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Posts posted by marcusd

  1. ??

    i dont find it hard at all to search for flights using




    "It also said it wouldnt allow metasearch sites like Kayak to show any prices lower than those on Lufthansa.com."

    opposite of the hotel booking sites where hotels are NOT allowed to show lower prices.

    It says they will limit - FUTURE not right now...

  2. One may just about wish the previous regime was still in power so we can see the country go down the economic drain, but then one would be a sadist for thinking that and would not be putting the country first.

    At least the current govt will be able to guide the economic ship through the stormy waters. Australia is actually in those stormy waters as well. In fact the $aus slide is more pronounced than the baht and most economic indicators in Australia are worse than Thailand. SO in fact Prayut has shielded the country from the full brunt of this global downturn which needs to be acknowledged.

    Just think had he not stepped in the economy would have collapsed long ago.

    Fact - $aus slide is more pronounced than the bah slide against the usd

    Fact - economic indicators in Australia are on a % bases sliding more than Thailand indicators

    Just think had he not stepped in the economy would have collapsed long ago.

    Facts - All economic indicators showed the country was sliding into economic collapse before May 22nd, 2014.

    All facts and all I receive in reply instead of intelligent rebuttals proving me wrong is condescension.

    It warms my heart because when the poster is attacked instead of the post I win the argument.

    While you are correct about the AUD, the 'slide' in its value is of major economic value to Australia and the devaluation has been a defacto policy of the past 2 govts as well as the gov of the reserve bank. It is now approaching what most people believe to be fair value relative to the USD.

    In respect of % decline in other indicators you are COMPLETELY WRONG: growth in Australia has flattened by not in spiral seen in Thailand ( eg manufacturing down 8% year on year....a dramatic contraction).. Thailand is facing a perfect storm and were it not for the tourism sector the pain for communities and families would be intense. Not to worry ....Suthep and the loony beer heiress are coming to the rescue .

    Haven't seen you for a while! And I must concur. Australia has geared this way and the 20 year average for the AUD to USD has been about 67. The USD to THB over the same 20 years has been about 28. Thai baht is overvalued and that is good for repaying interest on foreign loans but bad for the ordinary folk here who do not get government pensions and social security - but hell - Who care or gives a damn. And I thought I would never think massive corruption by one family would be better than sinking a country by another family - basically admitting I was wrong about better to keep yinny than ditch her. Jury still out on that one....

  3. One may just about wish the previous regime was still in power so we can see the country go down the economic drain, but then one would be a sadist for thinking that and would not be putting the country first.

    At least the current govt will be able to guide the economic ship through the stormy waters. Australia is actually in those stormy waters as well. In fact the $aus slide is more pronounced than the baht and most economic indicators in Australia are worse than Thailand. SO in fact Prayut has shielded the country from the full brunt of this global downturn which needs to be acknowledged.

    Just think had he not stepped in the economy would have collapsed long ago.

    Please tell us where you buy those wonderful hallucinogenic drugs you take on a daily basis.

    From any good Thai Pharmacy :)

  4. One may just about wish the previous regime was still in power so we can see the country go down the economic drain, but then one would be a sadist for thinking that and would not be putting the country first.

    At least the current govt will be able to guide the economic ship through the stormy waters. Australia is actually in those stormy waters as well. In fact the $aus slide is more pronounced than the baht and most economic indicators in Australia are worse than Thailand. SO in fact Prayut has shielded the country from the full brunt of this global downturn which needs to be acknowledged.

    Just think had he not stepped in the economy would have collapsed long ago.

    Not Quite Jamie. Australia has let the dollar drop BUT that helps exports as they are cheaper. Thailand is also a MAJOR exporter and their products are NOT competitive on the world market right now.

    Australia has no where near the debt Thailand has. Debt on the balance sheet and Debt that is actual debt are 2 different things. BONDS are one example as they must be paid eventually. Australia has a lot of Bonds but they are help in RESERVE by the Reserve bank - at this stage.

    The general is no economic genius and nor am i but if I was selling something, i want people to buy MY goods and services not look elsewhere.

