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Posts posted by Stradavarius37

  1. There won't be any serious opposition. Its obvious that Thaksin and the old establishment have cut a deal. The Yellows and Reds have no serious chance because they lack any great number of "True believers". The yellow numbers swell when the old establishment paid them, the red number swell when Thaksin paid them. No one is paying because they have agreed on how to split the pie. This is the end of a 7 year chapter. Thaksin will be back in PM office in 6 months.

  2. I love this "excitement" shown by the Thaksin haters about reds shirts being betrayed. It makes several people feel energised and quickly jump to conclusions. rolleyes.gif alt=rolleyes.gif> Don't worry, nothing will happen. The reds are not turning yellows. They will not turn against their elected leaders. Everything is ok, no worries. However, I do sympathize with the reds who have had loved ones shot during the 2010 crackdown. I fully understand their disappointment. Its must be hard to accept that Abhisit and Suthep will walk free, instead of rotting in prison. But reconciliation is the best that can happen to the country. So is the amnesty. Most realise that. An alternative would be to quickly judge and condemn all the trouble makers, including all the yellows who took the country hostage, the ones who seized airports, the responsible of the 90 deaths of 2010, etc..., and throw them in prison. But it would drag for years and years with very little results. So, lets be realistic. The wise thing to do is to reset everything. Most are ready for it. Ready for reconciliation. A minority prefers to keep going on with the ongoing destructive situation and refuse to put the country back on track. Many here love to read about "anger" and feel good when reading the article of a biased newspaper. But anger does not lead anywhere. Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Why don't they have an amnesty that can be agreed on which just covers the minor players? The Dems seem to be OK with that. Abhisit and Suthep say they want to go to court so why all these problems. Two things spring to mind. Thaksin and the chance that the case against Abhisit and Suthep might not result in a guilty verdict. It does seem very weak from what I can see and if it were shown that the military were to blame then the government would be under pressure to do something about it.

    If you don't know the answer to your own question, you haven't been paying attention....lol

    • Like 1
  3. I am only amused at the frequency at which semi educated foreigners (as indicated by the poor grammar/syntax etc of their posts) feel entitled to criticise poor rural Thais - who have never had the chances afforded to foreigners (even retired sex tourists ).Without that kind of insufferable arrogance I wouldn't bother to point out slovenly expressed posts.And in any case when will you people stop confusing intelligence with education.

    Returning to my post you have typically failed (again) to understand the point.It's not a question of "spouting praise" for Thaksin.He followed populist policies later copied and enhanced by the Democrats but his significance was that he was the first PM to take the rural majority seriously.Hence his commanding rank as Thailand's most popular politician - due to gratitude and loyalty.It has nothing to do with his moral character or his motives.

    You just can't resist biting and showing your arrogant contempt for anyone challenging your views. I'm sure I equal if not surpass your academic qualifications, but as the forum rules say, I do not make comments about peoples' preferred style of writing, grammar and expression. You think your a genius - carry on if it make you happy.Your continued rudeness and belittling of others simply demonstrates your social inadequacies and inability to respond with intelligence and logic to those with a different view. I agree strongly with the view that educations and intelligence are not the same. You demonstrate neither. Since retiring as a sex tourist is this how you fill your time ?

    Returning to your post. Usual response - hot air, conjecture and nothing of substance. Very similar to most PTP ministers news statements.

    You miss the point yet again.I never refer condescendingly to members' grammatical errors, typos (I make them myself - as you do) etc unless it is to underline the hypocrisy of some foreigner making snide comments about rural, "uneducated" or disadvantaged Thais.

    Since my comments on this subject have been critical of PTP policy, I'm assuming you haven't been paying attention.

    I've always found Jayboy's posts to be fair, despite the fact that his opinions on issues sometimes don't jive with my own.

  4. Bar girls back home in Isaan openly admitting to working as prostitutes in their moo baan? No. They might as well step all over the face of their parents.

    Sex is never spoken about in an Isaan household let alone in public with others. It is by far the most conservative culture I have ever come across. Even adults hugging their kids is a huge deal.

    Perhaps a few returning bargirls mights stay up for a late night drink with the local farang and speak about that stuff, but definitely not in front of anyone they know who isn't or hasn't been a prostitute that might then deface them and their family by telling others in the neighborhood.

    Never said they openly admitted working in the entertainment business. Everybody already knows it, but you are correct nobody talks about it in a family get together.

    As for Sex never being spoken about in an Isaan household your also correct......it is all they talk about! This comment made me laugh.....not just 5 minutes ago Lilly (ladyboy - and not really a cousin but sort of an adopted family member after her/his parents were killed in car accident) is telling my wife how she is dating a "farang" who it seems has not 100% clued into the fact that Lilly is a HE, proceeded to discuss her sexual exploits with this guy.

    Not sure what part of Isaan you live in and what your status is with the family.....but all of my children get hugs...the neighbors children get hugs....the kids whose parents we don't know get hugs......so maybe it is just me...not sure.....but they have no problems in acting in an open and friendly manner and have done so (as per my wife) before I arrived on the scene.

