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Posts posted by Stradavarius37

  1. Has anyone been asked where the 90-day slip is when doing an extension (if it is not in the PP)? Or do they even check it at that time? It could very well be at home.

    They check it (90 day receipt) in my passport every time I get an extension. First 10 years I did no reporting as it wasn't enforced but it caught up with me one day when the officer asked where my 90 day report was. I just looked like 'what's that' Posted Image and she pointed at the door to the office for 90 day reporting. It was clear she wasn't going to continue with my extension until I did it. 2000 Baht fine and stamp in my passport. Have been doing it for the next 10 years now as the enforcement has gotten pretty much locked in at Chiang Mai immigration.

    I also work at a university so for the member who has stated he has not reported, borrowed time comes to mind. Nothing to boast about either.

    Regarding the fine - from the immigration website.

    If a foreigner staying in the kingdom over 90 days without notifying the Immigration Bureau or notifying the Immigration Bureau later than the set period, a fine of 2,000.- Baht will be collected. If a foreigner who did not make the notification of staying over 90 days is arrested, he will be fined 4,000.- Baht.

    Don't recall writing in a boasting way, just stating facts of my case. For me, if it does catch up with me I'll be out 2,000 and I'll consider it on a cost benefit basis at that time. But 12 years in a row without worry about it is already been a sizeable benefit. Also, when I go to immigration (Nakhon Pathom) I always dress in a tie with my university ID - and flirt with the officers - never failed me yet .

  2. Been here for 12 years on a non imm type b visa (university professor). Never done a single 90 day reporting. Visa is extended every May 16. I always leave the country in April to visit parents. Immigration never asks at the airport, and at the immigration visa extension they only seem to look at the last entry stamp date. Might get hit with a fine some year, but don't care. It's worth it not to worry about it the past 12 years.

    • Like 1
  3. Lived in Thailand 12 years and never done a single 90 day. Visa is always renewed in May and always make a trip abroad in April and it's never been an issue - way to go me!!!! Lol

  4. I was going to suggest you ask your girlfriend, but then I reread the title of the thread...Posted Image

    hurr hurr smartypants. my love life is fine thank you very much Posted Image

    i love how people get to take free shots at others just because they are hiding behind a computer screen. big man

    I'm a big man in person too. Because I spend time in the gym instead to defeating Elves with my magic card of Ork power

  5. I love hearing Mr Gone repeatedly tell us about his generous spirit. Fishing for a sucker.....he's in the right place fortunately...

    Fishing for a sucker? Didnt I just say that I have turned down all money that people want to send to me?

    And to the reply above yours, is it a crime to be generous when one can afford to be?

    Giving away motorcycles when you can't pay for your own health care, and then insulting Germans (and we know how that ends up..). Have another Molson, use that 50k to buy a ticket back to Moose land, and don't come back til you can be healthy and self sufficient.

    • Like 2
  6. My kids are 3 and 1 but not in a million years will they do their high school or university years here. What are you guys thinking, get your kids out of Thailand for a decent education unless you need them to be HOD of Tescos!

    Dug up an 8 month old thread to deliver that little nugget of wisdom? My kids will be fine because they have engaged parents. Yours? Well, good luck with that.... The world needs bus drivers too !

  7. I missed the part where he explained where his entire life savings, plus any resalable possessions, were spirited away to.

    Now he can't afford rice, because he had to pay $2k in bail?

    My BS detector went off pretty early on, so it's possible I tuned out before explained that incredible bit of the story.

    I think being skeptical is reasonable. But there isn't enough info posted here to confirm this is for real ... or not.

    And yet the comments keep flowing - on a thread of pure bs and conjecture....

  8. get mad at me as well....but i hate it when people smoke right next to the NO SMOKING sign. we all have our pet peeves.

    i like to ask them, "i have a 2-year old child with lung problems. do you mind not smoking?" they usually still don't care, so then i am no longer nice. of course, i pick my battles. if it's some big guy, well, i'm not stupid. last time it was this super fat guy from france. i showed him the sign and he still got all mad. i was the manager, so i made him put it out.

    smoking is simply disgusting to smell, especially if you are exercising. but, if there is no sign, i say and do nothing......

    fact is, tons of people smoke in Asia. tons. and if an attractive female is smoking, i let it slide. haha. i'm weird like that.

    anyhow, both these people will not be my friends. i liked his post, but cannot join his gym. he just used CAPS too much, and that's another one of my pet peeves. Posted Image

    I'm not going to be your friend either! Congrats! You are up to 3!

  9. Funny to hear to sides of the story. When I first read the OP I honestly wanted to head to the gym and light up outside the pizza shop, hoping the owner would come out and get pissy with me, just so i could tell him to fark off.

    Then reading the gym owners POV, I sorta side with him now.

    Im a smoker of 40 plus a day. Yah, not great I know. I do tow the line though and if im outside any kind of public building, shopping center, eatery I always light up as far away as possible from the building, sometimes even crossing the road (if its not a busy road) to smoke. I never throw buts on the floor and always stub them out on the sole of my shoe, then look for somewhere out of sight to throw it, like a drain or bin.

    Because I tow the line, i get so arsed off when non smokers take the higher ground with us smokers.

    Can I claim you furniture after you depart us? With 40+ a day that could be any time now....

  10. Street money changers in HH? I've never seen any. There are licensed money changers in Thailand who do very good business without jeopardizing themselves by cheating people out of what is peanuts to them.

    Bringing 50-pound notes is silly. Why? God invented Traveler's Cheques eons ago.

    And there are banks or bank kiosks everywhere, it's not Zaire.

    Travelers checks? What year is it? 1983?

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