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Posts posted by NongKhaiKid

  1. 3 minutes ago, Lingba said:

    well that was a quick investigation and determination....half a day maybe??...glad to know Thailand is safe and in good hands

    Seems to be a trait in the govt and reflects the level of competence and professionalism at work.  Another example is the Minister of Tourism who can announce successful travel and expenditure figures before the holiday they refer to has even finished.

  2. 16 minutes ago, aussieinthailand said:

    "Due to the new voting and vote-count systems, the political party with the most votes will not be garanteed to form the government. The one that fails to get the most votes may succeed," The deputy premier said.

    Ok so am I missing somthing here?  A party that dosn't have enough votes can succeed,   What in the wide wide world of sports is going on then?   Ohh Ooop's my bad, TIT...  

    Let's not even draw comparison with the US Electoral College system where a candidate can become President without winning the popular vote this is simply the junta saying they'll decide who the next govt is no matter what.

    All in the national interest naturally.

  3. 13 hours ago, Retiredandhappyhere said:



    "Despite evidence of abuse on Don’s body, Kritsana said it’s still too early to pinpoint whether police actions were to blame for the suspect’s death."

    “Forensic science examination results are considered evidence, but ultimately it is up to the investigators to conclude,” Kritsana said Monday. “Evidence comes in many parts and many forms.”


    What the hell does this c..p mean?  Sounds to me like some kind of get out clause.

    Let's pick the bits that suits our purposes best and discard, ignore pieces that don't irrespective of relevance.

  4. Life imprisonment for ' selling ' positions but what about those who appoint people because they are family, friends, cronies and have no obvious qualifications etc for the posts ?


    I will qualify this by saying the PM did once say such appointments were understandable because it was natural to appoint people that could be trusted.

    It seems ability, suitability and qualifications aren't a prerequisite.

  5. 1 hour ago, rkidlad said:

    He didn't apologise to the 5 year old boy because he's not actually sorry. He only apologised to anyone he thought could help him get off. 


    This guy should not be allowed anywhere near children or women, etc. He's clearly a psychopath a sociopath. 


    Lock him up for a long time. He can pray to inanimate objects in his cell. 

    Your first sentence say so much.

    He should have been made to apologise to the boy and the mother, massive loss of face having to apologise to a  5 year old. Maybe too traumatic though for the boy to come face to face with him the man who did this to him.

    Did none of the bigwigs present think to say ' and what about the boy ? ' when he was apologising to all of them ?


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