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Posts posted by marcusd

  1. Kinda funny some of the remarks. Here is a quick take from me. About 6 years ago I hooked up with a very rich Chinese gal in KK. They owned so much property and employed so many Thais it was unreal. 7-11's. University campus housing. Huge rice storage and wholesale. Rice scheme comes to mind. It was a huge multi company holding.

    She was ok, but I will never forget how she talked about the Thais. They were dirt under the Chinese feet. From religion right on down. And I am not exagerating. I was a little taken back by her remarks and actions. But, they did run a huge part of the city.

    Thais think small. Small tips. Bar fines. Small. This si the main issue. they only care if it tastes good. that's enough for them so i can see your gals point

  2. Google below

    " Foreign firms fear tighter restrictions Nominee loopholes in the firing line "

    An article in a forbidden newspaper worth reading.

    As I have stated in many other threads the Thai Government successfully over the last few years and it is STILL continuing despite assurances and bravado on the news media - foreigners are being thwarted in their objectives to build up business here. they just do not want our money unless it is a GIFT .

  3. It's a good move from government as many rich overseas investment companies are using puppet as directors but the actual decision fall on them, in many land in Phuket and Samui already bought but rich investment company it ends up in future Thai young generation lost their land to farang companies and end up thier only able to work as employee in thier motherland.

    I am not sure if I read you correctly but I do think you are wrong. Foreign companies owning the land?? Nah not here in Thailand.

    having a Thai Director is prudent as there are laws on how long you can be away out of the country if you are a Director.

  4. Not being involved in the PTP , red shirts or Shinawtra family fortunes , one wonders if it is in the national interest or helping reconciliation to continue legal action, you will have the same problem when the country goes into election mode and what's the bet , repercussions will follow, the ruling elite have hijacked the agenda , so it stands to reason a revamp PTP with big backing, lots of rice farmers and disgruntled country people , the PTP will be voted back in, I would be hammering for the relevant Ministers , Department heads and advisors to see what really happened in the failed rice scheme. coffee1.gif

    What I think is being missed here is that SHINS are part of the RULING Elite. Look at the wealth? they cannot be amongst the poor and impoverished?

    • Like 1
  5. The Economist magazine. Yes the wonderful people who make sure we never have a CRASH. Ummm I think I will watch Sy Fy

    Yingluck has to go to jail. Whatever the maximum sentence that can be imposed should be imposed. Her lack of oversight of the rice scheme is mind boggling!

    She won't. I am also willing to bet they do not even bother to impeach her.

    This junta seems to have lost the will to go after the corruption that plagues the kingdom, assuming they ever had it to begin with.

    I suspect nothing is going to change and it will be back to business as usual real soon. If the good general was serious about reform, he would have jumped on the RTP over the Koh Tao debacle. That he did nothing, and even went so far as to praise them, pretty much says it all.

    One thing that seems to go unnoticed in the haste to vilify the previous government is the cost of the protests, marital law and a coup on the country. According to the economist, a coup cost about 7% of GDP, 808 billion baht!!!! (http://www.economist.com/blogs/banyan/2014/10/thailands-economy)

    The members of the triumphant mob that cheered the army to power are still enjoying their victory. Playing politics with the economy is an expensive business. The costs to Thailand’s economy are still piling up. Compared with trend economic growth the cost will be perhaps $20 billion to $30 billion from 2014 to 2016, which makes it roughly equal in value to the wealth of the Thai monarchy. One can only hope the junta’s upcoming performance is good enough to offset such a loss.

    It took the previous government 3 years to accumulate this loss, but actions by the current regime will accomplish this in two! Add in the loss of growth resulting from Suthep's long drawn out protests and election blocking, and the total loss to society could top 1 trillion.

    Who is going to be held accountable for this? And before blaming PTP for all that has happened, there were other avenues besides a coup available to resolve the issues in this country.

    Brucey Babe, the WORLD economy is STUFFED. Not just Thailand. Look at poor old Russia? they have dropped a few trillion. Thailand's TRADE would have dropped regardless because of world economics. NO ONE is banning cars, or products. TOURISM is stuffed because no man woman or child has the money.

