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Posts posted by NongKhaiKid

  1. 13 hours ago, Johnniey said:

    Can you tell me why you say "Thais" here?


    In my experience(31 years working here), Thais are less likely than other nationalities to engage in any confrontation. 


    Your mentioning "Thais" could be misleading to some.

    It depends how many Thais are present or if they need to round up some friends first.

    You are probably right about being non-confrontational if a one to one situation.

  2. 36 minutes ago, scorecard said:


    "However i do believe he loves the welcoming ceremonies as he looks the type who revels in being fawned over."


    Why do you say that, any examples?

    You need specifics !

    He's ex-senior army, hiso and now PM and used to being ' someone ' or do you think he's cut from an entirely different cloth and really rejects what's standard practice ?

    Have you instances where he's proved he's different to the usual elite and I don't think ' because he says it ' will do.

  3. What's all the preparation for, surely passing the laws are a foregone conclusion so need to read them far less understand, just do as you're told.

    As for the general election absolutely no rush as you've all the time in the world before that comes.

    Incidentally, what's a ' retreat trip ' , is that just a euphemism for a free piss up ?


    Q. Aren't there any conference halls where a meeting could be held without the expense of using a high end resort or hotel etc. ?

    A. Yes but why pass up the chance of a half decent freebie.

  4. 12 hours ago, mcfish said:

    Thai bashers want to see Thailand implode, tourism suffer, the baht and real estate sector destroyed. Civil war would be the ultimate vehicle so yeah makes sense to me.

    Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk

    Sad comment. What pleasure would the average foreigner get from a civil war ?

    If there isn't one you are likely to be the one most upset.

  5. 7 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

    Yes I do a daily check with my g/f on my sanity. She has to proclaim me fit before I walk out the door. It was a levity comment sadly I need a daily dose. I have noticed myself getting rather grumpy lately must be a weather thing. I did not mean to ruffle your feathers. Actually I often think your one of the more saner people on TV right after me of course. 

    My doc says he sees a definite improvement but he did get his qualifications in Kao San Road

  6. Just now, ratcatcher said:

    "New Thai restaurant opening in Benghazi, staff needed"

    Do they ever look at a map of the world or read the international news in their Thai newspapers or on line.?


    Too many never get beyond what the supposed salary will be and nothing else matters.

  7. 6 hours ago, nausea said:

    Nobody can predict what will happen in 5 years time. Did you predict BREXIT five years ago, did you predict Trump. OK, I predict an alien invasion. Where does that leave your predictions. I suppose the Aztecs were in a similar position prior to the arrival of the Europeans..There is no certainty in this life, everything can change on a moment.



    An alien invasion, that should please the Minister of Tourism as it will boost her dubious visitor arrival figures.

  8. A very necessary warning but how many will simply ignore it as when it comes to the lure of making big money commonsense and caution goes out the window ?

    If something sounds too good to be true it usually is doesn't seem to be  much of a consideration here far too often.

  9. 12 hours ago, elgordo38 said:

    Please the minister of Propaganda sorry Tourism is a nice lady. She does have add and subtract problems at times but what a sweetheart. I wonder if she was "up in the air" over Halloween. I was just a little shaver during the last one of these and I guess I will not be around for the next one. Maybe by the time the next one arrives all the ugliness and despair will have exited the planet.  Maybe the human population will have exited one way or another by then.  

    A sweetheart, really ?

    Eehm, just a small suggestion but have you ever thought of seeing someone about this ?    :biggrin:

  10. On 11/11/2016 at 0:22 PM, rkidlad said:

    'Police brought Thanawat and Aneerut together and encouraged them to reach a private settlement on damages, Samart said. Aneerut demanded 30,000 baht for his emotional and physical trauma, but Thanawat would only offer 10,000.“They couldn’t agree, but we still made them apologize to each other,” said the police colonel. “We won’t know if they were really sincere to each other deep down. Still, the accused brought his mom to the police station, who wai-ed to the victim.”'

    Encouraged them to make a deal, eh? That's awfully good of the police. Free of charge, I assume. 

    Made them both apologise to each other? Why did the guy who got assaulted have to apologise? Heck, why did anyone have to apologise. That has nothing to do with the police. 

    Don't know if the apology was sincere? Who cares? You gonna prosecute them for not being sincere? <deleted> me!


    Like a sketch from Monty Python. 

    What was the guard's apology, " sorry I did my job and put you in the terrible position of having to decide to do as instructed because your vehicle was in the wrong or smack the shit out of me because of loss of face " ?

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