij (Democrat FInance Minister), was also born in the UK in London and was a classmate of Abhisit and Boris Johnson.

    Quite a number of friends of various nationalities, who have been here many years, are now Thai citizens with Thai passports, they have to change their names to Thai names. One friend, originally from the UK, is now called Supachai. Some are running major companies, they are entitled to vote and voice their opinions. The parents of many of the Thai Chinese that are running the demonstrations, also renounced their citizenship and became Thai. Also Chinese friends have become Thai but had to change their name from Wong and Lee etc to a Thai sounding name.

    Many of the palaces and even Hua Lampong station were not designed by Thais, but by Italians who later were given Thai citizenship and Thai names. Silpakorn University was founded by Italian born art professor Corrado Feroci, who took the Thai name Silpa Bhirasri when he became a Thai citizen. It is the leading Thai university in the fine arts and archaeology.

    Some fine arts, not all....lol

  2. Citizens can vote. Same as all the other countries. If you have denounced your home country and now posses a Thai passport, you can vote. Where's the problem?

    Why should you have to denounce your home country to become a Thai Citizen - that doesn't happen the other way around in the UK - and seriously what really are the chances of becoming a Thai citizen?

    Plenty of Thais were actually born in other countries and only came to Thailand after they finished their education. Mark (Abhisit Vejjajiva) is a Geordie who came back to Thailand after completing his education and became PM, he is ethnically Hakka Chinese. Korn Chatikavanij (Democrat FInance Minister), was also born in the UK in London and was a classmate of Abhisit and Boris Johnson.

    Quite a number of friends of various nationalities, who have been here many years, are now Thai citizens with Thai passports, they have to change their names to Thai names. One friend, originally from the UK, is now called Supachai. Some are running major companies, they are entitled to vote and voice their opinions. The parents of many of the Thai Chinese that are running the demonstrations, also renounced their citizenship and became Thai. Also Chinese friends have become Thai but had to change their name from Wong and Lee etc to a Thai sounding name.

    Many of the palaces and even Hua Lampong station were not designed by Thais, but by Italians who later were given Thai citizenship and Thai names. Silpakorn University was founded by Italian born art professor Corrado Feroci, who took the Thai name Silpa Bhirasri when he became a Thai citizen. It is the leading Thai university in the fine arts and archaeology.

  3. Back to the future.

    I said it already and repeat it. "what do you get if you throw rubbish into a pot?"

    cooked rubbish, correct.

    Keep your good memories of a once - quite nice Thailand - and move on. There's nothing left here, except a brain-diluted population who will run after every better smelling fart.

    Does it bother you that your post also has a "brain dilution" smell to it?

    • Like 1
  4. Maybe they are meeting to discuss the low turnout?

    Who needs a big turnout when the police are doing NOTHING to stop it. I could get some boy scouts to do the same thing. The ploy is obvious - let it run it's course. They are hoping for a backlash from the public. They are hoping for unseen hands to carry out violence to put protesters off of protesting.

    Take a look at the pics here. Hardly a low turnout:


    Don't interrupt his imaginary narrative - it's keeping me entertained lol

  5. I find it very difficult to believe that the rest of the world would accept Yingluck being held accountable if "something happens". What kind of rubbish is this? Thailand would become (even more of) an international laughing stock in the event that an elected PM is held responsible for the actions of anti-democratic street thugs. That would lead to sanctions, trade embargoes, investors fleeing the country, ASEAN intervention. It's complete rubbish. Classics case of blaming the victim.

    Explain Aphisit and the red shirts, bright eyes.

  6. all that fabulous Thai food and you are eating sh.t , your choice your money i supposes.

    again comparing Thailand with the UK ,

    Each to their own I guess, I'd prefer to eat a steaming pile of dog excrement than most thai food.

    to the OP, I believe the delivery charge is used to pay the delivery person.

    Pizza company is pretty close to a "Steaming pile of dog excrement" - so good on ya!

