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Posts posted by NongKhaiKid

  1. 2 hours ago, Johnniey said:

    Excuse me -  when have ever told you I want Thai nationality? You have mentioned this more than once which suggests you have a chip on your shoulder about something.  Is it because you can't get it for being on a retiree? 

    What do you mean I have the right attitude to get Thai nationality? You just can't help putting down Thais, can you? Sweeping generalizations every second post. Chill out and go down the pub for a half pint and a nip and talk about the war and the good old days:)

    Every single post almost, it is very tedious to those who have adopted this wonderful country as our home, married local people etc. 



    So you've never posted about having applied for Thai nationality ?


  2. 55 minutes ago, Johnniey said:

    Heaven forbid that you do anything remotely like adhere to the culture of the Thai people, which includes reverence of the late monarch.  You go ahead and represent all those illiterate foreigners that are not willing to integrate and need there own special language TV. Those that are locked into their rooms with a couple of screens as they are too superior to go out and actually live and aid in forming a plural society. Better to let them know your great intent to isolate.

    You know nothing about me, how much I've integrated and so on but far be it from me to prevent you expounding your own boring viewpoint which includes a nasty attitude towards those who don't meet your questionable standards.

    You keep telling us how much you want Thai nationality and you certainly have the right attitude, just a pity you'll always be a foreigner.

  3. 3 minutes ago, jaltsc said:

    “He believes the move is necessary because the government has failed to curb them.


    I agree with this move, but the logic baffles me.


    Is he going to remove road rage violence, murders, etc. from the crime list because the government has failed to curb them?

    He won't have to worry about corruption because that will be controlled in 20 years !    :whistling:

  4. Just now, Lingba said:


    I actually called them the other day and asked the same questions..and of course no one had any answers...was wondering when we get back all the channels that we paid for, when the color comes back, etc etc...They did tell me they would follow up with me this week so I plan to stay on top of it. 

    Thanks for that, it would be worthwhile for TRUE members to follow your example just in case they ' forget '.

  5. Whatever happened to TRUE Visions' supposed announcement on 15 Nov about how they would compensate members for restricted programming etc. during the first 30 day mourning period, or did I just manage to miss it ?


    My monthly bill is due in anytime now so maybe all will be revealed and of course maybe it won't.

    I understand there was comment on social media early on that no adjustments should be made as it was a sacrifice we should be willingly making but I certainly don't subscribe to that view. 


    18 minutes ago, Eligius said:

    It is truly amazing how everything in life is experienced and judged in relative terms. I used to hate the Yingluck government, with all its unbelievable incompetence, stupidity, and manifest corruption (not saying that she herself personally was corrupt). But compared with what came afterwards .... Well, there really is no comparison. The one is rotten - the other, vicious, malevolent , close to evil.


    If I were a Thai, I know which one I would opt for (in this imperfect world). But of course, something much better should be on offer.


    Is there hope of something better developing amongst the young Thais? So far, I don't see much evidence of that. But hope springs eternal ...



    I agree with the points you make and in respect of the last sentence it seems that for so many the inculcation they receive from birth works.

  7. 57 minutes ago, selftaopath said:

    Can you tell me/us what the starting salary of a policeman/woman is? How about advancement e.g. time in service/promotion etc.? What might be their educational background etc. in relation to a factory workers salary? I often hear a/b low salaries of police/teachers but would LOVE to see the facts. 

    I've always had reservations that a salary increase would help very much because of the greed and lust for money that exists here a better wage structure would probably not make many change their ways.

    It's not just the salary but the culture too where, for example, officers pay for promotions and favourable postings and better wages aren't going to cover that I would think.

  8. 23 minutes ago, MorristheRunt said:

    What image?


    Your known the world over, as gangsters in uniform.


    If this current fake PM was the real deal, he would disband the RTP immediately, use the army as police keepers until a new, clean, corrupt free police force could be introduced.


    Will this happen?....NO


    Thailand is corrupt from the very top, to the very bottom.



    Look at the support rather than supervision from on high.

    Remember earlier this year DPM Prawit said he supported them in any defamation suit they brought against anyone who damaged their good name and reputation.

  9. A ' glaring ' example of the fragile Thai ego and the need for face, pardon the pun, as he's a state official, a would be somebody, and needs to be looked at in a manner that befits his status, as he sees it anyway.

    Whatever happened to the old ' we know where you, live, where your wife shops and which schools your children go to ' routine ?

    He didn't exactly waken up to find his favourite buffalo's head in his bed !

  10. " What would matter with such surnames ? " he says !

    We all know ' what's in a name ? ' can mean so much here in both positive and negative ways.


    Plus here's a PM who apparently signs papers, orders etc without checking what he's signing !

    In trying to dismiss this with a smart, off the cuff remark he's just exposed himself as an even bigger fool than usual.

  11. 5 hours ago, Johnniey said:

    Why not blame the grand parents?

    You come here and expect Thailand to  be like your  country,  pathetic.

    Ad usual your first in to criticize  Thai people in general. 

    Be positive man and love the people and country for its God points, oops  forgot you think it has none.

    Right on cue Johnniey, predictable and repetitive.

    As usual your first to criticize anyone who says anything about Thais or Thailand.

    Everyones entitled to their opinion but only if you find it acceptable.

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