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Posts posted by marcusd

  1. What can I say rolleyes.gifwhistling.gifclap2.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

    Why are you laughing?

    They are entitled to ask to increase their income as any other person does on this earth.

    Charging for luggage is very common in Europe.

    Why not in Thailand?

    10 or 20Baht will hurt the pockets of the tourists?

    In my opinion they should be allowed.

    But Europe has taxis with working car suspension and clean and tidy and room for luggage.

    If no money. Change jobs. I had to

  2. They are stripping out all potential opposition for the future . No matter how much anyone despise the Shinawatra's , you have to look at what this is leading to.

    Yep people that don't let their bias cloud their reasoning see this for what it is. Politicians with an undisputable mandate trying to amend a constitution. What are they thinking.

    How could anyone be a politician in the future when merely executing your profession could lead to sanctions.

    The Junta are without a doubt a bunch of utterly stupid idiots, the whole world will not take this seriously, only the misguided supporters of the junta see this as legitimate and reasonable.

    Quite frankly, I am done discussing, as this is so clearly wrong and people still defending this are either unbelievable stupid or have some sort of agenda.

    Best to note, they are not fooling anyone but themselves, utter fools.

    In any case, reconciliation, uttered by the dear leader will not work, at the rate he is going the civil war is only gong to be more closer. Of course, reconciliation was never the real goal anyway...

    What country do you speak of for this civil war? Thailand? Omg I an hurting with laughter. Facebook rules here not sensabilities.
    • Like 1
  3. This is so funny, 286 MP's that all had a electoral mandate being impeached for attempting to change the constitution, yet the current Junta gets away with putting it through the shredder and draft their own, and this without any mandate.

    Thailand has really lost it, banana republic, were politicians are cannon fodder.

    In any case IF (and that is a very big if) a government would be installed with a clear mandate, the first thing they should do is getting rid of this agency, as they clearly aren't independent and don't have the slightest clue about the provisions in Thailand's constitution. The people being impeached had every right to amend the constitution, they did receive an electoral mandate. I

    you obviously don't read anything to fo with the facts.

    It's how they did it. Not anything about a mandate for change. Read earlier posts then go back to your dreams

    • Like 2
  4. Is this the beginning of the CLOSURE of the many SEX bars? Remember a few months back the big man in Bangkok did a "tour" of the girly bars? And he did not like them?

    Instead of CLOSING them, Restrict them to the point of being un - viable.

    This is what i see.

    Bye bye tourism for Thailand. And BTW this type of tourism for Thailand goes back many hundreds of years.

    Thais always had a reputation for Certain HOSPITALITIES.

  5. You can argue the rights and wrongs, but if every nation impeached its politicians for failed policies, then we would lock them all up. Worldwide. There is also the argument that 'other forces' were at work to stop the rice deals. Were they? I don't know for sure. And neither do you, unless you are privy to info 99.999999999999% of folks aren't. You also need to think about where the 'official' info is coming from. One thing is for sure. Yingluck was democratically elected and was overthrown in a coup. That is a fact. The military and Thai Elite have strengthened their positions (yes the Shins are members of the elite too, which is why they don't really care about what happens as long as they keep their money etc).

    As you can see, I am no fans of the Shins (surprised?). However, this game is rigged. I can think of many involved in this charades aside from Yingluck that have commited far worse.

    Also, going after her is a bad move (politically). It will make her a martyr and will stir up the 'reds'. Surely not a wise move, but Thais can be quite vindictive it seems.

    Welcome to Politics.

    • Like 1
  6. Good. This needs to be more often publicised. I have been travelling quite a lot in traditional Muslim societies and I can tell you that his attitude is what I encountered in most places. Very humble and extremely welcoming people. These are your muslims and not the ones we hear in the news all the time!

    Don't get too carried away. Travel and tell em you ate gay and look at your head roll as they cut it off.

    I too have travelled in Muslim countries and seen kindness too but more often than not, strict adherence to the Iman

  7. You feel this is the place to ask such a question ?

    Thai Visa ? Have you read some of the offerings by the members of this forum ?... and their replies !!

    If you had, you wouldn't even ask where the next street is let alone future predictions for foreign exchange.

    Amazing !

    It's a good a place as asking WORLD LEADING ECONOMISTS who all differ.

    So why not here?

    It's fun to play

  8. Simple enough really, lots of tourists now in high season spending foreign money, which has to be converted into Thai baht. Simple supply/demand market.

    All western currencies are lower. When the low season kicks in shortly, things will improve.

    This is what I thought but I think,the government is trying to reduce foreign influences so bu hurting foreign companies they keep the baht high, get rid of foreign companies and keep control of the even poorer masses.

    I hope you are right and I am wrong

  9. I want to ask those of you who are players on the markets and know more than I about currency markets.

    I am wondering how long the Thai baht is likely to be strong against other currencies?

    For example, I understand that Thailand is an exporting nation and to keep products affordable a lower currency is preferable against the currencies of the countries to whom you sell.

    Now I know the Australian dollar has dropped against the US$ but the baht remains high.

    Australia buys lots of cars from Thailand and those orders have slowed ... So wouldn't the car companies be angry?..

    I am using them as a case example because the are worth,more than tourism?

    Viewpoints please?

  10. I have my house advertised on a well known classifieds site since Februari 2014. My property is in a favorable location and is priced to sell.

    I received approximate 3-4 email responses each week and at least 1 interested viewer each week. Some returned more than once, and were financially strong seriously interested candidates.