    • Like 2
  7. Nobody knows the outcome, but the scene could turn ugly

    Thaksin has access to large offshore wealth and (imo) also has money backers. If he starts handing out large payments to people in the North, to mobilise and march on the capital the scene will be far worse than in 2010, because this time PTP were elected then toppled, thus making their supporters far angrier. Obviously some of their support is based on bribes and broken promises, and many PTP supporters were starting to criticise PTP in recent months, but I feel they would still be offended that their cast votes have been discounted by one man in a jogging suit and a whistle. If the money incentive to march is there, we may see a mass exodus from the North and I fear that the events of 2010 will be a picnic by comparison.

    Why would TS care if BKK is shut down? Or to send a red army to the city? Eventually Suthep's gang will tire of their pointless & useless marching & go back home to their jobs, if they ever had any. Why provoke the military to "coup" YL?

    As the article said YL has the support of the USA. Also China.

    Yes, why indeed lol.

    • Like 1

    Not much for vegetarians on that menu. And no prices either. 

    You live only once do worry about money Remember Thaivisa owns it  and the profits going to good cause

    It is know that vegetarians are Cheap Charlies and no profit serving them 

    Vegetarians just order a cocktail and carry some raw carrots with you, no problem; 



    What good cause is that?  Don't think they are running a charity around here. LOL

  9. The Social Security system is America is nothing but a PONZI scheme. Bernie Madoff should be running the US SS system and not be in jail. In a perfect world all the social security and welfare schemes would be great, Problem is people will take advantage so in the end the schemes work for no one. As TRINK used to say "Human Manure"

    An 80 year old Ponzi scheme - very impressive

  10. I'd love to luck her Ying - any day!


    Posted Image

    the irony is strada was rambling how much the yellow fan were polite, open mind, etc etc, in another thread i was just reading now:   http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/687662-suthep-rejects-house-dissolution/page-4#entry7141130


    The Yellow Shirt Label - most of the reasoned, thoughtful news posters are well informed, polite, and welcome open and honest discourse


    and you talk about doing her Posted Image some might suffer from personality disorder or i dont get itPosted Image



    ps: how low can they go?Posted Image


    Lol - so many problems with this

    1 - she is cute and i like her, how does that make me a "yellow"

    2 - don't put words in my mouth. I never said anything about yellow shirts being anything. The world is not black and white. Or in your case red and yellow.

  11. Think I just threw up in my mouth a little bit....... Clearly she is not a very clever woman if she thinks
    these baldfaced lies are going to fly very far. Or she thinks Thai people are stupid.....

    At some point they are... Let's face it; Who is so stupid to believe that this Suthep will be any better, is stupid. It's not about the country, it's all about the flow of the money. And Suthep wants a piece of the flow. Using moral ideas, but at the end it's the money that makes the world go round....

    We all shout now that she is telling lies.... But what politician doesn't lie? They all do. Chuan Leekpai brought Thailand to a financial disaster and Thaksin brought Thailand back on the map. What he did was taking down the corrupted politicians and criminal money and used this to pay the IMF. In no time Thailand was healthy and was seen as a stable partner to do business with. And see what happened after the yellow took over. From 2006 until now a big load of crap came over Thailand. I don't care about the color, I stick to some facts, but all people see now are the negative side of Thaksin. He is not a saint, no way. But don't forget all others who followed after him or are now shouting in the street cant be seen as better. I would say they are even worse, because we are back where it all started before Thaksin came in. Unstable currency, and economy on a hold.....

    Are we now so lucky with all old corrupted politicians coming back, yes they are against Thaksin... Hey he kicked them out. And see they are back (or their party members are) trying to get a piece of the cake into their own pocket.

    In one thing Suthep was right "this is not the end". It's the beginning of a long sad financial situation......

    True believer - hold on to your wallet boys





    Unblemished? You'll be lucky, find me some one on the planet who is still alive that is!


    Exactly that Chiang Mai, he waffles on about corruption and he's as bent as Thaksin in his own way! and as you say, most people have drunk at that trough to some extent..But something I've been thinking of, help me out here.. This unelected "people's council", who decides who it's made up of, or do they vote for the people...... lol I always thought a people's council was the ones elected by the people, you know, the government!