  5. It would be EVER SO EASY to fix this mess up.

    LISTEN to the big business - the Japanese who asked for issues such as flooding - enabling MOVEMENT of their finished product to shipping ports during floods

    Visa changes

    Treat foreign investment as WELCOME not with contemp

    Treat people like they are welcome not just ATM piggy banks

    Stop blaming other countries for doing wrong - ie Europe suspending or reducing seafood sales until Thailand fixes the mess in the industry

    and there are so many ore issues

    Do not hold a strong Thai baht against other nations just to kill off what you have left of tourism from nations that actually CONTRIBUTE to the popluation

    DO not think that Thailand will again go back to feudalism 100% - the horse has bolted on that one and doing what you are dong now guys is driving many away WHO WILL NOT RETURN> I for one....

  6. Prayut should also consider "what it feels like for Thai people" to know that their nation has been placed in the same category as North Korea when it comes to absence of democracy.

    Cheap shot. He didn't create this mess. He was handed it. As we know, Thais aren't going to do anything until they have to. Things like maintenance of their airline industry. All Prayuth can do is try and make the changes in the incompetence and corruption at every layer of Thai governance. It don't come easy.

    I remain a strong supporter of General. I have seen nothing but positive movement in every aspect of Thailand since he took over. I remember where we were before he took over and never want to go back to that. Democracy is overated in a third world country. Thailand will get there soon enough. Once democracy is restored, the usual characters get their hands back into the till and everything reverts back to where we were before the coup. Prayuth isn't in there to enrich himself like every politician in Thailand.

    I blame America for not realizing what Prayuth has done to this point. And I commend American for pointing out what still has to be done.

    Too MUCH pinot I think. Pinot Noir Pinot blanc. OPEN YOUR EYES to news apart from that in Thialand. This government has made things worse and I never thought I would say that either.

    Talk is CHEAP and by god he can talk. Action is something still being searched for in the cupboards

  7. Well what else can he say. Europeans are ditching Thai fishing products, US are ditching Thai fishing products, Indonesia is ditching Thai fisherman for illegal trafficking

    Australia and New Zealand are looking at ditching Thai fishing Products and all because of ... Ummmm Why?

    Thailand is really on the nose and talk talk talk is over boys.

    Now the BIG players to your economy want to see ACTION. These nations use one thing because of inaction on another.

  8. I don't doubt the numbers, but I think the majority of the growth consists of tourists that 1) are not spending as much, and 2) not staying as long, i.e. mostly Chinese tourists.

    I went out in Bangkok the other weekend. Two observations:

    1) First we went to Khaosarn road. I have never seen those street bars so packed (I've visited KSR at high-season / low-season since 2009). You could barely walk.

    2) Then we took a taxi to Nana/Asoke at 1.30-2am. I kid you not, there was a proper traffic jam on Sukhumvit rd. at 2am (we came down soi 3 - driving towards sukhumvit rd.) I don't remember ever seeing that much traffic at 2am in that area. Ridiculous.

    So I don't know what exactly is going on and why, but seems that there are more and more people here than ever before.

    Try a Trip to SILOM. EMPTY EVERYWHERE. And Traffic? Were they just looking out the windows of buses?

  9. I must be living in another dimension?

    The bars and business in this other place are on the bones of their ar$e$ and going to the wall left, right and center for lack of business (see paying Tourists and visitors)

    Good to see the actual official figures show in reality all is Tickety Boo here in LOS blink.png

    Maybe after centuries of selling diddly squat and SEX Thailand may need to find some other income from WORK? Maybe even FOREIGN INVESTMENT in INDUSTRIES? OMG what next?

  10. I currently have three on the go. One has a masters, two have BA's, from decent international programs. To be honest, it's strange to see Western men shack up with partners educated to the level of a Western 10 yr old and communicate using toddler-talk.

    But then, the World is strange.


    Whilst i am happy for you, the Thai education system is only apparently recognized in Thailand and other countries where education is of no importance.

    Have you noticed that anyone with a Thai Doctorate cannot use it elsewhere?

    Doctors here must do another 3 - 4 year in WESTERN COUNTRIES such as US England and Australia / New Zealand.

    BA? Is that Bull s..t Artists? i think so because I would not give a damn employing with a Thia uni degree as they are too easily obtained with too little real effort... EXPERIENCED already unfortunately

  11. And if you believe this, you will believe anything.

    Just open your eyes and have a look around. There has definitely been less tourists here over the past year or so.

