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Posts posted by Stradavarius37

  1. If you are fluent in Thai and choose to listen to boring conversations between Thais it seems like they never stop talking about how much they dislike farangs.

    Maybe if you dislodged yourself from the Nana plaza barstool you occupy you'd hear some different conversations?

  2. No wonder so many people on here get a bad reception from the Thai's they encounter, it's the massive superiority complex because they are white and apparently have a higher IQ.

    It's all well and good claiming 'we' have the best scientists, mathematicians, astrologers, inventors etc but what have YOU done? Probably nothing of any significance so not sure why you feel so superior and smug.

    You entirely miss the point on so many levels. It is the Thai's who think they are superior and are distinctly racist. Hence my tongue in cheek retort.

    Really? Yes, because farangs never say how stupid Thais are, and how they should do things this or that way. Farangs are always respectful of the way things are done here, and never criticize while looking down from their high horse.

    If it's a matter of being sneered at in 7-11 what does one have to do to offend someone in 7-11?

    And yes I have heard the vitriol under their breath and it's a disgusting thing to be talked about nastily in ones own earshot.

    People who get talked bad about usually precipitated the comment with action/dress/manner etc...Very little occurs in a vacuum.

  3. "Vichit said he believed about 5 million Chinese will visit Thailand next year if such a policy can take effect in 2014."

    And...Thailand won't have to build any more WCs, since the Chinese tourists don't know how to use them. Of course, that will be offset by having to build more Emergency Rooms at local hospitals to handle accident victims since the Chinese also don't know how to use motorized vehicles, or as a result of standing in the middle of the busy traffic while taking photos, or having yet to learn what traffic lights are, or........xwhistling.gif.pagespeed.ic.Ta1j7I9wik.w alt=whistling.gif width=19 height=18>xwhistling.gif.pagespeed.ic.Ta1j7I9wik.w alt=whistling.gif width=19 height=18>xwhistling.gif.pagespeed.ic.Ta1j7I9wik.w alt=whistling.gif width=19 height=18>


  4. A least one commentator has mentioned PM Yingluck. I admit that she is not a seasoned politician. However I watch carefully and I am sure that she is made of stern stuff. One would expect her brother to support and advise her. Are all of the PTP initiatives straight from Thaksin's mouth? I doubt that very much. She works hard. She is a talented administrator. She is cordial almost all of the time. She is fair. She recognizes many of the social issues that need to be resolved and appears to be acting upon such issues even though she has a blistering schedule keeping all of Thaksin's international contacts online. She is a creative thinker, sensitive to difficult situations and perplexing problems. When challenged she stands her ground without favor or malice for anyone. I am 70% convinced that PM Yingluck is not corrupt. She is our prime minister now and I believe that it is in the best interests of Thailand and that she should remain so for the foreseeable future, or at the very least until the Democrats appoint and new leader and have built a credible parliamentary party that is fit to be elected and govern. You dear reader probably believe that I am being naive. Maybe you're correct in that view. But I like her and trust her irrespective of the issues surrounding her brother. Of course she wants to bring him home. And so do I as long as he dose't cramp his sisters style.


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  5. To #114, I can't reply with the quote function as you have too many blocks, so here is my reply.

    REALLY- LOL. The girls in Pattaya are usually over 20 and left home long before going to Pattaya. A major reason for doing so is because their husband/ partner got them pregnant and abandoned them.

    Awesome TV - I write none of this - glitchy lol

    • Like 1
  6. To #114, I can't reply with the quote function as you have too many blocks, so here is my reply.

    REALLY- LOL. The girls in Pattaya are usually over 20 and left home long before going to Pattaya. A major reason for doing so is because their husband/ partner got them pregnant and abandoned them.

    Obviously never heard of Mr Meechai. Sex workers + condoms + whoremongers = NO STDs.

    If the infection rate was as high as you believe, hundreds of thousands ( ? millions ) of western men would be going home with infections EVERY year, and that just doesn't happen.

    Most in Thailand do. The ones that work in Pattaya, Patong, Bkk, Hua Hin, Samui etc etc either want a lot of money, or are looking for a husband/ sponsor. Did you not know that?

    You have admitted that you don't know any bar girls, so why do you think you have any qualification to talk about Pattaya bar girls? You are just repeating what you have read, but you don't actually know anything. It's like claiming to know all about rocket science when you've never been a rocket scientist- who can believe anything you say?

    I never said sex and going to the toilet are the same for me- there you go again. To the average prostitute though, it's just another bodily function. Do you actually think that they have to get turned on to have sex with strangers?

    It's just a job. How many people really enjoy their job- I hated mine in the end, but I did it to make money, just like they do.

    Besides, if you'd actually been to Pattaya, you'd know that many of the customers are actually young good looking guys.

    Do you actually think the customers care if the girls "like them" or not, 5555555555555555555555

    See post 111.

    The defender of all things sacred and holy regarding "The Great STD by the Sea" is on a roll - watch out now!

  7. When I take the bus between Bangkok and Korat I always choose the only company that has seat belts on all the buses. I've never, ever seen a Thai use them.

    Heck, I can't even get my own family members to use them in our car.

    I was in a head on collision in 1956. Had there been seat belts I would have been spared injury. I've used them religiously ever since they became available.

    You're not trying hard enough with your family members

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