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Posts posted by marcusd

  1. It seems to me ( and yes I was a big mouth supporter PREVIOUSLY) that htis NEW government SPOKE ALL THE RIGHT THINGS and it seemed so great and all they are doing now is setting Thaialnd back CENTURIES into the days Of European Feudalism.

    Foreigners are getting tossed off at every point and he says YOU ARE WELCOME TO VISIT THAILAND.

    This place is more and more a joke day by day.

    This, along with the drop in tourism numbers is certainly going to bode well for RETURNING tourists hahahah

    Shoot yourself in the foot and eventually you lose heaps and we ill get cheaper prices. Because Thailand is heading to a banana economy!

    • Like 2
  2. I think the General can push to to any limit he likes. The people who are the farmers who support Yingluck - or previously did support her do not in such large numbers anymore. THEY GOT PAID. People are not so fired up nopw. They have settled down and the power behind the Red Armies are gone, gaoled or in hiding. They cannot stir the trouble like they did before.

    Do I think they will make her suffer hardship? Does my opinion count? NO to both. I think this is a show trial to show that the Junta means business and they have TOTAL control of the country and Happiness is restored to the people.

    These trials will be a farce just like everything else operating here.

    The show goes on!

  3. Third world!

    Stupid remark.. how is this any different from Christianity.. no proof for that either yet millions and millions believe in it. It is just as credible (not) as this.

    I always wonder how religious people can slander other religions and beliefs while theirs are also not proven.

    Your remark might be ok if your an atheist, then you can make comments as then you have no crazy religion.

    but Buddhist is NOT a religion but a way to,live your life. Tho other crap is MADE UP not religious at all
  4. It does not happen! SIMPLE! This all bad press by the international community.

    Thailand does not have human trafficking.

    Those people want Thailand to help them find low paying jobs, they love working for free at 18 hours a day and they are not materialistic and want to,live humble lives... On dirt floors in the open all keeping warm, being environmentally friendly using body he's in Col places.

  5. Why don't Thai authorities LOOK at farang investigations instead of hiding their heads under the sheets.....coffee1.gif .

    Transam, SERIOUSLY! Look again at your post. Reconsider this.

    Thai look at FARANG investigations? What does a bloody farang know anyway? The Thai way or the Highway isn't it? the west has only become rich and smarter because of what? THAINESS? To think that Thailand could learn from anyone else? that is why ther eis a happiness to the people campaign, just to remind them poverty is wonderful. Foreigners only want to hurt them.

    Do you know the number of times children scream when I go near them because their parents tell them FARANG are bad and evil spirits? So why would Thailand want to learn anything else from us?

    This place is only good for cheap labour for our markets, a joke a minute and boom boom. And that is a very sad thing to say but TRUE

  6. Hiding behind fabric illusions of Legality to hide criminality sanctioned previously where no action was taken really makes one wonder if anything will ever change.

    the thing I know is uncorrupted is my hard drive. Everything else I just plod along. Wherever there are people there are bad things happening. What a disgraceful race we are. Epitomized by the ruling people in this forsaken land

  7. Tough, they only have themselves to blame - well Putin and his idiotic invasion of Ukraine

    Putin didnt invade Ukraine. What do watch? Fox News the BBC perhaps. The US and EU where behind a coup that overthrew a democraticly elected government (not the first time). And then lie as if Russia was the bad guy. Its the reverse. Crimea is 90% Ethnic Russian and voted to remain part of Russia. I hope Russia stand up to these bullies and that there economy turns round.

    cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif 90% Ehtnic Russian because stalin screwed so many of them.

    And most of the world was screwed by Imperialist Britain so no need to hang on to the Falklands, Gibralter then hey. The US covert imperliasm (maybe not so covert with 170 military bases worldwide) will end oneday as all empires have in the past. Russia as with Thailand have recently agreed monetary swaps with China. Russia is no fool. There economy will bounce back. And as for the racsist rants on Russian tourists here in Thailand im a Brit and wouldnt been seen dead with the beer idiots from my own country here. It doesnt mean all Brits are like that though.

    There are Russians and then there are Moscovites making a large percentage of this horrible hoard that flocks around the world making a bad name for themselves. PUTIN is one such example ruling with FEAR and intimidation. I KNOW because I was in my friends apartment when the thugs came to ASK why he did not vote for Putin?

    So yes, Russians are bad on a ot more fronts than westerners you say IMPERIALIST BRITAIN conquered but at least standards were higher when they left.

    I lived in St Petersburg for a few months ... do they say they are RUSSIAN - NO WAY because they do not want to be affiliated with rude obnoxious peasants that so many of this ilk tryu to be whn they travel.

    I feel with time things will change and possibly for the better but first they must STOP living like they own the world and the rest of the world is against them.

    The world embraces a family not a family of thugs.

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  8. The ONLY way to keep total control of any population is to make sure they do not ever gain knowledge. Censoring is one such way of a fearful government or power to keep total control. FEAR usually works for a while but in the end it fails. It fails in economic and other ways. At present there seems to be one face stating FOREIGNERS want to come and INVEST in Thailand and on the ground, the actions are those of total determent - making it so HARD and difficult to actually do anything.

    This will fail as people leave. maybe not a lot of posters here but business and bigger money interests who will just get fed up and go to where the levels are more even to play.

    • Like 2
  9. Approved is NOT COMMENCED. And many of these APPROVALS have been sitting waiting for near on 2 years.

    I wonder how many will actually come to fruition?

    I do know personally of many that have been approved and moved ELSEWHERE due to even better incentives such as the stupid reporting conditions for foreigners being one and salaries being more competitive elsewhere for another

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