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Posts posted by marcusd

  1. I have been thinking about this and wondered WHY would they want such ludicrous information?

    Now I think it may all come down to MONEY or lack thereof.

    Yinny could not borrow. <deleted> cannot borrow. China says I wannna own it or no MOOLAH! No one loves them to give Thailand new houses, trains, road, Dams or Bridges. I wonder why?

    Drought this year, piling debts (Thai Airways, Airport repairs blah blah, farmers with no money next year due to no crops this year ... supposition but from What i read and see...

    SO, What do you do when you are broke? You raid the piggy banks and guess who the little piggies are? Yes folks - US! You and me!

    So Thia Govt takes BOND money held in banks and offers us nicely a little bit of paper signed by Nuttonyalife Takealot a highly respectable member of the Higher ups in Government and they HOLD the bonds in TRUST for us. Trust because we must trust them we get the loot back!

    Now they call this a SECURED Government BOND.

    Now this is all supposition. My curious pea brain at work here.

    The REAL banks no longer have our loot. All LENT and SECURED with the Government for OUR safe keeping. Fantastic!

    Then when we want to leave after being suppressed and treated even worse than jews in a concentration camp, we TRY and ask very nicely to get our money back. Then the fun begins! try it. Maybe Khun takealot was not REALLY a real registered person and our money was STOLEN and we were DEFRAUDED and have been NON COMPLIANT with Visa rules since then. OMG and the PAPER form the govt is written on STOLEN paper and why did we not read it in the THAI news?

    I then if there are protests or civil war from the army splitting to side with 2 contenders for the Throne, maybe, just maybe we will be the scapegoats and OUR MONEY CONFISCATED.

    Taken as say an act of retribution like USA and WESTERN powers did to Saddam Hussein and ISIS and so forth

    Nothing new. But I can this heasding this way.

  2. it seems clear that the EU is happy to aid Thailand decimate fish stocks and exploit slave labour. The Thai government are right not to worry.

    Would you care to share the reasoning behind such a bold statement?

    I look forward to it.

    Because the EU has been extending Thai fishing imports for ages and constantly attack Thailand for SALVE deals and so forth also in the news and you can even search THAI Visa as the lovely news people deliver it RIGHT HERE.

    If I can remember it with my feeble old mind others will as well. they may be able to even point you in the right direction.

    I just cant be bothered.

    Or ask GOOGLE. he knows a lot!

  3. I thought there was some points of international law and national treasures/artifacts which stipulated ownership by original provenance. In America currently, the FBI is investigating an old stamp that reappeared. Some Brit inherited the stamp of the upside down (Jenny) plane. It was stolen long ago. They are investigating because it makes no difference who's hands the stamp crossed, or how innocent the attainment was. The only thing that matters is the origin. This premise is also all over international law (I thought). This diamond is from India! I am unaware that any argues its chain of custody. To me its pretty simple- Its an Indian stone.

    India was an occupied and conquered nation the same that the USA did to the Indians. Now who owns the USA? We can go on and on about every country really.

    India was OWNED by England. So it was not STOLEN but GIVEN even if a little interference was encouraged but the fact is England owned the Country so it really belongs to England

  4. Dear Immigration

    I want to declare my sites I visit. Apart from naughty ones that may excite you this is one of my most favourite. A lovely shining example of how we should view our leaders.

    As this is FREELY available in Thailand and not blocked I would like to share this with you as one of my favourite sites and I write this on my forms.


    GO GET STUFFED! Omg what next from the land of TROUBLES

  5. Long an interesting history this diamond has - it was the treasured possession of the Durrani rulers of Afghanistan before being taken by the Sikh Empire.

    Dear India.

    thank you for your concerns but as you already occupy most of London we believe in keeping this for ourselves so your countrymen can see it here for themselves.

    No be good chappies and go away now.


  6. Too m ujch information already

    UBONJOE they say this is not mandatory in Khaosod.


    It probably will be


    Do you guys know anything we do not?

    So do we list the sites that are banned here about CERTAIN people their ex wives and their dogs eating together? hahahaha

    EVERY DAY I am getting ready to leave and Never return. My thai BF too as he cant believe the madness

  7. The VAT tax here is MINIMAL. Obviously those complaining NEVER travel and are or maybe TRAPPED here so they complain.

    The VAT is really nothing the the extremely HIGH import taxers and the fiddles the banks do to give you less Thai baht when exchanged. Yes I know many methods but I am looking at closing down here as the Thai baht is artificially strong against other currencies.