    Then D-Day 22 May came, and all of sudden people who were strongly interested informed me that they would look on for another year.

    Between D-Day and early September, when I removed the property from the market, I received a total of 4 responses and 1 viewer, who thought everything is free in Thailand and everyone is desperate.

    Early December I re-listed the property on the same sight and have so far received 1 response from a UK IP address, who had never seen the property, and asked if I wanted to sell at a 30% discount.

    I hope this removes all your doubts.

    That shows that your price is too high. At the right price it would sell in days. If a property has been on the market for a while potential buyers start to wonder what's wrong with it and wonder if they are paying too much. It's been on sale for almost a year. That always means the price is too high. "Priced to sell" means just what it says. Yours hasn't sold so isn't priced to sell. That's why the last offer was 30% below your price.

    I agree with Anthony ... may not be overpriced at all. There is a GLUT of property on the market all over Thailand.

    have a cycle around. Don't bother driving you will run out of pens and paper writing down the addresses for sale.

    And I live in Chiang Mai and Pattaya - OMG! The whole country is for sale and too many houses, condo, shop houses for sale because developers thought many people will come and buy a house for their new found bar fly girl friend.

    Now they pay the price.

    I own a house but it serves as my office and the rent I save on both office and a condo means in 3 years my house is fully paid for by rental savings so no loss for me even if I walk away.

    And that is what you have to be prepared to do if you own here. This is not a MARKET investment p[lace to be for real estate. The whole world is in a bad way.

    • Like 1
  11. Thailand Prime Minister has been at the cross roads for a decade at least, one wonders if this latest round of Coups is going to heal a lot of unhealthy thoughts about the elite establishment for starters and the other is the Shinawatra Family, one cannot sir imagine anything has changed and from what I have seen in the reforms charter so far, you are now nearly back to pre 1992 era, just where all the upper crust have always wanted the situation , especially with the introduction of Outsiders as unelected members of parliament , just makes a mockery of your Democracy.coffee1.gif

    To be fair (or my version of fair) Thailand may not be what we think it should be. I think it has the POTENTIAL to be the super power of Asia - not China. BUT the people in charge here never learn. they hold the country back based on FEAR campaigns that Foreigners will own everything and throw out the Thais. RUBBISH! Do you ever hear hoards screaming I LOVE CHINA and their QUALITY??/ Nope.

    Now Thailand - it is far superior to those countries all around it. Whilst we may bitch and moan, why do you live here and not say Indonesia or Laos or Cambodia or Malaysia> Better deals for EXPATS in Malaysia? Because Thailand has that things we love, a better place with tolerance no other country permits.

    Sure there is hot air blown by government all the time but things roll along. And we stay and we survive and we are basically left alone. In other countries would this be the case?

    Now if they were serious and really embraced investment from overseas and learned where we go wrong and TAUGHT real studies this country would be the economic power house of Asia.

    Or am I totally wrong?

  12. Leveraged currency traders-are they investors or gamblers?

    If you made money then you were an investor, if you lost money then you were a gambler.

    A bit more complex than that.

    If you wear ordinary clothes, sit in a field and watch chickens fighting and bet 100 on the result you are a gamble and therefor a criminal.

    If you wear a suit, sit in an office and watch computer screens and bet 100 million on currency fluctuations you are an investor and engaged in a legitimate business.

    Following on from that, if the criminal loses his 100 it might mean his family eat noodles instead of rice that day.

    If the investor looses the 100 million it is probably not his money anyway for he has borrowed most if not all of it.

    And from there : If the criminal gets caught he may spend time in jail.

    While the investor may be deemed to big to fail and gets bailed out by the Govt so is able to give himself a bonus and carry on and do the same thing again.

    And the people who were gullible enough to loan the investor money wonder where their savings have gone and how they can now survive on what little they have left.

    An excellent post saying it in really simple terms. Playing computer games with currencies and stocks is all hype. What happens really is done at dinner parties vacations and on the golf tournaments.

    I know as I have been there.

    Take BHP Billiton, no debt, huge resources (getting pounded yes but people need oil gas and steel and soon they will go up) and take Rio Tinto who has HUGE debts.

    All share market speculation. BHP is backed solidly with assets and NO DEBT and huge cash flows but their shares are so undervalued. Rio is massively in debt same fields of enterprise. Share traders like Rio. Why? They are gamblers with YOUR pension funds. NO CONCRETE information behind their trading. Oh I heard this today - shares up. Oh I was wrong, shares down.

    And you think you can win? Believe me, in a few years BHP BILLITON will Be BHP BIlliton RIO TINTO. They tried before and will do so again.

    We cannot possibly win against the big players.

    The banks near on destroyed the economy as we know it a few years back and what did they learn?


  13. If the yellow dems were so confident that she is corrupt then why were they so scared to take the argument to the people?

    That way the People could have thrown her and the PTP out on their ears however by his own words Suthep conspired with the general to bring the democratically elected government down.

    So now all the ducks are in place for this illegal farce and no judgements on anyone yellow red or any other colour show be acknowledged from this kangaroo court.

    . I feel there I far more to this military takeover to create national stability than merely disposing of yingluck.

    We shall see the true reasons in the coming months.

    If yinny wasn't disposed of, there would be total,anarchy shortly.

    Now there will not.

    That's what this whole charade I about.

    Read between the lines. Yinny,out. Generals in. Farmers paid. No,more shootings. No more protests. No more threats. No more reds armies.

    People happy and accepting.

    As they will need to be

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