    Chinese do not maketh the money go round and LARGE numbers of Chinese do not equal one plane load of Europeans for SPENDING power.

    The Thai TOURIST economy may have suffered by the coup but not overseas trade.

    Where does any country say "OOOH COUP noyt buying Toyota now"?

    These numbers apply to all the coups, with the world in various states of disarray during each reset. World events impact to a certain extent, but the majority of the growth loss is directly attributed to the coup. Try reading the article rather than just spew the standard nonsense when trying to justify that the coup and martial law has no impact on the economy here. And no need for capital letters to justify a weak argument.
  6. Come on, let's get the audited figures instead of continuous speculation from people like Dr. Nipon or Dr. Warong. what happen to the big hoohah on corruption. Nothing heard so far. Yes there are losses but how much is still as unknown as the little green man in Mars.

    I can see the Generals and BIG WIGS lining up now to meet the FBI forensic accounting team.

    Just like they are waiting to have TRANSPARENCY in the Kao Tao case

  7. Getting use to these stories and more to come.

    A well planned coordinated campaign being orchestrated from above to try and turn the voting public against Yingluck and the PTP.

    There can't be any protest as in another article martial law and meetings of groups of 5 is still banned.

    All one way traffic at the moment with only legal resistance to the onslaught of bias media.

    I don't think Yingluck will be impeached as she is far to popular and it would set the reconciliation process on its ear.

    If no charges are brought soon then times up and hopefully she will stand again and let the people of Thailand show her detractors just how popular her and her party is.

    It would seem you do not get about much. Walk around Chiang Mai. No one really likes that E-yingluck cow any more.

    I think you and a few on here are her only loyal supporters left - well the ones not getting paid to show up that is

    • Like 1
  8. Yingluck has to go to jail. Whatever the maximum sentence that can be imposed should be imposed. Her lack of oversight of the rice scheme is mind boggling!

    She won't. I am also willing to bet they do not even bother to impeach her.

    This junta seems to have lost the will to go after the corruption that plagues the kingdom, assuming they ever had it to begin with.

    I suspect nothing is going to change and it will be back to business as usual real soon. If the good general was serious about reform, he would have jumped on the RTP over the Koh Tao debacle. That he did nothing, and even went so far as to praise them, pretty much says it all.

    One thing that seems to go unnoticed in the haste to vilify the previous government is the cost of the protests, marital law and a coup on the country. According to the economist, a coup cost about 7% of GDP, 808 billion baht!!!! (http://www.economist.com/blogs/banyan/2014/10/thailands-economy)

    The members of the triumphant mob that cheered the army to power are still enjoying their victory. Playing politics with the economy is an expensive business. The costs to Thailand’s economy are still piling up. Compared with trend economic growth the cost will be perhaps $20 billion to $30 billion from 2014 to 2016, which makes it roughly equal in value to the wealth of the Thai monarchy. One can only hope the junta’s upcoming performance is good enough to offset such a loss.

    It took the previous government 3 years to accumulate this loss, but actions by the current regime will accomplish this in two! Add in the loss of growth resulting from Suthep's long drawn out protests and election blocking, and the total loss to society could top 1 trillion.

    Who is going to be held accountable for this? And before blaming PTP for all that has happened, there were other avenues besides a coup available to resolve the issues in this country.

    Brucey Babe, the WORLD economy is STUFFED. Not just Thailand. Look at poor old Russia? they have dropped a few trillion. Thailand's TRADE would have dropped regardless because of world economics. NO ONE is banning cars, or products. TOURISM is stuffed because no man woman or child has the money.

    Chinese do not maketh the money go round and LARGE numbers of Chinese do not equal one plane load of Europeans for SPENDING power.

    The Thai TOURIST economy may have suffered by the coup but not overseas trade.

    Where does any country say "OOOH COUP noyt buying Toyota now"?

  9. ......22 billion dollars.....???

    ...and that's only the rice.......

    Well whats a few billion between friends? And beleive me he must still have many friends because HE is flying all over th world .... and in another thread here SWEDEN can get a guy with THAI COPS at the Laos border. So MISTER BIGS share the dosh around and there is a loud scream from above to keep the masses happy

  10. "However, he urged Thai operators to improve their production technologies to cut costs, emphasize research and development and to patent their inventions."


