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Everything posted by arithai12

  1. There are surviving witnesses with their statements. We can't say from the picture if that section is on a flat road, or where the brakes failed which is not necessarily where the bus veered off the road.
  2. Do you really have so much time on your hands? I envy you. That China does despicable things is true, and I would have added the plight of the Uighurs to your list, but if one were to list the despicable things done by USA (as well as by other governments around the world) I doubt the list would be much shorter. But your post is completely out of context. The OP argues that China is a threat to us all by installing a spy station in Cuba. Ever heard of Guantanamo?
  3. Red white and blue... mmm, Luxembourg? Netherlands? Russia? France? come on, be more specific. btw, Euros are a currency I don't believe they think much.
  4. The focus here seems to be on the age only, and people overlook the fact that a much younger girlfriend is often a lower education / no conversation girl who sees the old farang boyfriend as a means to secure life for herself and her family back in the village. I know I should not generalize, but this is often the case. A farang daughter would see the reality in the blink of an eye.
  5. Doing what? It was verbal abuse - to a tourist who was proving to be a nuisance by they way. Too many smart phones and social media in this generation.
  6. Actually, his party won the most seats by a rather small margin, not he, and there was no implication in the ballot that he MUST be the PM as a result.
  7. Eight relics? wow, didn't know they count your wardrobe as an asset. Suddenly I find myself a whole 10,000 B richer.
  8. Looks quite serious, I hope he pulls through, best wishes. As for the insurance refusal to pay, difficult to express an opinion without knowing the circumstances of his fall and the details of what was supposedly covered and what not.
  9. Strange but it happens. I knew a guy who did exactly that at every swim.
  10. I remember that in Schiphol airport (AMS) there were constant announcements before the end of each travelator section. I usually hated them, now I understand.
  11. Do you mean you arrive at the cashier knowing that your shopping will be exactly 1234.45 Baht including discounts and promotions and have all the notes and coins ready? Or that you have 2 notes of 1,000 Baht in your wallet, and wait for the cashier to give you change and of course he cannot break 1,000 so he goes to the colleague at the next lane who holds up another customer to provide the change. And then you happily walk out with 765.55 Baht in your pockets, to add to the other pile of coins you carry around? The first case is impossible, and the second one is definitely slower than me paying by credit card or prompt pay if the app is ready with the code keyed in as I always do. Yes it can happen than an online payment is disrupted, maybe once a year, then I produce the cash. It can also happen that you pay in cash only to find out that one of your notes is fake and you don't have any others. Be happy with your cash, let others be happy with their online payments, there's always a slow person in both scenarios.
  12. I remember Mr Clinton explaining on a map the location of Kosovo to his fellow countrymen, while the bombing of Belgrade was in progress. And a Professor in a prestigious US university telling me that his country was now invading Cuba. Under shock I ran to the news to find out it was Grenada. Geography has never been a strong point in the US.
  13. The question was whether you have dived at that specific site and witnessed boats dropping anchors on corals again at that specific site. My experiences at Racha Yai were fabulous until about 2015 or so, when the place became overrun with Chinese and it was simply impossible to find a boat to the island, forget accomodation. We never used anchors nor mooring lines... freedivers, too deep for that. The boat would simply hang around until we were finished. Also no touching starfish ???? But I do remember a lot of mooring points in shallower waters. I also remember a lot of chinese tourists (not divers) happily walking on the reefs with rubbers shoes. I think the responsibility should be with their tour guides, the tourists probably doen't know the harm they are doing.
  14. No they didn't. The ballot didn't say "who do you want as PM", and even if it did Move Forward didn't win an absolute majority. Anyway, it's just common sense that there should be more than one option on the table for PM.
  15. I don't think there were ancient Romans around in the year 1023, not in Italy let alone in other countries. Or do you mean people born In Rome in general?
  16. So the Ambassador loves pomelo, like (almost) everybody else. The difference is that he won't mind at all if the price of local fruits will increase, we will.
  17. If you want to bash the caretaker PM go ahead, but please try better. As you (should) know, he (actually his government, I doubt he was choosing dates personally) didn't modify national holidays or introduce new ones permanently, it was done in an effort to revive some domestic travel during Covid times. Like the programs to subsidize hotel costs and such.
  18. We live on the last floor of a condo in a relatively green area of the city, with a long balcony with many plants. We don't "keep" birds, but we have perhaps 20 nests or so, babies, large social groups. They are lovely to watch and listen to. We don't feed them.
  19. Lots of improvements with the current governor. Tidying up the hanging cables, the immense work going on along canal road north of Phu Come, sidewalks, the gates around the moat, road repairs. Some people are always fast to judge using western standards, but they forget that in this country budgets are small and governors are short-lived, they have to try the best they can even if it means a disruption on both sides of the road. And yes, you will hardly ever see a Thai walk along Huay Kaew, it is done for the foreigners, let's be thankful.
  20. If it's the families who are paying millions and millions, then ok. Otherwise, it's public money (at least in the case of the Navy) spent for nothing because they will not find any retrievable body or parts of.
  21. Actually, it isn't always on 21 June. It can vary a little, some years is June 20, that's because of the details of the Sun's orbit. About the article, I don't know if it's just the translation or the original text, but the Sun doesn't "stop" or "pause" in its path across the sky. Very poor choice of language.
  22. Every one is free to have their illusions. I lived many years here and drank all kinds, I don't remember getting diarrhea ever except once from some hamburger place. Ice is used not only in drinks. And speaking of drinks, unless you use only bottled or canned beverages they are also made from water transported in the same conditions as the ice, plastic jugs used over and over again. If you don't like how they transport ice to restaurants, how do you think they transport other raw ingredients? Do you go and inspect the kitchen of every restaurant you dine at? As for getting more drink without the ice, they are not stupid, they give you the same amount of drink unless you pay more. I should also think that a warm beverage is not exactly as refreshing as a cold one. Or do you drink only hot tea? But as I said, your choice.
  23. Very macho, but the guy "armed with a knife" was actually wearing it folded at his waist, according to the report, and it is not stated that he attempted to enter. You may feel justified, but that wouldn't count for much in court and we would miss you on this forum.
  24. They do like tourists, and they have rules like any other country. When you enter Thailand, there is a stamp in your passport that clearly states how long you are permitted to stay - not counting possible extensions. So what's the problem? Yes the rules, fair or unfair, might be designed to avoid too large "tourists" numbers. I find it ok, or Thailand wouldn't be the same.
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