    You may be looking in the wrong places for the wrong thing. Farang is not the typical tourist anymore and would not be surprised if their numbers are shrinking. However Asian Foreigners are coming in droves. Go to the malls or visit resorts and you will find them packed Chinese, Japanese, Malaysian and Koreans. I doubt combining UK, American and Australian arrivals even matches that of either China or Malaysia. Also would suspect Russian numbers are way down and they were the largest farang group to visit.

    Am sure Thailand is happy to get visitors who spend from anywhere but they may be pleased with this. Farangs have a way of making the news here in ways not typically associated with holidaying.

    I agree there are MORE Chinese coming now. BUT they will not buy things here as it is made in China and cheaper in China so why pay Thai taxes on top?

    They buy cheap tours, hotels and little else.

    they do not help locals like we westerners do.

    Thailand welcomes these idiots who act terribly in most cases and they are welcome to them.

    It is their country

    More numbers through the door DOES NOT equal more revenue in the tills

  12. GBP/THB was between 37 and 42 for the seven years prior to the crash, purely as a a function of the Dollar peg. But to put things in perspective, 30 baht back then would buy you loads more of everything compared to today.

    Are there only ENGLISH PEOPLE and USA people in Thailand?

    Who CARES? You are minor in Thailand EXPORTS business compared to other nations.

    You are not the driving force of the Thailand economy. Japan and China seem to be. nations that were are dropping their interest.

    Japan, Europe, China.... these are the people who invest most here with figures from this site https://en.santandertrade.com/establish-overseas/thailand/foreign-investment suggesting Japan at 60%.

    Now with their low currency against the baht, do they care about US dollar values or GBP?

    I think not and they are moving a lot of manufacturing = INVESTMENT away fro Thailand over the next few years. Do they care here? i think not until its too late. Retirees bringing in money boosts foreign reserves and helps the LOCAL economies.

    I saw a google thing some time back where it was estimated at near to 1 million but I cannot substantiate that anywhere so help is appreciated.

    But I would suspect these people leaving as thir currencies get less baht will also hurt Thailand. So forget the US$ and GBP as these will pale into insignificance with the others in this land suffering now

  13. This makes me laugh "....(name any financial market)...... is expected to .....(fill in the blank).... because of......(fill in the blank)".

    The future direction of any financial market is completely unknowable. Everything someone can list as a possible reason why something "should" happen, is already known by the market and is already "priced in" resulting in the current price. There are billions of $, Baht whatever being traded by people whose business it is to trade currency markets. These are serious people. If they thought for one second that the current price was in some way "wrong" or that others had failed to consider a certain key piece of information or data, they would place their bets and rake in a fortune when they were proved right.

    The current price is there as a result of all the people who have already placed their bets on the direction based on all known data / information / forecasts.

    The only thing that will move markets one way or the other is if new news or data becomes available which differs significantly from what was expected. This data / information is by it's very definition "unknown", hence the future direction is also unknown.

    But these economists will know: if you forecast the direction as "up" or "down", which ever they choose there is about a 50-50 chance of being correct. Then they can heap praise on their own shoulders for being so clever!!

    Flip a coin, you have about as much chance of being right.

    And there is the big problem and reason the Capitalist system in the 21st century is now deeply flawed.

    It is all one betting shop and countries economies are "played" with by selfish and low life gamblers. Exchange rates in the old days of more true economies were almost exclusively effected, as they very much should be, by a country's balance of payments for goods and services in and out, not by low life a'hole speculators trying to make a quick free buck on the backs of the poor folk in the economies they falsely effect and often ruin. This world is currently totally crazy and grossly unfair to the the 99% of folk who are ordinary decent people simply trying to earn an honest living and have a happy and comfortable rewarding life but all of that is being ruined by the fat cat selfish pond life whom Governments allow to get away with it !!!!!!!!!!

    Silly fraudulent manipulations by very corrupt and evil Governments like Washington and much of Europe too, who are a major part and main cause in fact of the problem. Falsely making the what should be a very weak US dollar stronger by fraud and deceit, and gold weaker (which is very strange as physical gold is highly in demand that exceeds supply!!), manipulating oil prices to help demonise Russia in punishment for them being independent and refusing to bow down to the hegemonic US domination as most World wide vassal states are having to do these days.