    Perhaps it is how one integrates into ones local village. I have taken the time to learn the language (and my neighbors and family all know this) and most won't say anything behind my back they won't say to my face. Kids play in our yard all the time, the neighbors are just neighbors, the ladies who work as prostitutes do their laundry and yap about the latest soap opera like all the rest of the ladies in the soi.

    However on occasion they let their hair down, have a few drinks, a bit of chin wag, a good laugh and life goes on.......perhaps the stereo type Thai person still lives in and around where you live....thankfully my family and neighbors are not the norm.

    I agree and wonder where Kenny got his info..old Thailand travel guides?

    I know a wonderful girl, retired bar girl who has huge 6'X4' posters of her in bar girl clothing once used as advertisements by the bar owner.

    Great sexy potos of her.

    She proudly displays them on the walls of her house for all to see.

    Talking about the experience is not taboo..it is entertaining for all.

    How she earned her money is no secret and no one thinks less of her for it.

    In fact, her parents and her sisters all wish the sisters were as attractive as she and could do the same.

    If you have money in Isaan, you are respected for having money..no one cares how you got it.

    And, like you, I really enjoy talking to these girls, they are open, pretty wise and speak very good English too.

    It's refreshing.

    Some have become pretty good friends!

    This isn't the west where a girl who sells it has to be a drugged out diseased junky.

    It's often just a way to earn good money and support the family.

    Good girls do it.

    This comment is useless without photos of the posters alluded too....

    • Like 2
  5. Well....the results so far speak for themselves......17 in support of me (beachproperty) and 5 against (kevvy) ...

    .I believe the discussion was lively and constructive overall, except for the few who thought adding malicious comments and expletives were appropriate or others who tried to sidetrack the issue by not responding directly to what this post was about or even to what the facts in this case were. I do believe I took the correct action and although some did not understand, I was monitoring the situation at ALL times and would NOT have locked her out all night (or for that matter forever). This incident was only the beginning of her testing the boundaries of what she could do and it was always met with a firm but loving hand......As indicated in the post she is the most wonderful, intelligent, exciting . and vibrant person to be around and it was my pleasure and honor to see her blossom so...

    Thank you all for your input.....if you wish to post further thoughts on the matter please do, as I believe (as noted by the polarization) this is an important issue ...

    I know that if I had received validation of my parenting choices from anonymous internet-forum keyboard warriors - I would feel completely vindicated and confident in my choices - and I need that validation, which is why I would ask them in the first place....

  6. Hi and TGIF


    As I marvel at this wonderful place Thailand I have become increasingly aware that western society has been brainwashed into someone view of conformity.


    Case in point, I have always been told that toilet paper is for the toilet, primarily to clean oneself after No 2...Maybe the occasional use for blowing ones nose but generally for the toilet


    This is not the case in Thailand where toilet paper is just seen as tissue, to be used for a range of functions. Sitting on the beach at Cha -Am eating wonderful fresh crab and prawns you see little old ladies walking around selling toilet paper rolls to be used as hand tissue when eating.


    I think most of us would have a similar story and would be interested to hear about them



    How is describing how various cultures use toilet paper in any way a form of brainwashing? Bars close early today?

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

  7. YeaBig dude U an Deg " "  should meet up for beers,  outside a 7   & to compare notes and plan strategy,  the rest of us seem to be content with the fact that  our local convenient is finally full stock of chang  Posted Image  And Cuz a u guys,  from now on the bell will not say  DING DONG it will say TING TONG.


    Seems very important to some people to point out how unimportant this topic is… Makes me think hearing loss is rampant here. Perhaps it's a natural selection. People with perfect hearing come to Thailand, then decide to settle elsewhere...

    This topic is the definition of unimportant lol

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

  8. Just so wrong on many levels.  My Thai boss said today she feels completely embarrassed by her country today.  Many Thais will be disgusted at this, how can they say it will absolve political mayhem?  They've made it ten times worse.


    The root of the mayhem is Thaksin, no-one or thing else. 

    Takes two sides to have an argument - many to blame, and lots of blame to go around - don't be so myopic

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

  9. When I said all this was happening in a different thread, I was told not to believe it.


    But what I find truly appalling id this....


    A highly placed source said former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra might decide it is time to break with the so-called progressive red shirts who oppose the lese majeste law as they have become a liability in the reconciliation process with the traditional elite.

    The source also said Thaksin felt the relatives of those killed in 2010 had already received Bt7.5 million each and some red-shirt co-leaders had become MPs or been appointed to other government positions.


    After all the support they had for him, now he thinks it maybe time to turn his back on them. Now their eyes have been well and truly opened to this monster. But the second paragraph beggars belief. Basically you been paid, and parachuted into cushy positions.... you been paid... we're even.


    I don't know how many times one person can shoot themselves in the foot. Does he actually have any feet left?


    This weasel seems to be making all the wrong moves... who the hell is advising him? Is he going senile or something?

    He's winning, in case you hadn't notice. Wake up

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

  10. Wonder if TAT can tell us how many tourists come to see Loy Kratong and are pissed that so many things are affected?

    A load of drunks could run TAT better, and at a fraction of it's billions it receives. The plug will soon have to be pulled on this body or the whole job lot will sink. Tourist figures are c#ap entry figures are correct. get real you overpaid click, Help the tourist not keep looking for the impossible.

    Melodrama much?

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