Why did you even think your travel insurance would cover this? The word is travel insurance & it is not a health insurance to cover pre existing ailments to be checked up.
Yeah, sure. He lives the good life financed by his supporters. What a bunch of dimwits to support this individual. Tommy leans back & has a good laugh.
I never read that Africans went on a rampage oe were picked up because of alcohol overdosing, smashing up a shop etc. Seems to be predominantly a western habit.
You don't get the point. It wasn't about discrimination. Subject is people not being aware of the rule. If you bother to read the blurb when you get your pension approved then you know about it. If you don't read it then you get caught out & consider it newsworthy.
My husband is 100% happy with the result (done in Bkk), I'm very dissatisfied with the outcome. I had to go back to wearing glasses but optician struggles to get it rightsince the op. I got an opinion by a specialist in Austria. He confirmed that op wasn't a success & could have been done better.
1 surgeon, 2 different outcomes.
You are aware that Thailand will be no different to other countries if they go ahead. There is higher taxation for foreign buyers of properties in Singapore. Did it change much? No. Worldwide taxation is due to OECD rules. TH has applied for membership & rules apply.
There 2 diff. vaccines. Shingrix is 2 shots & more effective, higher cost.
Old one, Zostavax, is 1 shot, less effective. I doubt it is still used. We paid about 1600 THB I think. Look at hospital websites for diff. prices. Try Thai RC.