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Everything posted by Thorgal

  1. I don't understand why people here do so many efforts to distort my original message. Boosting the capacities and publicity for Hamas is a wrong choice. Many Gaza civilians will enlist in this war or the future ones. Your David & Goliath legacy will be swapped. Nobody dares to post the losses of the IDF. The positions in the North of Israel are also completely changed (read saturated) with the change of tactics and weaponry of HZB. HZB is actually stronger than Hamas.
  2. Case closed. I follow the good advise of Mr. Neeranam. Can you please report (to moderators) the biased reports of IDF war propaganda of the fake Hamas tunnel at the hospital to be deleted? Forum rules doesn't allow us to post misinformation. I don't know where's the report button by the way. Says something about my integrity... I'm difficult to make friends is OK for me, but I'm not a troll...
  3. Thanks, my friend really appreciated. I've no problem if I posted something that wasn't correct, but indeed. No error.
  4. LOL. Apologize for your error. Which error?
  5. How many IDF hostages are there still alive in Gaza under control from Hamas?
  6. This topic can only be commented from 7th of October onwards. You might be right if you count the total Israeli-Palestinian conflict from that day on.
  7. I will not ask it because I can't get an answer or my question is a disturbing truth that the Gaza resistance is expanding every day and that a cease fire and/or hostage exchange could reduce this disastrous extension of the conflict for both sides. Furthermore it's intellectually correct to call some people freedom fighters in Gaza as they became legit militants for self defense of their communities that are under attack. Some Gazans lost 45 members of their family in one day through IAF bombing. So, I agree with you. Some distorted questions or realities should not be put in question.
  8. Some other "unbiased" sources have been debunked with false war propaganda multiple times. I use Rybar because it's clear and compatible to other average media outlets...
  9. Quote from source without monocle : "The Health Ministry said that 10,022 people have been killed in Gaza, including over 4,100 children. More than 2,300 people are missing and believed to be buried under the rubble of destroyed buildings, the ministry said."
  10. Israel bombed all Gaza surface. Israel didn't bombed only Hamas. the bombings are a collective punishment. This was explained multiple times that Gaza civilians participated in the looting, killing, etc.. I understood that Israel works with a target list to bomb in Gaza. How many killers, looters, have been killed already from the 10.300 Gaza fatalities?
  11. Can you explain, or do I have to guess ?
  12. Your quote : "Rumors claimed by you are of no value, not without some semblance of support." Quote from source : “We’re going home,” declare the signs in red ink. “The people demand a return to the Gaza Strip.” A logo and symbol, as well as a phone number for donations and details, have been created for the campaign." "Eighteen years after Israel dismantled the Gush Katif bloc of settlements, removed all their civilian residents, withdrew the IDF and “disengaged” from the Gaza Strip to the pre-1967 lines, there are those who want to resettle there courtesy of the terrible war that was thrust upon us." https://www.timesofisrael.com/as-war-with-hamas-rages-a-campaign-gets-underway-for-a-return-to-gazas-settlements/
  13. I've asked a question and you just send it back???
  14. I don't understand why it's usual to call some Palestinian citizens from Gaza "terrorist" while they were non combatant on the 7th of October, but became combatant as self defense per international law under siege, bombings, displacement, blockade and threat of ground offensive? The self defense as civilian (no uniform needed) can be applicated because Israel's response is out of proportion and constant threat and not aimed for military targets. Some "terrorist" tunnels before, can be used now as completely legal "self defense" tunnels.
  15. Again, when does the right for self defense start for non combatant Palestinians living in Gaza that didn't participate in the 7th of October attacks in Israel? With other words : when can a non combatant (on 7/10/2023) become a combatant as self defense against IDF/IAF after being under siege, blockade, bombings and/or ground invasion of IDF as per international or domestic law?
  16. Israel declared the war on Palestinians in Gaza based on the combatant Hamas and combatant Palestinian civilians attacks done on 7th of October 2023. Combatant on 7th of October = killing , taking hostages, destruction, any violence , rapings, stealings, helping, transportation...any direct and indirect involvement in the coordinated attack. Non combatant on 7th of October = no participation at ALL in the coordinated attacks from Hamas Again, when does the right for self defense start for non combatant Palestinians living in Gaza that didn't participate in the 7th of October attacks in Israel? When can a non combatant (on 7/10/2023) become a combatant as self defense after under siege, blockade, bombings and/or ground invasion of IDF as per international or domestic law? Thanks for your reply anyways.
  17. OK, when does the right for self defense start for non combatant Palestinians living in Gaza that didn't participate in the 7th of October attacks in Israel?
  18. I won't comment following topics as they were investigated and debunked by others : 40 Beheaded babies Israeli hostage babies in cages in Gaza Hospital generator fuel used for Hamas rockets as propellant Hamas tunnel next to hospital
  19. Aljazeera did the same logic interpretation as I did. Here's the AJ footage of the concrete water storage reservoir next to the hospital with sketches and witnessed by the civil construction engineer who did the construction 8 years ago. It's confirmed that this is not a Hamas military tunnel next to the Hospital. I conclude : 1. correct information should be distributed/posted from reliable sources 2. forum rules should be applied Thanks for your understanding that I evaluate war propaganda in a different way than others on AN https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_Ccjh22GtU
  20. I don't trust the biased war propaganda from both sides. My doubt came from the design facts + other footages I saw from Gaza hospital managers refuting the illegal tunnels under their hospital. These footages are available on social media but not distributed through main media outlets, so I can't post them.
  21. I know that you want like me genuine reliable footages + unconditional justice in this war in Gaza : 1. I don't trust dodgy Twitter (X) links 2. If at least one of the 2 pits is used for Hamas logistics, than Hamas should fire their civil engineer responsible for the design
  22. Hamas tunnel openings seen in their combat footages are round and below ground surface. The tunnel opening in your footage from your previous post is square and above the ground level. Note : Mediterranean multi level buildings like hospitals requires specific piling and/or foundations design with adapted seismic factor. The foundations can be 5 times bigger and deeper vs usual/classic non seismic design conditions. Installing a concrete control pit for sewage or utilities next to the building is common. https://aseannow.com/topic/1308598-israel-is-at-war/?do=findComment&comment=18479378
  23. Which hospitals have tunnels that are used for Hamas military reason? Facts and links please? Thanks.
  24. Admins have to warn and request multiple times every day to stay on topic. Can we please follow their request... Thanks.
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