    NOW before anyone starts the stupid jumping on me as usual on this point, I will say now that I am NOT being anti American as I have many US based friends and generally love most US folk and the beautiful country, though some are sadly it seems a bit apathetic and lacking in real knowledge of the truth. However I am really very much currently very anti the corrupt and simply evil corporate run Washington and indeed anti UK Government too for similar reasons as they are very much a US vassal nation now. There lies the problem that affects us all and time we all did something to rid ourselves of this blight on society IMHO.

    Almost ALL of us here are ordinary decent folk and we are being totally stitched up by corrupt Western Governments and fat cat corporations that are controlling us and still too many of us seem unable to see the truth in that. This we must stop and get back to normality if it is at all possible. Unfortunately we are still being brainwashed and mislead by the Washington controlled Western media.

    All just my honest two pence worth and I am not up to any debate on it as I am happy that it is all the truth and many or even most open minded ordinary decent folk can now see that too and agree !! So silly flamers who are unable to hold a serious sensible debate will as usual be ignored as they always should be.

    Are you saying a SOCIALIST system will work? Think again. People are GREEDY no matter what Utopia you want to have

  14. No scientific studies or proof. Just online hype, much of it linked to people who sell the stuff. Maybe it has some benefits, maybe it does not. No one actually knows.

    Quite a claim.

    'Is there scientific support for astaxanthin in the research literature?

    Yes. There is a substantial body of literature including in vitro studies, preclinical studies and several human clinical trials. These data consistently suggest that Astaxanthin, with its unique molecular structure and resulting potent antioxidant activity, may be an effective therapeutic modality for a variety of conditions, including cardiovascular, immune, anti-inflammatory, and neurodegenerative.

    Have clinical studies been conducted for astaxanthin?

    There have been numerous preclinical in vivo and in vitro studies and several human clinical trials to evaluate the efficacy of astaxanthin. A double-blind, placebo-controlled study demonstrated that astaxanthin was found to significantly increase strength and endurance. Another clinical study shows that astaxanthin alleviates symptoms in patients with H. pylori (pre-ulcer indigestion). A third clinical study demonstrated bioavailability in humans. Additional human clinical studies are being sponsored.'

    I think as you do not profess and MEDICAL Qualifications, stating the rubbish that you do here is no justification to espouse your medical opinion. I doubt very much the pigment in which this quackery is used for really works. If it did many major companies would have jumped on to it.

    It is just another unsupported web idea taken up by people already too far gone to treat by the looks of comments on this thread

    Given that , Leave it with Sheryl and close this thread before it causes irreversible damage to people looking for a hope on a quack IN VITRO (do you know why it is still IN VITRO) so called treatment?.

    DROP IT and moderators close this thread.

  15. We all knock Thailand occasionally, but just think of how many governments around the "civilized" world that would kill to have a current account surplus. That is something they have right .... live within your means.

    You only have a SURPLUS here by moving DEBT off the books to BONDS or shift the debt to long term so it is removed from this fiscal session or make the BOND as an asset because you SELL a bond. Something like that is going on big time here in Thailand. All you have to do is read. It is just move the dots. Kiddies stuff to fool the people and make the next mob accountable.

  16. If the baht was in the region of 60 to the £ I would be happy when I first came over it was 74 to the £ and my living standard was really good over time it got as low as 43 to the £ and I did contemplate going back to the UK as my retirement income for my extension of stay was very borderline. In my humble opinion I feel that Government has propped up the baht what country in the world who is taken over by a coup and has many domestic and financial issues shows a continuos strong currency as the baht has shown I believe that before long it will hit 60 to the £ .......... ,!!

    why not 95 or 118....... before long? huh.png

    Agreed a totally useless assumption based on no evidence and Alice In Wonderland fantasy

  17. If the baht was in the region of 60 to the £ I would be happy when I first came over it was 74 to the £ and my living standard was really good over time it got as low as 43 to the £ and I did contemplate going back to the UK as my retirement income for my extension of stay was very borderline. In my humble opinion I feel that Government has propped up the baht what country in the world who is taken over by a coup and has many domestic and financial issues shows a continuos strong currency as the baht has shown I believe that before long it will hit 60 to the £ .......... ,!!