    Thai companies are S M A L L as it is the FOREIGN companies doing everything this twit speaks about.

    Thailand is bolstering itself to THINK they are leading.

    Thailand must be truly worried.

    Remember Vietnam 5years ago? NOW look at it. Remember Singapore 50 years ago and Thailand too? They were similar basket cases and one developed a WORLD leading economy. Which one remains underprivileged?

    Twits like this SPEAK but never act. And this is what will be their demise.

    • Like 1
  11. It's so nice to see that the Thai manufacturers are so concerned about the safety and reliability of products that are imported into Thailand in direct competition to their own. Some cynics here may believe that all this bluster has to do with protecting their profits but that would not be fair. Everyone knows that in Thailand, safety and quality comes before profit.


    Of course Thai bar is world class..... every factory has a big ISO 14001 sign draped outside.... thus, how could Chinese standards be up to scratch, and better than Thai bar? Considering that China has only constructed 9 of the tallest Buildings in the world, of course.

    Er you do know ISO 14000, is an enviromental standard not a quality standard on manufactured product dont you ?


    In reality, Thailand has some excellent carbon steel and stainless steel production facilites and does quite a lot of export, and some are certified by ASTM and API, therefore they comply with the quality standards set by both those US organisations, and no they havent bought the certification, but lets not let that these little facts get in way of a good conspriacy theory shall we ?

    And before someone mentions ISO-9000, all this does if prove you are following the standards/procedures of the company, its not a reflection on the actual product quality per se itself

    And for the record, China does export dodgy steel product with forged material certificates from some very suspect mills, so if someone is procurring steel product in China one does have to really do their due dilligence very carefully to understand who you are dealing with..wink.png

    So before you start bulldozing in with your expert opinion, can I suggest you do a little research on google before..thumbsup.gif

    BUY ANY METAL PRODUCT FROM CHINA and return it for a refund within a week.

  12. More BS. A real announcement would name names and list plans. A real announcement would headline something like:

    "Ford Motor Company of the US has announced plans to begin building a large manufacturing plant on X street in Rayong. According to X, who is vice president of Thailand Enterprises for Ford is quoted as saying construction would begin before the end of this year and the plant would employ more than 500 new workers"

    " U.S. firms have expressed interest to expand their investment in Thailand"

    I think you are having a problem distinguishing the difference between the word "interest" and other words like "committed" and "planned"

    And they do not understand the word "ARE" as in ARE INVESTING.

    As I said earlier I was supported by the Assistant Ambassador at my Embassy, the TRADE COMMISSIONER and we all went to the BOI. NOTHING NOTHING at all. They are just dumb asses who think WE WANT TO throw our money away. One of the clinchers for me was they sated I need ed to RENT AN OFFICE minimum 60,000 baht per month. I was already exceeding the investment requirements by HEAPS.

    Ignorant imbeciles.

  13. More BS. A real announcement would name names and list plans. A real announcement would headline something like:

    "Ford Motor Company of the US has announced plans to begin building a large manufacturing plant on X street in Rayong. According to X, who is vice president of Thailand Enterprises for Ford is quoted as saying construction would begin before the end of this year and the plant would employ more than 500 new workers"

    " U.S. firms have expressed interest to expand their investment in Thailand"

    I think you are having a problem distinguishing the difference between the word "interest" and other words like "committed" and "planned"

    And they do not understand the word "ARE" as in ARE INVESTING.

    As I said earlier I was supported by the Assistant Ambassador at my Embassy, the TRADE COMMISSIONER and we all went to the BOI. NOTHING NOTHING at all. They are just dumb asses who think WE WANT TO throw our money away. One of the clinchers for me was they sated I need ed to RENT AN OFFICE minimum 60,000 baht per month. I was already exceeding the investment requirements by HEAPS.

    Ignorant imbeciles.