    Go shopping and look at the prices of IMPORTED goods. then go to Singapore Hong Kong (REALLY expensive comparably but still cheaper than Thailand) Philippines, Malaysia. ALL cheaper and if we go supermarket shopping - well we save a lot more.

    So a VAT at 10 or even 15% makes no difference. The sanctioned corruption makes a huge difference as they have to keep their friends and backers happy.

  8. There is a virus on messenger i just caught in swizerland

    MY PRIVATE VIDEO apears on messenger fron one of your friend ...you click and it says you need a cloud complementary thing to download from chrome i think...

    you end up sending porn to all your friends ...but i didnt have feedback just yet ... maybe it doesnt send it realy ..but it does worst ...it send the same virus

    which is most unpleasant in Thailand as its forbidden... can send you to jail

    Was it good porn? hahahaha

  9. ...they said 'Identified by name'.....???

    ...so what are they waiting for.......???

    For someone to do their job for them?

    I do not know why you are all so keen on bashing the Thais.

    There have been some spectacular security failures in the West in the recent past but I doubt you Thai bashers would have noticed.

    Try looking up the Paris and Brussels atrocities and take note of all the alleged (and reported ) "failures" by the European security forces.

    edited to remove a typo.

    could it be that we know all too well what these numptys are capable of (or not as the case may be) ? ....now i have to show my passport to post a freaking birthday card back to europe so no I have NO faith in these donkeys

    A little bit off topic but yes I agree with you. I have noticed when i bring anything in now the amount of duty I must pay varies UP every time astronomically. Getting beyond a joke it is downright abusive.

    This is a bit of drama to make them seem all good and perfect to cover other failings up. yes I see that things are changing for the worse here in 4 years its getting damn harder to live day to day and i feel China would have been better under Mao Zse Dong.

    Police and Army want to show STRENGTH and unity and this is one perfect way at a very busy time to do it. And when nothing happens, YIPPEE see what we stopped they will yell? And if it does happen god forbid, then they will say Look, see how good we are we knew this would happen. But it does not account that there is no proper checking at points of entry and it shows that those stupid TM7 entry cards are useless at helping track people.

  10. I don't know the specifics of the relationship between the Chechens and the Uighurs, but there are significant number of both of these groups in Turkey. During the Chechen war, many Chechens fled to Turkey. There was a fair amount of support, especially from Islamic groups, for the Chechens and their cause. There has been support for Uighurs who are considered to be an ethnically Turkish group. How these two groups have joined up and formed some sort of alliance, I don't understand.

    Without knowing the relationship, it is hard to know what the target is. Chechens might target Russian interests, but Uighurs probably wouldn't. Uighurs might target Chinese, but would have little beef against Russia.

    If the basis of this affiliation is purely religious, then pretty much anyone and anywhere could be the target.

    It would be better if there was a little more background information about the nature of this group and what they might be up to.

    I think this is a piece of garbage reporting to make everyone feel SOMETHING is going to happen. AND when it does not happen people will say "see how good Thailand Police and Army is in protecting everyone?"

    The Government here is on the nose with the world. This story is making the rounds in foreign press so that will really help tourism eh?

    Now Thailand has a lot to worry about so they need distractions and blaming MUSLIMS is an easy way out as everyone else is doing it and Thailand like other Asian nations follows the example of the west. Scott I think the link between these 2 groups is MUSLIM.

    The government if they do have an attack has a cop out for the disasters waiting in the wind tourism wise.

    Chinese economy plummeting down, Bangkok Airport under IATA review in Dec for non repair of the runways and Thai Airlines under International review for OLD craft and maybe a European DELAY in being able to fly there.

    yes a distraction of a terrorist plot is always good.

  11. I'd be interested to know under which article of Law they will be prosecuted.

    "selling sex" isn't in itself an offense as far as I know, maybe using the internet to do so or to advertise is a crime under computer law or the fact that they were part of an organized network will be held against them.

    Maybe advertising the service in LINE is considered lewd under the Law.

    I'd be interested to know more about the exact charges.

    Soliciting is illegal.

    Which is offering money for sex, the girls are offering sex for money, that ain't soliciting and that ain't a crime in Thailand as far as I know, but I could be wrong.

    Well its a new crime just made yesterday apparently. Happens every day now.

