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Everything posted by Thorgal

  1. Check out Hindustan Times videos they release all Hamas video's on their channel : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nLZRJiX3bhQ If you don't like Hindustan Times, just write them an e-mail. No need to explain you want news outlets that you prefer (perhaps Fox, CNN or CNBC...) as you did before.
  2. 5th generation warfare : "Fifth-generation warfare (5GW) is warfare that is conducted primarily through non-kinetic military action, such as social engineering, misinformation, cyberattacks, along with emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and fully autonomous systems. Fifth generation warfare has been described by Daniel Abbot as a war of "information and perception". "Alex P. Schmid said that fifth-generation warfare is typified by its "omnipresent battlefield", and the fact that people engaged in it do not necessarily use military force, instead employing a mixture of kinetic and non-kinetic force." Yes the information that is available is modelling our perception constantly and your "personal" opinion is adapted so that you won't criticize the uniform accepted and controlled mindset.
  3. You could see the online video postings of Hamas destroying in Gaza between 2 to 5 Merkava's/AIFV's/Cat per day with their DIY RPG's. Gaza city might be surrounded but it's a graveyard of a mechanized brigade. Israeli KIA toll is estimated to 34 as per Israeli press. https://www.thejc.com/news/israel/idf-death-toll-reaches-34-as-second-week-of-gaza-ground-operation-begins-3kXq93WRvIMA6LhmbFYyAE Out of the estimated +/-40.000 Hamas militants there are no reports available of how many have been eliminated since the start of the IDF ground offensive? You might conquer perhaps an area, but you didn't conquer your enemy...
  4. I think there are some elements that are missing in the OP : 1. A new law proposal/bill has been submitted by 16 senators with harsh punishments against what now is defined by law as "free speech" : https://tvpworld.com/73868393/french-senators-propose-bill-to-make-zionism-criticism-a-criminal-offence Quotes from link : "The proposed bill, which was submitted for a first reading in the Senate, includes penalties for various offenses related to anti-Zionism. It seeks to punish those who deny the existence of the State of Israel with one year of imprisonment and a fine of EUR 45,000." "Those who insult the State of Israel would face two years imprisonment and a fine of EUR 75,000, and those who directly provoke hatred or violence against the State of Israel with five years of imprisonment and a fine of EUR 100,000."
  5. If you have more questions in the future, please don't hesitate. Thank you!
  6. Your quote : "Can you tell me what, exactly, in Netanyahu's career would make anyone take his words literally or seriously?" My reply: Benjamin Netanyahu is the ideological son of Benzion Netanyahu and the ideological grandson of Jabotinsky and Nathan Milikowsky. If he starts to mix revisionist Zionism with religious prophetism, I tend to ask myself questions even more as he should also be convicted at this time. There's large Israeli opposition that despise this combination through protests. But, OK that's my POV, and let's qualify this as off topic until you will connect the dots yourself.
  7. OK, you don't want words. I will give you numbers then... Hamas has some 40.000 soldiers. I don't think that even half of them has been eliminated. Latest 1 November statistics of Gaza casualties : https://www.aljazeera.com/news/longform/2023/10/9/israel-hamas-war-in-maps-and-charts-live-tracker Average per hour : - 42 bombs - 12 buildings destroyed - 15 persons killed per hour : included 6 children - 35 persons injured
  8. Can you explain why Netanyahu used the term "AMALEK" in his speech to denominate the enemy : Hamas + more to come. I try to analyze with others here who are the other enemy and to which extend is this execution (bombing, blockade, etc..) possible as per religious scriptures. Or can you explain (on-topic) term AMALEK as per your findings ?
  9. Another poster mentioned the metamorphose of the Hamas prisoners to ISIS disciples. It's possible that religious extremism is the modus operandi of the Hamas legions (+/- 40.000) This phenomenon is also possible for Judaism. Netanyahu asked previously on different occasions (conflicts) for advice and blessings to the master Rabbi (fi Schneerson). I think that the depopulation of Gaza is also a religious target. Netanyahu speaks/spoke (now and in the past) in public (UN + Israel) with religious terms as a holy mission (Promised Land). Please note that the latest Israeli counter-strikes after the 7th of October attacks also extended to the West Bank, Syria and Southern Lebanon were other Palestinian refugees live. The counter strike should have logically been limited to Gaza (read Hamas) only.
  10. I've seen on French media that an oven has been used + on Telegram app : the speech of Israeli witness Medical Eli Beer (United Hatzalah) in Las Vegs at the Republican Jewish Coalition's Annual Leaders Summit described horrific scenes committed by Hamas: - A pregnant woman with her belly cut open, baby taken out and stabbed in front of her and shot in front of her kids, who were also later shot (detailed timeline) - Several children beheaded, whose grandparents were holocaust survivors - A baby found in an oven... - Raped young girls... I've only mentioned the oven in reference to the Eli Beer witnessing. Why again double standards if you compare to the full speech of Eli Beer ? Looks very similar to what has been posted previously by another poster with a link to news outlet.