  14. More BS. A real announcement would name names and list plans. A real announcement would headline something like:

    "Ford Motor Company of the US has announced plans to begin building a large manufacturing plant on X street in Rayong. According to X, who is vice president of Thailand Enterprises for Ford is quoted as saying construction would begin before the end of this year and the plant would employ more than 500 new workers"

    YES AGREED and what are they getting?

    "TOYOTA MOTOR COMPANY is think of moving production to Philippines"

    And a lot more to come

  15. More lies from The Ministry of Propaganda!!coffee1.gif


    They kept me hanging on for a YEAR and MY EMBASSY was involved.

    They then kept changing the rules because they could not understand how my business is linked to the Australian Government. And they kept saying YES YES YES.

    It got so close and they then said that they were not sure if they could approve the application because the manager was not understanding what I did. In fact they also told me PRIVATELY that MORE BUSINESS is leaving than is being approved because THE MANAGER has NO IDEA WHAT HE IS DOING

    So $1million went to Vietnam!

  16. I think Harvard Medical School "DISAGREES" with this article and all the fear mongering going on. Time to stop the Urban Legends. Here's the "facts" and not hearsay.


    That is only one side. What about the RUBBISH factor? that is truly just as concerning. AND as for HARVARD? that was the HEALTH news section which OFTEN has different opinions and they quote ONE DOCTOR not a consensus.

    The view MEDICALLY on plastic and Styrofoam is IT IS BEST avoided. No need to consult Google. I am a Doctor and that is what I am trained in. CHEMICALS in = CONCERN. Plastics are a concern and we still DO NOT KNOW the full effects of these products but we do know they lead to certain CANCERS.

    Come on marcusd, I like your posts, but: you might be a Doctor in the sense of PhD in a certain area, but I don't think you are MD, which is completely different?

    If your real view is 'chemicals in = concern', you sure, for one, would not be prescribing medicines to treat all sorts of conditions which need chemical bodily interractions - yes or no? Chemicals in = concern - is not an MDs viewpoint - quite the opposite, surely?

    Actually I am a GP - infectious diseases.... And as a GP with MODERN Thoughts I feel there is always room for Alternative therapies. Many of the Medicnes we use do screw you up but the effects of the Medcines have to be weighed against the outcomes that would be inevitable without treatment. Always a hard one to call - agreed. My view often, ids with minor ailments - LET THE BODY DEAL WITH IT and with some cases this cannot always be the right way.

    But with Styrofoam, there are so many uncerttainties as there is with PVC also widely used today. MINIMAL RISK - MAXIMUM EFFECT. Why play with fire if there is another way?

  17. I think Harvard Medical School "DISAGREES" with this article and all the fear mongering going on. Time to stop the Urban Legends. Here's the "facts" and not hearsay.


    That is only one side. What about the RUBBISH factor? that is truly just as concerning. AND as for HARVARD? that was the HEALTH news section which OFTEN has different opinions and they quote ONE DOCTOR not a consensus.

    The view MEDICALLY on plastic and Styrofoam is IT IS BEST avoided. No need to consult Google. I am a Doctor and that is what I am trained in. CHEMICALS in = CONCERN. Plastics are a concern and we still DO NOT KNOW the full effects of these products but we do know they lead to certain CANCERS.

    • Like 2
  18. Only in Thailand do you get 4 straws and a plastic bag of you buy a can of coke from a 7/11.

    Styro keeps the fried rice hot for longer. Make somchai happy.

    Sent from my LG-D858

    Coke? Same with a can of beer!

    Taking the boat back from one of the islands last week, some tourists behind us were disgusted by the amount of trash floating in the sea, and it wasn't all fishing floats and buoys.


    Yeah, these are the VERY people who will NOT return and watch this, the next few years will be harder here for Thais. The rubbish will build and they will continue to blame others instead of doing something. But facebook beckons on the mobile...byeeee

  19. "According to Thailand's Pollution Control Department (PDC), the number of used and discarded pieces of styrofoam in Thailand has grown significantly, from 34 million in 2009 to 61 million a day in 2013. Talking about being out of touch with the rest of the world."


    "Or we could put the blame game aside and do something about it, like properly educate people about the health and environmental consequences."

    Or they could just BAN the bloody product and be done with it instead of wasting time money and having ridiculous talk fests!

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