  12. I wish these research people would have interviewed my Thai friend.

    He has been in the restaurant business in Chiang Mai, for almost 20 years. He owns the restaurant.

    He told me in 20 years, no Chinese man or woman has ever left a tip. Not even 1 baht.

    Thats a fact then ? Whats the big deal about tipping anyway ? Just because its the norm in the west, doesn't mean the world has to follow or should be judged on a small minority western tradition. Maybe the restaurant has just crap service. I don't always tip in Thailand because the service often doesn't deserve it. By the same token did you know the chinese, Thai, East Asians are horrified how westerners leave their parents to grow alone in their old age or in old peoples homes ? ...but I guess as long as you tip, you are morally superior. God bless you.

    NOW Now settle please. I think the poster was making a point about them being known for Chinese being known as mean. I also know of many stories and I also know from personal experience of many good stories and politeness.

    It is a different culture Like Russia they have had it hard and with less politeness of other countries and cultures. But they can change and as there is 1.5 billion of them there is bound to be many bad stories. The good ones go unknown.

  13. I read the article here and saw this

    Eight million Chinese tourists have visited Thailand in the last year, and at least one million have visited Chiang Mai.

    Over the next four years, the research predicts around 300 million more Chinese tourists will visit over the next four to five years.

    TAT did this I think. That is a small increase over the next 5 years. I don't think that many Chinese travel; or will travel at all anywhere!

    OR Is this a sly way of telling us Thailand has already been sold out and they are taking up possession???

  14. I have seen other shots of this and they are Chinese.

    I hope the Thai police kick them out of the country.

    Personally, have come across many Chinese here and vast majority are simply obnoxious.

    Sad top say it is not only here they are obnoxious. Just back from Honkers and shops empty. TOTALLY. And The hoards of rude arrogant XYX Chinese are down to lookers and they are a BIT better but still filthy by other standards. Pushy Loud Eat everything scramble, scream noisy in hotels. Destroy things. I wonder if the cost of damages outweigh the income generated LONG TERM?

  15. Just waiting for the but, but Thakasin and Junta boys to come out and try to spin this also. They will say the list is flawed because Thakasin isnt on it.

    And of course, you assume he isn't. But why would you need an off-shore company to dodge tax when you can simply change the tax laws to suit yourself?

    If the "Puppeteer" has been free to roam the world for almost 10 years, despite being a convicted fugitive & no arrest warrant executed or extradition sought by any Thai Gov'ts in that time, then, even if he's named, so what ?? Makes complete farce of Thai justice.

    You use the word JUSTICE like it is a real or thing that actually exists in Thailand.

    Do you not remember you are FARRANG and we are becoming and extinct species here. And made become extinct by current operations EVERYWHERE.

  16. It's as simple as "if they can throw water, they will", drought be damned. Live for today, tomorrow never comes.

    If/when the water does run out, at least everyone will have good Songkran memories to remember as fields go thirsty and the cost of living rises.

    Great I can sleep well tonight knowing that.thumbsup.gif

    Every year the same old stuff and this is so boring. THIS IS THAILAND and their NEW YEAR and to kill Songkran is to kill Thai spirit or whats left.

    Now in Oz where I am from DROUGHT is something we know. Here ist is no more than the next rain season and whilst that may BE DROUGHT is still enough to get by. Yeah sure and given some things will and must change by Songkran is Thai just as Christmas is Europe!

  17. I can not see him every coming back, for fear of

    being assassinated , he has made many enemies

    but while money is being made by his family and his interests

    spreading his gospel and views will get printed.

    trouble for him is time away from home,

    in the end he will be passed over

    and thats what seems to me he fears most.

    YES A LOT of money in fact. that lovely THAI owned airline THAI AIR ASIA 49% and AIS owned in Singaporre we know but Shin Corp has holdings in companies that hold companies that own it and many other THAI companies so why have democracy?

  18. Read this in the Australian press about a thai in Chiang Mai going to ADJUSTMENT sessions with Army because she displayed a red Thaksin bowl on facebook.

    This is what Was also written

    "The Thai state is going through a spectacularly chilling militarisation that is supposed to usher in reforms that the Thai people ostensibly need because they are not informed enough to come up with on their own and their elected representatives are too corrupt to do it for them," Professor Thitinan wrote in the Bangkok Post.

    So whose fault is the ignorance of Thais and what has been done
    Things like this will only welcome people like Thaksin back not solve problems here
    And the current mob have done little to help the country as a nation.
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