    Chiangmai, I don't need you to tell me that my 25 years here does not entitle me to a comment.  Sutep is only second to Taksin in corrupt power. His bitch is that the Dems have not truely been elected in in 18 years. Failed policies and failure to govern when it was handed to them by the Army. So Sutep gets poorer and poorer sitting on the position bench. So you think this is all about honor, loyalty, want of an uncorrupted government, he has had his day.   Hahahah, I laugh in your face!


    Classy post of the day!!!

  13. As an active participant in TV for over 8 years, especially in the news forum, I have come to witness an interesting phenomenon. During times of political crisis (2005, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013), there appears a very curious strain of poster on the TV News Forum - the TV Red Shirts. These posters seem to spring up to "pop off" only during these times of crisis, and them just as quickly fade away after the crisis settles. The are characterized by a few noticeable traits.

    1) Denial - They will never say anything bad about Thaksin, Pheu Thai Party, or the Red Shirt movement, regardless of any fact or argument presented. In fact, their typical reaction is the classic "ignore, and the misdirect". They refuse to discuss or debate, but instead rely soley yelling their point again and again, ad nauseum. This type of poster who only sees their side as "all right" and the other side as "all wrong" make most of the news threads during crisis times a chore to wade through. It's also a childish worldview to insist that only one side in a discussion is at fault. People who live in this type of "bubble" and profess these beliefs can be found on both sides of the discussion, but the majority are can be found in the TV Redshirt brigade.

    2) The False Equivalency - this is a particular favorite of theirs. They like to state that "Both sides" are equally guilty of corruption, malfeasance, etc. While it is certainly true that there is corruption on both sides (in this case the PTP and Democrats), any reasonable look at the hundreds of billions being funneled away and lost in the rice pledging scheme (to name one example) dwarfs any program the Democrats ran that had corruption issues. Both sides being corrupt does not mean that one side cannot be MORE corrupt.

    3) The Yellow Shirt Label - most of the reasoned, thoughtful news posters are well informed, polite, and welcome open and honest discourse. This discourse goes out the window during these crisis times. They most common response to a Red Shirt directed criticism is "Well the yellow shirts did this and this and this", as if the poster they are arguing with is a yellow shirt sympathizer. In fact, most the the well-reasoned thoughtful TF news forum debaters do not self identify with either movement, but instead try to look at things through the lens of "Thailand is my adoptive country, and even though I can't vote here, I want it to find sustainable success".

    The "If you comment on my post you must be a yellow shirt" is a] worn tired cliche.

    4) Name Calling - While any crisis brings out an increased TV readership ("Those "Breaking Alert" things that flood my inbox), the people who pop in, and pop out after the crisis tend to be much more vitriolic, and more willing to offer insults when their comments are commented upon in any negative fashion. I was just called a "<deleted>" by one particularly delightful "Pop-in TV Red Shirt". These folks are certainly good for the TV ad revenue stream, but really don't bring anything tangible to the conversation.

    I could go on, but my fingers are tired of typing, and I suspect this will be one of the more interesting threads going forward. Lets see how many of the Crisis "Pop In" TV Red Shirts come to visit, and show us examples from my list lol.

    • Like 2
  14. perhaps the worse thing that could happen is open conflict to the point of UN involvement. that is what you definitely don't want. as has happened else where when the UN steps in they impose an alien constitution that bears no resemblances to the aspirations/values/cultures of either combatant. effectively making conflict of this sort useless in achieving any local aims. once that alien UN imposed constitution is in place you cant ever get rid of it.

    you think corruption is endemic now? , just wait till the UN gets involved then you will really know what true unbridled corruption really isclap2.gif.pagespeed.ce.z5euFoXm0J.gif alt=clap2.gif pagespeed_url_hash=892957568 width=31 height=25> xbah.gif.pagespeed.ic.l9zPefr-9w.webp alt=bah.gif pagespeed_url_hash=4274630315 width=19 height=19> xw00t.gif.pagespeed.ic.Fk8xTuMtRw.webp alt=w00t.gif pagespeed_url_hash=1451809591 width=18 height=20> xsad.png.pagespeed.ic.gBNm0PzB6t.webp

    Pray tell why you think the UN would get envolved in Thailand.

    They might not get envolved, or involved for that matter...

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