    I always believed that the gold price was set by the world market. Interesting it has gone down 3.2% in Thailand, and 4.5% everywhere else. Would this not be called "price-fixing"? Why would you buy gold here, if it is above the market in the rest of the world?

    I'm happy to see the baht slide , the further the better . When I first came it was 70baht to the pound stirling , but every little counts .

    No I am no economist because I have a brain and use my LEARNED knowledge. These guys are yup one minute and down the next on nothing more than what someone else says..

    HOWEVER, you people are speaking of UK pound and this is speaking of US$$$$$$

    the baht is ONLY WEAK against the US$$$ no other currency.

    Now for Thailand I can only see making the baht STRONGER against the US$$$ in time is only going to finish off what expats are ledt here and what export trade they will have left in 2 years.

    Toyota = 60% going to Philippines - Fortuna and Altis and Corolla, Nissan closing and moving to Hanoi.

    Exports sliding as its cheaper to buy elsewhere.

    Australia which too 35% of all cars made in Thailand now dropped to under 15%.

    THAT MUST be hurting. The USa is not a mjor trading partner of Thaialnd so all I can assume is a strong baht is great for loan repaymnets and interest repayments.

    BUT for the economy in the few years to come it will be a disaster.

    Many people are leaving or seriously contemplating leaving as their home currencies are slammed.

    The baht not depreciating against the REST of the world currencies will only increase the flight of foreign capital and then we will see topsy turvy.

    Remember there are supposedly 1million foreigners living here. They supposedly bring in about 60,000 baht per month to qualify yet I would say many spend a lot more. If they are slammed with even higher losses then other places will become more attractive and that will be a lot of foreign reserves flying out the airports. Exports will diminish as business is usually done in US$ for trade, and Thailand will become less affordable as a destination for tourists. This is already happening. Just look around. As demand for Chinese products worldwide slide so will Chinese tourist fortunes and it flows don the line. Banks and economists forget this. I saw it in Australia and we are now suffering because we did well for at least another 2 year period after everyone else dropped.

    i am relocating my business because of the bad exchange rate differential and higher expenses here. The gloss on doing business here is waning.

  18. ^^^ That's what I wondered. The Aussies were thrown off the plane for reporting it?

    Maybe something missing...Maybe the Swede told it is not true or the Aussies made a big show so the pilot said to keep the complete bunch of idi0ts at the airport.

    I imagine something like a bis Swede made an obvious joke after the 5th beer (which at least proofs he is no islamic fanatic) and the Americanized paranoid Aussis made a big show out of it.

    NASTY MAN! How can you make such floundering statements like "amerciacnised? NASTY NASTY MAN!

  19. My son had that problem as a child. We found if we gave him Vitamin B6 (or was it B12? - Google it for the correct one) the mossies,midges left him alone completely. It takes about 3 weeks to get into your system sufficiently but then your skin emits an odour not noticeable to humans but offensive to insects

    Hello folks I am back for a while. NOW I agree with this lady ... As a Doctor and I am sure Sheryl and others will know of this research, HIGH CONCENTRATIONS of formulated Vitamin B will emit an odor through your skin that INSECTS HATE. My recommendation is if you constantly get infections from bites treat the CAUSE and not treat when you have the problems - PREVENTION is better than cure.

    Now a very simple PREVENTION is go to your local supermarket or pharmacy and but BEROCCA - I recommend this as it is from ROCHE and is dissolved, because too much Vit B laying in your tummy is not a good thing. You will pee yellow as this is the excess coming out

    A tablet a day will keep the bugs at bay

    AND if you have an infection I WOULD CERTAINLY AVOID treating yourself with antibiotics - NO NO NO!!!! you will end up with other symptoms and who knows where it may end. Also you will kill the nice friendly bacteria in your gut that we all need and you will need to have that rectified and so the list goes on

    USE TEA TREE OIL!!! You can even buy it at BIG C. So get some, rub it on and it is a NATURAL anti bacterial agent and will do just fine

    NOW in all this information I want to stress - IF YOU HAVE A PROBLEM that persists for a few days PLEASE SEE YOU DOCTOR and I mean GO! FAST! These suggestions are for MINOR ailments and not big nasty red itches or pussy sores!

    Lovingly - Khun Marcus.

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