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Everything posted by arithai12

  1. How can you say it's not worth the effort, if you don't have it? One of the most useful documents IMO.
  2. Dr Jack you are a zero in forum manners as usual, but this time you hit the nail on the head.
  3. I am amazed that Australia gives 5% for a deposit that can be redeemed anytime and with low tax like the 800k in Thailand. But yes you are right on the principle, that 800k in the bank here produces almost nothing, while it could produce about 40k per year elsewhere. That's about 3000 THB per month, a small fraction of my living expenses, I call it the price for peace of mind and try not to think about it. About the 3M, I don't know why a person who qualifies for non-imm O Ret would want to look for other visa types. Ultimately we are all on the same boat, long-term guests with no real guarantee unless PR or citizen.
  4. Sooner or later, sorry to break it to you, you are going to die. I wish you later of course, but your issue remains regardless of what amount you leave in a Thai bank. It is perfectly possible to write a Thai will in which you state who should benefit, see a lawyer or agent and have it stamped/deposited at your local Amphur.
  5. I think shirtless is the norm in Patong, shoeless quite common too. No need to emphasize that.
  6. The fact is that, at least in Nai Harn beach nearby, the red or red/yellow flags were often there without apparent reason - other than the life guards want to keep an eye on a restricted stretch of the beach only. I speak of several years of personal experience, admittedly I don't go there anymore since 2021. This said, those beaches are a bit tricky indeed because often the waves create holes in the sand bottom - you think you are touching floor and suddenly no more. No big deal for a decent swimmer, but many overestimate themselves.
  7. The article, as well as the usual pundits on this forum, misses the main point: not all mothers can produce enough milk for the baby to rely only on breastfeeding. For those who cannot, formula is a very welcome help. But mark the adverb: "exclusively". If a mother gives 90% breast milk and 10% formula, for the illuminated UNICEF expert it's still a shame while in practice there is no difference at all to 100% breast milk. Moreover, if a mother produces enough milk and she feels that the workplace or environment are not ideal, there is always the option of pumping and serving the milk from a bottle.
  8. I don't know about idiots, but I was a clueless backpacker myself in the 90's, and I enjoyed it a lot. Mainly for the sea. Come 2001-2, already too crowded for me. Last visit was in 2003, I told myself never again. I wonder how it is now, probaby unrecognizable to me.
  9. I would actually ask the question "who is a digital nomad"? Digital... using a computer? Most of us use it for their activities, which may or may not fall under the definition of a proper job. We read about a poster who occasionally writes books with low circulation, many others use it e.g. for their banking activities abroad including investments or taking care of rented property. Nomad? that implies not staying put in one place for very long. If you are not in Thailand more than 180d per year, no issue. People who spend long-term here e.g. teaching on Skype or taking care of their online business in another country are hardly "nomads". So it seems to me most of people residing here with visas and extensions do not allow, in principle, working, are in fact all digital nomads. And there are rarely -if ever- cases of police busts. But on a different note: if you are residing in Thailand > 180d / year, it might actually be to your advantage to pay tax here on the money you bring in. The level of taxation is ridiculously low, after deductions for this and that, and it is often useful to show back in your home country that you are a tax resident here and have a proper tax identification number so they leave you alone. Finally a plea: if you live here long term and need the internet for your activities, please buy your own subscription (cheap) and do not clog cafes sitting at a table for half a day with one drink.
  10. Since the invention of politics. When there is no straight majority (which is what happened here, in case you missed that part), parties form coalitions. Members of a coalition do not do it for sport, but in order to get some reward which is often in the form of a ministery. This is true everywhere in the world.
  11. said by a guy with 24,000+ posts just on this forum.
  12. What do you mean? In Chiang Mai (the article mentions the cinema at Maya) it's FULL of Chinese. Tourists of course, but especially quite large numbers of long stay residents. In hospitals, a very impressive fraction of the customers are Chinese, so much that there are always interpreters in the staff. Ditto in shopping malls. Chinese restaurants are booming. Chinese schools. And so on.
  13. What your wife knows about her brother is not especially relevant. My sister works as a nurse, I don't know what she does in practice but it doesn't mean she doesn't do anything. As for taking action, we have only the lady's view. Was there an interview with the police station representative? It seems not. Finally, it's her word against his. She was very naive at the very least. Although another adjective comes to mind.
  14. If aliens so technologically advanced existed, able to master travel and communications beyond the speed of light, to visit our planet, to observe us without interfering like a scientist looks at an amoeba through a microscope, to make their presence hinted only by how accurately a large stone was cut in Egypt 5,000 years ago but nothing else after that, well, ... does it really make a difference whether they exist or not? Does it matter to the amoeba that humans exist? I think the humankind has a few more pressing issues to worry about.
  15. I gave a like to your post because you make the correct point about possible innocents. Another point is whether his sexual deviations might be the result of sexual violence suffered in his youth, in which case some understanding should be applied. Death penalty should be really the last resource. However there are cases when the person is guilty beyond doubt. It adds insult to injury, that the public at large should pay large sums (including special surveillance) to safeguard the remaining life of a person who committed such crimes. If the jury really doesn't want/cannot give a death penalty, then at least give him the means to end his life himself while in isolation.
  16. Stunning clear views this month with PM2.5 close to zero. Recommend omega-3 supplements. OP: October is generally good, November best month not too hot and mostly dry. There are zillions cyclists here they must have their social things to look into.
  17. You mention "travel". Of course if you are a long drive away, online is a good option with some caveats since many people complain it doesn't work for them. But if you live in town, and happen during the 15 days application period to drive near the airport or Airport Plaza, drive-through at immigration is the fastest and most sure method. But from what you say about queues and human contact, it seems that indeed you do not know.
  18. You are right, but still quite naive (to be kind) to give them such an easy reason to disqualify him especially since what happened to the previous colleague.
  19. Because, I think, there was some hope that the two main hurdles that Pita erected for himself, the issue of the idiotic shares and the frontal attack on LM law, would improve in one week. They apparently haven't, so possibly this vote is just a waste of time.
  20. In the moment that a party incites followers on social media to hate and punish those who have a different opinion, presenting only half of the story to the gullible.
  21. If only. It's basically every western news outlet singing to the same music. Modern wars have media as the main weapon, which works very well as we can see on this forum.
  22. The fact is, here you read this kind of news on AN forum and similar, not on the main national news. How many AN-equivalent forums do your read from other countries?
  23. Thank you. To his defence, we have to recognize that he probably has very little time left every day after posting and blogging and selfieing, to do practical things like getting rid of poisonous shares.
  24. The majority did not vote MFP. MFP was the party which won the most seats (narrow margin over PT), but far from majority. Also, the election was for the seats in Parliament, not for the PM seat.
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