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Everything posted by arithai12

  1. Felt it too, quite distinctly (4:37am). But just before that, I heard what sounded like a distant explosion.
  2. yeah ok but, since you quoted me, I was referring to 2023 and specifically about Aerox or its replacement (no m/bikes). Nmax is not my style.
  3. Yeah I know. I am looking at a new one in 2023, and I was hoping there would be a touched-up Aerox version, maybe slightly more power (not so important), maybe with a second disk brake (more important). And I was shocked to hear one dealer tell me "no more Aerox", the other one "need 2 months pre-order". Is Yamaha throwing the towel in ? Shame. I do not sit well on the Nmax, and the Xmax is way too expensive for what I need. Honda will have a field day with ADV 160/350. I do hope Yamaha will come out with something entirely novel in that cc range.
  4. If you try to inflate a Click/Aerox rear tyre at a gas station, it's no fun since half of them have valves designed for cars that won't fit easily through the wheel spokes. So I am happy that I almost never have to do it with the Aerox. My first Aerox had no extra shocks, it was fine. The second one had pre-installed extra shocks, I did not see any difference! But then again, I never go fast and only on city roads.
  5. I think the latest policy was: if positive without symptoms, go home and take care of yourself. But the lady was sick, so admission/treatment/quarantine was probably justified. Indeed, there is no mention of treatment/quarantine for the Thai man, who had only mild symptoms.
  6. Until now, it was possible to type in the number of the destination account. The ADM would show the name of the recipient, and you had to confirm.
  7. You don't miss an opportunity to bash, do you? Sorry that you have to live in a country you despise so much. Nature happens, you cannot always plan for everything. I lived in Arizona, where flash floods kill a few every summer. I lived in Germany, where "high water" is common every year along the Rhein and many cars and houses are damaged. I lived in Japan, where tsunamis and earthquakes take huge tolls. Want to comment on how city officials do nothing there?
  8. I agree, but this is a US-Russia conflict. European states are mostly minions.
  9. They were studying fauna and flora in a pristine natural environment, and over periods of time measured in many millennia. Since the industrial age, the human race has made those conditions not more applicable on the planet. We raise specific animal/vegetable breeds tailored to our needs, and contaminate the environment. As for humans, the "survival of the richest" would be a more fitting description. Medicine has made it possible for individuals to survive and reproduce, who would not have stood a chance a few hundred years ago. Homo smartphonensis will soon replace us, but it will definitely not be a by product of evolution. There are already indications that in the past decade the average national IQ of some first world countries is actually decreasing.
  10. The problem is that "recommended public health precautions" are clear as mud, sometimes completely wrong, especially from organizations that we should trust without questioning. You may remember than in the early Covid days, WHO stated that it was not transmissible between humans. I also mention that the same organization, through its illustrious director general, recently declared monkey pox a global pandemic - of which we still have to see any tangible numbers. SIngapore, now acclaimed as some sort of scientific reference point for findings about XBB, was especially appalling. When we were there Feb 2020, absolutely no one was wearing a mask and there were no guidelines at all about social distancing: we had to cut our visit short and run back to Thailand. I should perhaps also mention the fantastic Sinovac, which was for many months the only vaccine that could be obtained in Thailand at least by the common folks. Then it's no wonder that many people ignore what is recommended by those in charge.
  11. Others more experienced than me have already answered. I just wanted to point out that a brand new passport doesn't mean much, since immigration uses your name/nationality/fingerprints/picture to see your records in their database.
  12. The Lost Book shop in Ratchamankha (close to Moat) is where I buy my used books, they are excellent (by quality but also well organized) although not necessarily cheap. I have no idea about their policy to buy but it might be worth a try. OP I have you a thumbs up about the "conscientious objection" ????
  13. In Thailand at least. There are places where midday is as dark as night, for parts of the year (and midnight is as bright as daytime six months later).
  14. I also find it hard to believe that when you were 14 years old you were attacked by 14 adults.
  15. There's a difference between not accepting a homosexual, and beating / abusing. Do you know a case of a teenager LGBT son/daughter who beat up their father because he was straight?
  16. If OP's problem is only to get from point A to point B inside the airport and a wheelchair or golf cart is sufficient, probably the Thai staff will provide it for you when you deplane even without previous notice (I had this experience once). But of course better to inform them in advance, eg during check-in at departure. If something more serious or longer is needed then talking to Thai before departure is a good idea.
  17. I used Mediclinic last year, just under 3000 they provided an official paper good for flying. In my home country in Europe, it cost the equivalent of 2200B at the time (next day result).
  18. I don't play football myself, but I have often see relatively organized amateurs (I mean, teams with same color tricot) train and play in the field opposite from the main stadium in the 700y complex. If you don't know, ask for the track-and-field or petanque, it's at the top of a small road leading up from the main circle road. Perhaps you could ask there. However, the whole facility was being refurbished during Covid, I am not sure it's re-opened by now.
  19. Chiang Mai, at 700y, 50m pool about 1.5-2m deep, you can expect these temps mid-morning -early Dec 26C -early Jan 25C -early Feb 24C from there it goes up, I have measured up to 33C in Apr/May Rest of the year about 29-30C Needless to say, there are also year-to-year differences, I have seen as low as 22C. More shallow/deep pools will have different daily thermal cycles of course, a kid's pool 50cm deep will feel very cold early morning but pleasant in the afternoon if exposed to the sun also in the cold season.
  20. Just say you hate Anutin, period. If you really want to comment on the specific piece of news, then read it first and try to comprehend it before spouting nonsense.
  21. Maybe you are right, the man was a weirdo, a ticking clock that sooner or later would have committed something abominable regardless of whether he was a member of police or not. But the point remains, and very worth bringing up, that he was found out in breach of police code several times over several years (I read it in an early article from the newspaper that cannot be quoted here), including drugs but also violence, shooting in public places, harassing the public as well as colleagues. And the police always covered for him - until it was too much. Heads will roll.
  22. Do you have evidence that the compensation amounts were decided by Prayut personally? As for those claiming he is there just for photo-op, how tiresome bashing has become on this forum. Not that I like the man, but he did what any other PM in the world would have done under similar circumstances.
  23. If you refer to vibrations while driving on the straight, ok. But stable also means capable of holding the road in case of bumps, sudden accelerations, braking, change of lane. Having had both Click and Aerox, there's no doubt to me that Aerox is a much more stable scooter (speaking of Click 125).
  24. The Nmax and PCX share a design with lower seat and "armchair feeling", which I personally dislike but might be attractive to some. Also the forward footrest position, which is however only suitable for short people. The Aerox has a more "sporty" and higher seat position, partly copied in the ADV. Usually dealers don't have models to try out (well, once I was offered to ride one in the 50m parking space behind the dealer). But it's a good investment to rent out one for a day.
  25. I have had 3 Clicks and 2 Aerox, I also drive sometimes my wife's G.Filano. All new from dealer. I have had very few problems, all of them with the Clicks. e.g., all 3 Clicks would need tyre inflating every few weeks, the Aerox 1-2/year. Admittedly the Aerox is in another league in terms of price& performance, but lighting switches?? As for engine, give me a break. The Aerox 155 from 2021 has 155cc, and 15HP. The latest ADV/PCX 160 has 156cc(!), and also 15HP but at a higher RPM and they are heavier. How's that better?
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