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Everything posted by Thorgal

  1. I've no problem that the term "terrorist" is used. But international law defines acts of war, terrorist acts and self defense for both sides of the conflict. The self defense part promoted by Israel is not legal and applicable on non combatant Palestinians that have nothing to do with the 7th of October attacks. Some Gaza Palestinian workers in the West Bank have been brought back to Gaza and are bombed. These are not terrorists...
  2. Stay on Gaza please that's in war with Israel. Thanks. You don't like words, you don't like numbers, and these off topic questions are difficult to answer with only dots and emoji's...Thanks !
  3. No, you've talked about Hamas fighters as a group, without making the difference if they are allowed to self defense if they're just non-combatant Palestinian civilians living in Gaza. My point is that the bombings of Gaza has no effective positive result and it should allow as per international law to the non combatant Palestinians trapped in Gaza to self defense. No problem if you can't answer the question...
  4. Again, when does the right for self defense start for non combatant Palestinians living in Gaza that didn't participate in the 7th of October attacks in Israel? Common Brian : You can do it !
  5. OK, I will make the on topic question easier for you : Israel claims the right for self defense. OK, when does the right for self defense start for non combatant Palestinians living in Gaza that didn't participate in the 7th of October attacks in Israel?
  6. You talk about terrorist but apperently all males +16 in Gaza are terrorists. Terrorist are the combatant Hamas + combatant civilians that killed and took hostages. Are all other males in Gaza that didn't took part in the 7th of October attack also terrorist and Israel has the right to kill them under which international law. Can you provide a link to which international law is applicable ? Thanks !
  7. Hamas has a political, militant, social care, internal security (police), etc... The 7th October attacks on Israeli civilians and soldiers was perpetrated by some 2.000 combatant Hamas militants. Followed by let's say a 3.000 Gaza civilians that came into Israeli territory to steal (pickups, Humvees, etc...). Some of these 3.000 civilians had weapons and used them against Israeli civilians others just came in and out to steal and take selfies. So the totality of real combatant Hamas soldiers and combatant Gaza civilians we can roughly estimate to give a number : 2.000 + 1.500 = 3.500 combatant persons that participated unlawfully in a colonial pogrom and killed or participated in the killing of innocent Israeli civilians and innocent Israeli servicemen. I agree that these 3.500 to 4.000 Gazans should be brought to justice for their murders + assistance to murders. They're ALL terrorists. All non combatant others (2.300.000 - 4.000 = 2.296.000) that didn't participate in the killings (actively + passively) are now also labeled as terrorists and are executed unlawfully according to international law during the bombings and their non combatant families. Is it this want you want to tell in you post with numbers ?
  8. Welcome back Mr. Mojo ! Yes, there are rumors/plans to take in some Palestinians overseas so that we can't define these bombings as a genocide followed by an exodus in the future history books. Israeli's (settlers) are already protesting or promoting with banners to get back the Kibbutzim that they left 15 years ago in Gaza : there will be land available again soon. All this might be seen as "pure coincidence"...
  9. As per international law : YES, if they're non combatants.
  10. Killing massively and unlawfully civilians while it's known that weaponed Hamas militia went into Israel on 7th of October to kill massively and unlawfully unlawfully is not acceptable to continue. The difference between combatant and non-combatant has been "overlooked" to justify the ongoing onslaught in Gaza on non combatant civilians.
  11. There's also an unknown number of Palestinian citizens that are missing under the demolition of the Gaza buildings that have been bombed. This figure of missing persons needs to be added to the 10.300...
  12. I think that any cease fire or long term peace process is unthinkable for some people. To acknowledge this duality is difficult or almost impossible. Israel lost already globally the PR war. That's sure.
  13. It's true that the main actors are far from willing to start the amnesty. It requires mostly from the side with the upper hand to start the negotiations, in this case Israel who's the dominant part. Imagine situations that you enter for instance the bakery and the killer of your parents comes in after you... Does our evolution in humanity allow to live with these extreme accepted conditions together...?
  14. You're welcome ! Worth 1.000.000 points/stars. I think they say in Latin : Si una porta est aperta, totum urbis est. Means : if you can open one door in this city, you can open the whole world ! Which is also applicable for the peace process of Palestine/Israel.
  15. I think I know what my friend Morch means. It's not Israel and it's also not basics of naval architecture...
  16. What do you mean : is it not only Hamas as it happened from Gaza, or is it from Hamas + 1/2 of Palestine or do you mean full Palestine? It's confusing for me.
  17. Again, you try to sell me "the free Hasbara basic package for new subscribers".
  18. Both you need to be interested to live in society/community.
  19. It worked in the past for South Africa and Algeria to implement amnesty. This means, both parties agree that war/conflicts stops and that full forgiveness will be granted. This requires courage, wisdom and intelligence to force yourself and your enemy to live together under any circumstances (conditions).
  20. He pointed out the +4.000 children killed/murdered as per his source. You can't qualify these children as "human shields", "collateral damage" or "Hamas combatants"....
  21. I try to make friends with Israeli/Jewish people here on AN. If you decide one day to be my friend I will earn 1 point as per Nick Carter scoreboard. One point is enough. These points are important for future online discussions on AN. I won't be called again a Hamas-lover, Holocaust denier, antisemitic, etc...
  22. This war could have been ended by exchanging the hostages and giving back all autonomous rights and advantages that Palestinians would have as an independent country. By "manufactured" or "forced" or "inevitable" I think he means it's part of a serial manufacturing of destruction in the region for his own people and the Palestinians by just not applying international law for Palestinians under the legacy of Netanyahu.
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