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Everything posted by Letseng

  1. Hubby was in line for one but the scanner had a technical issue. He got it done for less at Samitivej Srinakarin. Contrast fluid made it pricey even at Samitivej. Was also about 15 yrs ago.
  2. Unfortunately, this doc doesn't work anywhere else. He is a retd. army doc who works fulltime at Bum. Had tests once done outside but results didn't come on time for my Bum. appointment.
  3. Letseng

    Large size shoe

    Try Robinson Dept. store. Several folks mentioned that this is their goto place for large size. You may have to pay a bit more.
  4. I have no issue with the way Bumrungrad operates. I just don't need 5* service. My go to doc at Bum. is a top specialist with very reasonable fees. What kills it every 3 months are exorbitant lab fees which keep on going up.
  5. Even if food would be an extra it wld still be cheaper than Bumrungrad. Tks for replying.
  6. Tks. I'm not expecting nurses to speak English. Wasn't my question. I asked about a private wing. However, they may need to improve English skills: "Dusit Thani PCL has signed a MOU with King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital, Thai Red Cross Society to integrate world-class medical services with luxurious hospitality at Dusit Suites Hotel Ratchadamri in Bangkok. More at https://punchmedia.co.th/2024/09/world-class-medical-services/…"
  7. Does Chula Hospital have an internat./private section for inpatients? I may need hospitalization. When searching on the internet it suggests a link but the link to international wing isn't on the search option. I use startpage to search. Thanks.
  8. Tks. A long way from my area. May worth checking out as prices at fancy Soi 3 hospital are getting unaffordable.
  9. Do a cooking class in lieu of remote work.
  10. And where is a military hospital in Bangkok?
  11. My regular lab tests cost more in the top hospital than what I paid in Germany for these. I hope prices aren't going up further.
  12. My husband had no problem with the vaccination. Was done in Austria. He was mid 60 at the time. Easy to get in Bangkok.
  13. Allianz are sticklers when it comes to claims. How this would be an issue with GENKI policy?
  14. Bangkok Bank isn't so well organised. Takes 5 days as it "needs to come from headoffice". It's Thailand. Letter takes minutes at Cw branch.
  15. The 12 month statement takes about 5 working days to obtain. Bank at CW only gives you bank balance confirmation on the same day.
  16. Medpark Hospital is an option.
  17. The guy got bitten at 6.30am.The victim went to find him around 8am bc he went about his business in the meantime. How bad was the bite if you can go about yr biz for another 1 1/2 hrs before getting something done about the "bite"?
  18. I assume when previous PM instructed to sort out long arrivals waiting after numerous complaints, they just added the space to economy. Crowds got better distributed out. Never mind the premium pax. With sep. lines for seniors, disabled & families with kids there is no fasttracking for this froup either. Large young families with 1 kid & all members get preference? 1 wheelchair with 10 fam. members in tow. All get preference? I expect more ppl will find a reason to ask for wheelchair. But: how long will it take before Thai premium pax will complain about being stuck in the economy queue? When I returned in July ppl queued all the way into main walkway.
  19. Every type has a side effect. Most give you swollen ankles. There is not "a one fits all" BP pill. Plus your underlying condition which causes the rising BP needs to be considered (e.g. kidneys?). Start of by reducing salt & see what happens. My doc would not put you on BP drug with a BP of 130 or 140/...? Go & see somebody.
  20. Try Thai Red Cross.
  21. How do kids get sick? Read up on which gtoups are affected by the new variant. Or do you think that all folks who get ill in DRC are gays?
  22. Add Philippines & Pakistan. This applied to former variant. Read up on new variant.
  23. Guess you don't do extension in Bangkok. 🫠
  24. No use to me who is in Rayong or in CM since I live in Bkk.
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