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Everything posted by Letseng

  1. Other than a family practitioner @ Mission Hospital I'm not aware of a western doctor working in the Thai healthcare system. Ignore Donna Robinson.
  2. There you got it: cheaper... thats where you get skin problems included. In the not cheap places you get a fresh sheet on the table.
  3. Been to the place. Glad I never returned.
  4. What do you mean by "waiting times no worse than other private hospitals"? How long did you have to wait?
  5. Many farangs chose to live here for retirement. Why choose a country where you feel you get discriminated against? Ppl who worked here, paid tax, have a Thai family should be treated equal. But there is an option...
  6. How many outlets all over town? How many floors are their main clinic with how many dentists? Of course these factories are privately owned. There is always an owner. I happen to know this clinic & they are great in upselling. Clinics which are highly recommended on travel forums one should be weary off.
  7. Wherever you go they speak good English. This clinic caters to mainly foreigners & it is a highend factory.
  8. On my state pension letter it states that no tax has been deducted.
  9. Tks for the link. I will check it out.
  10. It is for trips out of Thailand.
  11. This is one of those dental factories.
  12. I can highly recommend Asavanant Dental in Thonglor. They are not aimed at internat. market but serve more Thai market. It is not multifloor factory. It is a modern clinic, they don't sell you what you don't need. I have used them for 10÷ years. Prices are medium level. Check out their website.
  13. We live permanently in Thailand. So no home country/ address. Hubby is from UK. UK insurer will not renew due to reaching 80. He never had a claim ever. The Austrian option requires an Austrian registered address & membership to Austrian healthcare which will take over in case of repatriation. Similar with German insurers.
  14. My question is a bit off the main topic. My husband has had travel insurance with an internat. insurer. Policy originally had no age limit. A few weeks ago he was notified that they will no longer cover above the age of 80. Change of conditions just before renewal. Are you aware of an insurer which covers above 80 for travel? Tks.
  15. That's how insurers make money.
  16. Sorry, complain to the website admin about the 5 posts. Yes, policy had no age limit when it was taken out.
  17. I'm with the same insurer. They don't refuse you but exclude any event which can be caused by high cholesterol eg heartattack. In my case it is a knee issue.
  18. My husband recently received notice that his policy would not be renewed as he turned 80. They have changed the conditions. Policy was purchased because it was open ended. Never had a claim. Hard to find a new insurer.
  19. In theory after 2x 60 day stamps within 180 days the person becomes liable for tax on his wwide income? Or not?
  20. I've long since learnt not to supply info they do not request. Too much info creates the impression you want to cover up. Well done & may yr wife enjoy her holiday.
  21. They won't be more comfy with the stainless steel.
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