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Everything posted by arithai12

  1. One should read the article in full to understand what the bill that the Governor decided to "veto" is about. I say "veto" in a liberal manner. He basically protected gun makers and gun shops from lawsuits. Examples of previous lawsuits which companies or shops had to settle in litigation: -gun-making company aiming at younger, at-risk males to buy their products -shop selling ammunition to people without verifying them The lawsuits were correct IMO, and TN made a step to protect businesses not people. To go after the shooters after the fact, as you seem to welcome, does not bring lives back does it.
  2. You are free to imagine what you want from behind your keyboard. Your friend's experience was exactly the opposite of what happened here. Good on the guy for ... ruining his vacation and that of his thug friend completely ? If it was my fault, I would pay up. Maybe negotiate a reasonable amount.
  3. Sorry, can you elaborate on how her visit constitutes "standing up to the chinese regime"? What exactly will she have achieved except spending large amounts of public money, a few minutes of her face on the news, and forcing more military tensions? Do you believe that such individual visits by "strong women" (???) make an iota of difference in China's policy towards Taiwan?
  4. Sorry, I don't give a fig about Trump but I had to read the whole story and I find it absolutely crazy. She got into a changing room with the guy while trying some pieces of apparel. Which adult woman does that without expecting something. She claims she was raped, involving she got naked but without any damage to her clothes and underwear, without a sound, without a witness seeing them get in and out, without any distress. Notably, she didn't start her complaints until some 15 years later. Those who confirmed are her friends, not a single employee of the department store where there is in fact no record of them being there together. In a normal judicial system there would be a huge benefit of doubt for Trump. Most ridiculous, she gets awarded 5 M USD ! most of it for defamation! How big is the honour of this woman to deserve that?? Actually, the jury concluded that there was no rape (how did they establish that?) but only forced kissing and attempt to undress, then she kneed him in the balls and left without a peep. For that only, 1.7M !!!! How do they come to such figures? Mind you, even as a man I wouldn't mind that treatment for 1.7M, and I guess there would a line from NY to Florida of women ready as well. Of course, there will be appeals and agreements and she will see much less after the lawyers' share, but still to an outsider the american judicial system is farcical. 1.7M for kiss and fondling in a consensual intimate meeting, and scot-free if you shoot a person dead in your driveway.
  5. Everything has been said already by so many, but I want to add my voice. I admired UJ not only for his immense knowledge of all things IMM and his kind willingness to help so may others, but also for his style, never confrontational. A rare gem on this forum. May he rest in peace, and all the best to his relatives in US and Thailand.
  6. Airport Imm does not issue 90d slips. They put a stamp with the entry date in your passport. If you stay in Thailand, you will be up for 90d report in ...well... 90 days after your arrival (starting from 2 weeks prior). Then you will receive a slip with the deadline for your nexy 90d.
  7. They probably went out with a gun all the time, not just to this wedding. Scary when you think about it.
  8. You probably mean Ciabatta, and equally probably you have no idea of what a real Ciabatta is. I have seen several things in bakeries sold under the name Ciabatta in Thailand, and they have no resemblance with the real one. Like Pizza, Bread is a generic name for a lot of very, very different things. The idea that what you bake at home in a small oven or appliance can be compared to the bread made by a professional baker is ... well, an idea. Not to mention that from finding the ingredients, mixing, baking and cleaning it takes an amount of time that not everybody has. I know because I used to make my own bread years ago. Moreover, you probably make one loaf at a time and unless you have a very large family it will last you a few days, during which you have to eat the same bread getting older. In my case, I would not finish a loaf in a week and would have to throw away some of it. Instead, I can go to a good (ok, let's say good for Thailand) bakery every day and buy small amounts of different bread every time. So, enjoy your own bread, and let the OP go to a bakery.
  9. I see your point of view but I think it is not the case. Anyone who likes a beer, be it occasionally or several per day, knows very well a) to avoid the two main Thai brands, and b) where to buy better ones. With or without ads or opinions on social media. Therefore, the legislation is useless. As for your point about harm to society, I agree alcoholism is a major issue, no one is denying that. What people wonder about is how such draconian measures for a post about beer compare to the measures against, e.g., driving without the necessary skills and protection, the ease to procure and use firearms, the ease to procure and consume heavy drugs, or the ease with which people can set fire to a forest and get away with it. (ps: my beer consumption is about one per week)
  10. I don't see how your experience calls for a post on "heads up on tougher rules". Rather, it seems you had it very easy previously and now they are sticking to the book in your specific IO. An interview with the wife being asked some questions is the norm I believe, and home visits are common. The letter from the village headman is hardly a complicated thing, probably just this one time as you were starting anew. I hope your wife managed to answer whether you have brothers or sisters.
  11. Without wanting to diminish Koh Kradan, where I have never been, the simple idea that there is a "best beach on the planet" is absurd. I have been to many states in S. Pacific which have idyllic, lonely, pristine beaches beyond count. Yet, this website lists only Australia, NZ, Fiji.
