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Everything posted by arithai12

  1. I believe there is at least another airline flying direct from Korea, Jeju Air. And for other passengers incoming from East, CNX has also direct connections from Japan, Vietnam, Hong Kong, not to mention lots from China. Among others in the region, also Singapore has direct connections.
  2. I agree that they didn't do their homework. The whole thread is in fact hot air based on a tiny sample of google searches carried out by a company that is far from impartial. It should not even be newsworthy. The "Lung Cancer Capital of the World" is however your invention. Look up the lists of countries with the highest incidence of Lung Cancer. Some surprises in the top ten, and Thailand never mentioned. btw it's not Thailand that freezes your State pension, take issue with your own government.
  3. I live in CM since many years. While there is indeed a horrific 2 months, I don't know about "half of the year". Which months?
  4. Being a serial petitioner sounds like a full time occupation. It would be interesting to know how he supports himself and family if any.
  5. Really? Examples? Mind you, the point is what is understood by "trespassing". An open driveway without a gate is not the same as breaking into a home with a locked door.
  6. I think the reporter in his slightly confusing account by "roof" means the structure on the right of the Suzuki, and that the unfortunate lady was sitting in the bed of the Suzuki under said roof. RIP poor lady, what a bad luck.
  7. Well apparently you are the expert on the story, on the window, on the bycicle, if you are able to assess that the damage was only 1,000 Baht. I suppose you live next door and know everything about the incident, please tell us more.
  8. OMG I fear for you, if he manages to get back and not be jailed on the spot under a new government. Have you checked your coronaries lately?
  9. It's not clear in the OP whether the guy wants to marry again in Thailand (thread subject), or wants his Australian marriage recognized in Thailand (the body of the post). Having a Thai wife should speed up considerably the interactions at the Amphur. Simply decide one or the other, and follow their instructions. In a similar situation (translation and certification of marriage documents by the MFA) we found it very helpful to rely on an agent.
  10. Back to Pita, I wonder if he has considered that the same accountability for actions done by a PM could apply to him later. Also quite amazing how a guy who is not PM yet, and is under investigation for his shares, cannot keep his mouth shut for a moment. Sorry, his fingers away from facebook.
  11. You have to talk to your own branch of your own bank here in Thailand. Any info you find on this forum is a personal experience that might not apply to your case. For what it's worth: I sold a condo last February, I transferred the amount (quite consistent) from a Bangkok Bank account (in my name) to a bank account (also in my name) abroad. They wanted of course all paperwork related to the original purchase and the sale, but in the end it was relatively simple and very economical: Baht to USD at the official exchange rate of the day plus some very minor commission like 1000 Baht, money received in a few hours.
  12. If we go by what has been published, there is little need of another investigation and it's doubtful that the Norwegian police would find anything new 4 years after the fact. As for fair trial, Thailand has no vested interest in one or the other party, Norway does. Maybe let the Brits investigate and process?
  13. You seem to ignore the fact that he has been talking about his return well before the election and before "people talk about MF". 15 minutes of fame seem to last many many years...
  14. Given the abysmal quality of the major Thai beer brands, the worst in S.E. Asia, I salute the initiative and hope there will be more and better choices. However, I am a bit puzzled how a party that is so opposed to marijuana (btw, an impressive u-turn by Mr Pita on the subject), is now so keen to promote alcohol consumption.
  15. RIP to the Kazakhstani guy. The problem is that, at least judging from my frequent visits at nearby Nai Harn, the red flags are often up for seemingly no reason. Another problem is that the lifeguards do not stand by the water edge like in many other countries, but sit in huts way back and are often oblivious to what happens in the water and seem more interested in their phones. I have been swimming often with red flags (I am a quite decent swimmer) without raising an eyebrow from them. This said, it is also true that the west coast beaches sometimes have sudden "holes" in the sand floor, and currents that can drag a weak swimmer out.
  16. So, only those people were counted? What kind of statistics is that? Actually, wait a moment, I really don't care. What I care about is that in a few of my favorite places for drink or food here in CM there seem to be always the same people occupying the same table (often for four seats) with laptop and associated gear, having a cup of coffee that seems to last several hours, speaking loudly in some online meeting. I have noticed that a few of them are apparently teaching English. If they are such precious contributors to the local economy as someone here claims, they could at least order a little more, perhaps buy their own internet subscription, and maybe just maybe work from their own accomodation.
  17. I think they were saying more or less the same things when motor vehicles were first introduced on the streets in place of horse carts. I see a lot of EV cars around, perhaps people are not so idiotic as you seem to think and they have made their choice based on their own priorities and needs?
  18. No, they don't make it up. It's the Thai law. Confess and get it halved. We may think it's preposterous, especially in cases when the confession is totally irrelevant, but it's their law. On the other hand, look at the justice system of some first world countries and it's often just as crazy. What is outrageous is that in a case like this he got only 6 years to start with. The jury should be composed of women who suffered rape, then it would be a different music.
  19. You mean for "young long terms stayers". Once you reach 50, with that kind of money it makes much more sense to use retirement.
  20. "ancient" is not quite correct. The original gates along the moat were erected in the 13th century, but are long gone. The present ones are replicas built, if memory serves me right, about a century ago, I could be wrong but certainly not "ancient". I suspect that the reaason for the degradation is the volume of traffic on the adjacent road, not foreseen of course a century ago. Anyway, the gates do serve a historical and patriotic purpose, not to mention the selfies attraction, so let's hope they manage to do something before it collapses like the one at Chang Pueak.
  21. Perhaps you could have spared yourself this comment.
  22. I was there last Thur about 11am, just to ask for info, and it was very crowded. It had been closed the previous day so that was maybe a factor, but my impression was that arriving in the afternoon would be too late. If you don't live too far, you could try just in case.
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