  11. Posting 40 murdered babies by Hamas is OK as war propaganda. Debunking these murders has a double effect : it takes for some (sensible) readers some false info away that can shock these people and cause troubles as traumatic experiences. On the other hand it avoids to continue to feed this false war propaganda. Same same for the supposed Israeli babies/children that were captive in cages. Please contact BKK Brian by PM : he will provide you the link of the forum rules that explains that it's not allowed to post false info (false war propaganda) or shocking info that never happened. I received without asking his feedback of the forum rules within 1 hour after my post. I think that he will warn and/or provide AN forum rules feedback also within 1 hour to all poster that continue to post the false stories of the dead 40 Israeli babies and the Hamas children cages. I agree with BKK Brian : no double standards + no false information without proven facts as per forum rules. I've never commented on other dead Israeli babies. I've only posted that the debunking happened already on large news outlets. I didn't debunk anything. I've never commented on Israeli inside job too. I've only posted that Israeli citizens are sceptic about the responsibility for the security vs Hamas. I didn't promote any conspiracy theory or inside job myself.
  12. What is a "Hamaphiles" ? I've never seen that word. Dou you have a link ?
  13. Replying to wrong posters is always possible and should not be criticized to be an action with malicious intent. To avoid the same issue we had a similar case of confusion that didn't need to discredit the messenger. Fact : Nick Carter requested on 30rd of October to Mr. Mojo and Morch to change their avatar to avoid confusion because it's not always apparent who is who...
  14. You were both refuting the same facts that have been debunked by Israeli Officials and Israeli Reporters, confirmed by AJ-EN. I use BKK Ryan his quote in my reply to you to counter the same issue that forum rules should be applied. You didn't reply to the content I've provided, you only aim (again) at the messenger...as being not truthful...while the content has been debunked and confirmed by unbiased sourced + confirmed according to forum rules that some posters claim to be applicable... Case closed... https://aseannow.com/topic/1308598-israel-is-at-war/?do=findComment&comment=18476441
  15. I didn't speculate or commented on that 1 Israeli baby killed in the oven. There others were never killed or imprisoned as per Israeli officials and Israeli reporters backed up by AJ_EN (all reliable sources) Am I guilty for a crime of "intention", means no "motive", no "proof", no "crime delict" and no "victim" ? Again, the same speech has not been used for the Al Ahli hospital with real Palestinian victims. You should sometimes apply your own rules to yourself : https://aseannow.com/topic/1308598-israel-is-at-war/?do=findComment&comment=18476441 Your quote : "Topics or posts deemed to be scaremongering, deliberately misleading or which deliberately distort information will be removed. In factual areas such as news forums and current affairs topics member content that is claimed or portrayed as a fact should be supported by a link to a relevant reputable source." The above includes conspiracy theories, hence why some of your posts and other have self destructed
  16. Again, first poster talked about killed babies and didn't specify. Looks, like you want to frame me. The 40 babies + Gaza baby prison has been debunked.
  17. I didn't miss anything. The first poster didn't specify which Israeli babies. The mass killing of 40 babies has been reported on one side + 1 baby burned in oven. The misinformation of the 40 babies has been debunked by AJ and verified with the Israeli officials + news outlets Again, misinformation should be debunked and avoided to be posted here on AN. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0el9wiOBmmM But there's also the false allegations of Israeli babies in cages from Hamas in Gaza : https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/internet/unverified-allegations-beheaded-babies-israel-hamas-war-inflame-social-rcna119902
  18. He talked about killing of Israeli babies : the only Israeli babies that have been reported so far by media was during the 7th of October attack. https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/internet/unverified-allegations-beheaded-babies-israel-hamas-war-inflame-social-rcna119902
  19. Some news outlets announce that the 40 babies story is not correct and never existed. Which makes me doubt each time this subject pops up on AN, and I'm just asking for proof to exclude any doubts or false information. The bombing of the Al Ahli hospital in Gaza resulted in 200 to 500 Palestinian causalities. I saw the uncensored images of the first ER just after the bombing. I could see al the corpses, etc. This tragic event was completely put into doubt through the resident CSI team claiming that there's not enough criminological evidence to conclude that it was a bomb and that there were so many causalities. No crater-no-bomb. Why do you become a troll if you raise the same questions for one Israeli case, but is it the opposite when Gaza victims have been pronounced?
  20. Can you provide a link to the (national) funerals of these 40 babies? As per Jewish tradition it's usual to do the burial within 48 hours of TOD. Thank you.
  21. It's just a request between members of AN to exchange their views and feedback with latest update of information that is available and that can be treated as reliable and not disproportionate for emotional or personal reasons. Free speech posting boundaries have been regulated through the forum rules that are clear for everybody. Free speech posting boundaries can not be imposed by other member(s).
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