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Posts posted by NongKhaiKid

  1. 13 minutes ago, Brer Fox said:

    They are only going overboard this year because the PM jumped in last time to demonstrate his authority by putting a stop to lewd and lascivious dancing. This year none of his subordinates want to feel his wrath so they are just making sure they don't end up doing KP or cleaning the officers latrines. 

    Nothing worse than subordinates trying to look good and please the boss by second guessing what he wants, what he's thinking etc.

    So often backfires.

  2. 4 hours ago, Scott said:

    I doubt he, or the school, followed proper procedures in hiring him.   To teach in most schools you need a degree, a police clearance and a Teacher's License (or waiver), at one of those levels his true identity should have been uncovered and he would have been sprung.   


    I am quite sure he applied to work at a school I was at.   I don't know what happened with his application, but most likely he didn't make it past the initial vetting, which requires the degree (which would have his original name) on it.   One of the names he used rings a bell.  

    I had a look on Google and as I always thought it's quite easy to change your name by deed poll and the BS is providing it's not for fraudulent purposes so how do the relevant authorities know ?


    People with criminal convictions can do it but have to inform certain agencies and anyone on the Sex Offenders Register can too but they must inform the police within 3 days or they commit an offence.

    All so simple it seems.


  3. 1 hour ago, colinneil said:

    Who is responsible for youths behaving like that?

    Answer their parents for not bringing them up properly.

    Allowing them to behave like little s....s.

    When rain doesn't stop play I try to get out for an early morning walk at the very beautiful local park and it's amazing at times how many youths and girls, some very obviously students, are in the park or riding around on motorcycles even on schooldays. There are usually more at the weekend and naturally on school holidays.


    I usually wonder if their parents know where they are or even care and a few days ago there was a very revealing post from a member who said his 15 year old step-daughter disappears for up to 10 days during school holidays and her mother doesn't seem bothered.

    As a parent I don't like to be too judgmental on other peoples' parenting skills but have to say there's something sadly wrong somewhere.

  4. 13 minutes ago, waldroj said:


    I still believe he'll bail out as soon as he is offered a spot on the Privy Council !!!


    Similar remuneration; a job for life; and, you can remain aloof from all the petty politics, questionable policies, and difficult times ahead.



    You may have a point and I have some thoughts on the new Privy Council but can't air them here.

    However the question is how does he see the role of a royal advisor against that of being The Man !

  5. 10 hours ago, harleyclarkey said:

    The senior dirty cop was no doubt furious that a stream of revenue was stopped.


    Shameful that the more senior cops don't take action against him.

    The national police chief and his senior men must be very busy as they never seem to have the time to bother with what's going on in their organisation but like the PM the chief does speak out about the small things. He was right in there saying the would be celeb who lost his temper big time should be prosecuted because it was of ' public interest '.


    Directives issued about re-enactments ignored.

    Directives about road blocks ignored.

    The fact that his authority is ignored means nothing and he hasn't exactly cracked the whip and enforced discipline.

    When something embarrassing emerges the response is to try and deal with the person(s) who dared expose it not the situation and the BIB involved


    At the highest levels in this country there is absolutely no leadership so what do they do with their time ?

    I won't pursue that question.

  6. 8 minutes ago, colinneil said:

    Noot apologizes bit late you dopey upstart.

    PM says no copy cats.

    Police very quiet, bit late now for the bribe, as the whole country knows hes a <deleted>.

    Waiting to see him prostrate himself in apology.

    In another thread and quoting The Nation it says he's been charged with assault but we may never know unless he actually appears in court.

    However much worse is the major loss of face by having his ' Exemplary Thai Of The Year ' award withdrawn . Ouch !   :biggrin:

  7. 1 minute ago, lee b said:

    Good lad. Was it not last year when we were told that the police were not allowed to put up these road blocks anymore?

    Earlier this year new instructions were issued for supposed implementation nationwide covering roadblocks including the requirement for someone of officer rank to be present etc.


    The one on the video is the Highway Police and I seem to remember a member posting that a one car, three man block wasn't authorised and could be ignored but I'm not sure I'd risk it though.  I do see this style of block on Highway 2 Udon Thani - Nong Khai and Udon-Khon Kaen and every time I see them it seems to be mostly goods vehicles they are interested in.


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