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Posts posted by Stradavarius37

  1. There was an editorial on 27 September in the non TV sanctioned BKK English newspaper a few weeks ago titled "Changing our education timetable is a really dumb idea" (a quick google search will locate it for you), that really hits several of the important points regarding the Thailand University president's decision to switch the academic year to a "western" schedule. My faculty dean at Mahidol University refused - citing many of the reasons listed in the editorial. No one wants to be in school in April, when its hot at blazes, or in October when half of Thailand is underwater.

  2. Do unto others as you would want them to do unto you!

    You reap what you sow,

    I think it is hypocritical, that so many posters have a very obvious dislike of Thai's, many feel, as some have posted because of their master race logic.

    I have been here for over a decade and have not run into the Thai racism that so many are posting to.

    Why, maybe it is because I treat Thai's with respect and receive their respect in kind,

    I also do not have an air about me that suggests, I feel that I am superior to the Thai's, which many people can pick up in attitude and body language

    If one expresses their opinion about liking Thailand or Thai's they come under attack because their opinion does not concur with those other posters on the forum. Many who feel no one has a right to like what they dislike (no one but them, have a right to am opinion).

    If most Thai's have access to this forum, you would see a great change in how Thai's relate to you as a Falang!

    Falang means a foreigners, what is insulting about the term.

    The word used in the U.S. referring to any Asian is "GooK" or to Latins as "Wetbacks"

    in my life time I have seen signs place on restaurant doors stating "No Mexicans served", same for Blacks and Native American's. In the southern US until 1965 Blacks had their own rest rooms, drinking fountains, restaurants, schools and were forced by the law to use only those facilities, etc,

    That is what I consider racism.

    I have never seen those problems in Thailand, just my opinion!

    Cheers:wai2.gif.pagespeed.ce.goigDuXn4X.gif alt=wai2.gif width=20 height=20>

    They might not think it, but your post suggests a certain smugness that is annoying.

  3. But with a crucial distinction that Abhisit became PM through corrupt back room deals.He was unlike Yingluck never given a mandate by the people of Thailand in a general election.

    Does Yingluck have a mandate of the Thai people with only 48% of the vote?

    Here we go again.The usual suspects question Yingluck's mandate, as though in every democracy the electoral vote isn't split.

    You can be sure that if the Democrats had done as well as as PTP in the last general election, one would not hear this kind of hypocrisy and cant about questioning their mandate.

    Wonder if it has ever dawned in Jayboy that he himself is a "usual suspect" on these type of threads....lol

  4. When people defend Pattaya I simply send them a link to Pattayaone or any other Pattaya news related site. You couldn't make it up. Well you could, but you know what I mean.

    I went to Pattaya with a friend for a break from BKK 4 years ago. We managed 24 hours before leaving. I thought I had died and gone to hell. It felt like one big Soi Nana - another cesspit, might I add.

    We arrived late and did a walk around. It was depressing. There was no glamour, just lost souls at every turn. We played pool in a few places but found the staff very rude everywhere we went. We woke up the next day and rented bikes. We thought that if we drove away from the beach there must be more to the city than uneducated farm girls selling their souls and child beggars. But it was inescapable, the bars and massages seemed to go on forever, and were all open for business by early afternoon.

    Bear in mind my friend loves to party, and isn't opposed to a night at a go-go bar. But for him, and me, it just all felt so wrong. It's a weird place with a creepy vibe.

    I probably didn't give it a fair chance, and I'm sure there are some nicer areas than those I saw. But if Pattaya wants to improve its image it should start by getting a new role model, instead of this idiot. http://www.timsharky.com

    It's also worth noting that many Thais have now reference the "Pattaya farang" in addition to the old favourites "farang Khao San" and the more general "farang kee nock".

    I wish Pattaya was a lovely place with a great beach because it's such a great location. I'd move there in flash.

    Close all the bars. Clean out the sexpests and let's reclaim it as part of Thailand.


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  5. It's also asinine that you knew the dog problem existed previously and yet still allowed your son to ride unsupervised without addressing the problem. Father of the year material!

  6. To the OP why did she talk shyt about you for no reason? Did you do something to provoke such a response from her?

    It's odd but from what i know most ppl wouldn't actually make a racial comment along those lines.

    People with small minds don't need a reason to denigrate others. Just look at the community here on TV, much less a Thai girl with the equivalent of a 6th grade western education.

    No reason to try and interject logic into a good Thai slag thread, the keyboard barstool warriors hate that....

  7. Posted Image I am on a retirement extension .... just did my 3rd extension yesterday and am now here until 15 October 2014.

    yes, I refer to it as a retirement extension, not a retirement visa .... because that's what it is.

    Other people may chose to call it a retirement visa ..... that's not my problem .... just as long as they don't get caught in that visa not extension trap and make a mistake on what they have to do.

    Just as long as they know what to do, I don't really much care about the terminology they use.

    Now 90 day reporting is a different thing from a retirement extension/visa.

    As an example my annual retirement extension is due October 15th each year. As I said I just did that renewal and am good now until October 2014.

    But my next 90 day report has got out of sync with my annual renewals. My next 90 day report is due on 18 December. The difference of dates is due to the fact that I made some trips to Vietnam , and that reset my 90 day reporting "clock" because 90 day reporting need not be done when your not physically residing in the country. So my 90 day reporting clock stopped while I was out of the country, and was reset when I reentered the country.

    You see the logic? It really is simple if you just grasp the ideas that:

    • Aliens (foreigners) living 'long stay" in Thailand must report their address if they stay longer than 90 days at a time in Thailand.
    • That's why it's called 90 day reporting.
    • It's a Thai law, so you've got to obey it to stay here.
    • If you leave Thailand for a holiday (as I did by spending time in Vietnam) you don't have to do 90 day reporting because you re not residing in Thailand during that time. When you reenter Thailand your clock starts again.
    As to why we have to do it, all I can say again is that it's a Thai law, and being in Thailand we have to obey it.

    This is Thailand.

    Posted Image

    I don't have to follow the law in Thailand because I have money. See? I am more Thai than you lol.

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