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Posts posted by NongKhaiKid

  1. 2 minutes ago, JAG said:


    They will have a specially trained "NongKhaiKid Squad", clad in nifty Tesco logo jump suits with lots of Velcro pads for badges and flags, on permanent standby somewhere out the back. When you leave the store a siren sounds, and the squad rush out and switch everything around.

    Big C here have a similar "JAG squad". One day when I have nothing better to do I'm going to turn round, rush back in and catch them at it!





  2. 29 minutes ago, z42 said:

    A wonderful, morally rich, and incredibly brave woman. I wish her every success and have the utmost admiration for her cause, and for the fact that she is willing to delve into a real snake pit which could do her untold harm. The media have a duty to keep this story in the spotlight, I hope they don't cut her adrift down the line if it gets even uglier (which i dare say it will)

    Sad thought isn't it but the media will likely be too afraid, or warned off, to give this the sort of attention it deserves.

  3. Just now, z42 said:

    Balls to that, they're obviously not real monks if they're protecting a guy with multiple arrest warrants out for him, and if they are wilfully breaking the laws of the land by resisting law enforcement agents in the execution of their duty. Get in there and arrest this muppet, and don't give a second thought about panicking anyone, they'll surely get over it in time

    All building up nicely to a tailor made excuse for inaction as the authorities will claim that in order to prevent injury, bloodshed and possibly worse they'll not force entry.

    There will be some BS about resolving it by negotiation which will drag on and on but no one will lose face and likely no arrests either.

  4. I've no real complaints with my local Tesco except sometimes favourite items  disappear and are never replaced plus the fact I seem to spend more but have less in my trolley.

    The staff don't seem to change too often so I've got to know some of them and all are friendly.

    My main complaint however is the amount of times they change the layout in the aisles and as soon as I've worked out where everything is again it's time for another change.     :w00t:

  5. 20 minutes ago, Briggsy said:

    No details released to the press. Only "organised crime offences, joint money laundering and illegally running tourist operations without permission". Very vague.


    Hard to truly understand what is really going on. Is it a genuine attempt to stop tourists being extorted? Is it an attempt to divert income streams? Is it just to appease the Chinese Embassy?


    Not transparent.


    You'd like to think things would be clearer when people appear in court and charges are made public but court reporting here is well, hardly extensive and often restricted.

    issues like this can be dealt with or otherwise and no one would ever know what if anything actually happened.

    If necessary a vague statement can be made later to say the charges were dealt with and that's that.

  6. 1 hour ago, hdkane said:

    Do you think this attitude will ultimately blow up in their faces?  The Taliban blew up temples and statues in Afghanistan, so no religious icon is safe or honored...so far, IS has shown restraint in SE Asia...perhaps that will change soon...

    I'll content myself with assurances there's no terrorism in LoS .    :whistling:

    It's a frightening thought otherwise because all they have is denial.

  7. 10 minutes ago, dotpoom said:


    If they were worried about loosing face, why tell us about the report?                                                                     " Deputy police chief Pol-General Srivara Ransibrahamakul revealed on Tuesday that the Australian Federal Police’s terrorism assessment unit reported to the Bangkok Regional Cooperation Team’s annual meeting that an unidentified number of Thai nationals had visited IS Facebook pages, using nearly 100,000 usernames, over the past year. "


    If it came up at a regional meeting it could have become public knowledge from several sources so why not admit the report then downplay it ? 

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