  12. This applies (would have applied) to foreign arrivals into Thailand, how many times per year do you fly out and back into Thailand to consider this a fleecing? And about airlines, and airports abroad, perhaps you should read the breakout of your ticket fare and check how many thousands and thousands of baht (not 300) we pay in hidden fees on each ticket. EXample: Lufthansa. Years ago I used my miles to fly "for free" in business class from Frankfurt to Shanghai and back. Between LH and the airport, they charged me 700 EUR in fees. Now that I call a fleecing. In this case airlines simply stated the obvious, that it's impossible for them to determine which passengers would have to pay. They were certainly not doing that to protect you or me.
  13. It's ok for me. Why: peace of mind, and I have other more important investments to support myself. You could also call silly a person who likes to eat in a good restaurant when he could nourish himself for a fraction of the price at the food court. Back to OP: it is ok to withdraw money down to 400k during part of the time, but at least with my bank (BKB), the statement needed for extension takes at least one week. If I keep the 800k in a separate fixed deposit and never touch it, it is printed on the spot in a few minutes. In the first case, plan in advance.
  14. Why clueless? There are rules about importing fresh food in almost any country. But you are right, surely a tourist will decide not to come to Thailand if they can't bring in a banana.
  15. My experience too. Also their online submission service is great. btw, taxation here is incredibly low with lots of deductions, and it is very useful to be able to prove back home that I am tax-resident in Thailand.
  16. You are coming for a few months... do you intend to bring the newly purchased Aerox back to BKK with you? In this case it makes a lot of sense to buy it in Bangkok (registration, licence plate). Easy enough to let Kerry or similar ship it for you. If you really want to buy in CM, the most equipped dealer is Charoen in Prokapplao (spelling) inside the moat. Though I didn't see any ready to sell Aerox when I was there a few weeks ago. If you decide to buy a very good well kept used model, PM me. PCX160 is a totally different feeling. If you like the Aerox feeling, try Honda ADV160.
  17. Not all spend the same. A "real" tourist (IMO) comes for 2 weeks, stays in hotel, eats in restaurant, takes taxis and tours. Average 5000B/day. The "45days" tourists are people who (IMO) come to stay with gf or rent a room, buy mostly at 7/11, don't take tours, rent a Scoopy. Average 1000B/day? There will be exceptions to each category, but in general the Thai economy needs the first, not the second type. And there is already more than enough of both. As for "reversal", typical click-bait. The policy was for 3 months, they have expired, nothing to report.
  18. It is common in many countries, including mine in first-world Europe and probably yours too, that a local guide must be employed. Perhaps alongside one native guide if it's part of a tour. It is also quite common to request some sort of work permit, certification, call it what you want.
  19. what I did: send THB from your bank to Bitkub buy crypto send crypto from Bitkub to Kraken sell crypto on Kraken to whatever currency send currency from Kraken to your destination bank using SWIFT Obviously, you need first to open accounts on Bitkub and Kraken (the two steps are required because Bitkub doesn't send currency to banks abroad) Total commission was about 4% for a small amount, 2.5% for a large amount, your mileage may vary depending on which crypto and which banks you use. From start to end, a few hours or next day, all done online. Also note to those who write disparaging comments: this has nothing to do with investing in crypto. You buy and you sell within minutes, no change in value. Try to transfer large amounts of Baht to your own country without the proper accompanying documentation of their origin, and enjoy. I am not talking about illegal dealings. For example, I transferred substantial money from abroad to Bangkok Bank for a medical operation. In the end, I did not need that money, but it was impossible to send it back directly from the bank.
  20. The problem is that many people on this forum are too quick to type, sometimes even before they finish reading a sentence. If they had, they would have seen that the article doesn't state that the governor called the storm a "disaster", but rather that the governon instructed the relevant "provincial public disaster prevention and mitigation" office to provide help and survey the damage, which seems to me a rather sensible thing to do. What they do in the UK is something that most of the readers here don't give a fig about. This is an english language forum, not a forum for Brits. btw, it was pretty bad in CM, and on Sunday as well in localized areas. Lots of videos available on the net. People with experience of hurricanes have stated it was same same.
  21. The new governor is exactly the person who is trying to improve the situation for pedestrians. And yet, only negative comments on this forum, as always.
  22. Your quote from Wikipedia doesn't mean much as it refers to Thailand as a whole, when we know that the rail system is not/cannot be capillary. What would be interesting to know is the percentage of rail/road transport on the BKK-CM route. I for one think that Thais are not completely stupid and inefficient as it is often purported on this forum, and they choose what is best. For example, take Lazada. They have their own trucks, transporting lots of packages on that main route. If you count by package, train might seem a better choice economically. But if you count as a whole, I am sure the opposite is true. Same reason why in Europe DHL and similar have their own planes. And I seem to remember that in Sweden, IKEA built their own railway network. It all depends on the volume of goods shipped under one label.
  23. I just did the same. In my case, I gave the title deed and POA to the agent, whom I trusted. If you have a trusted friend or relative, who is available to be present at transfer, even better. At any rate, the POA form (Chor 21) states clearly what the POA is for, they can't sell it to another person or for another price. And obviously, keep to yourself copies of everything.
  24. The punishment fits the crime regardless. What you are against is the "shame" of being in a press release. I kind of agree with that, but perhaps they mean it as a warning to others and at any rate they blurred his face and didn't give the full details. The Swede will be detained in IDC until he buys a ticket out, he has other worries right now than the press release. What I find disappointing however is that the report doesn't mention what kind of "visa conditions" he infringed.
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