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Posts posted by NongKhaiKid

  1. 43 minutes ago, harada said:

    Give it a couple of hours and there will be a statement form the top, no, no it's not the BRA, it's not terrorism, it's not Uyghurs it's just very naughty boys.:rolleyes:

    This story has got to go as the end of Oct is dangerously close to the start of tourism's high season and nothing can be allowed to interfere with visitors arriving.


    The good minister has been quiet for a while so this is an ideal opportunity for her to step and announce advance bookings are going through the roof and there are no, absolutely no, cancellations and none are expected.

  2. 1 minute ago, landslide said:

    Do you think Rouhani will visit a Buddhist Temple for a photo op?

    Maybe not but he will issue a statement saying how he understands what the junta's doing and fully supports the road map.

    It might actually be true this time but no matter if he doesn't say anything as Thai officials will say it for him.

  3. 3 hours ago, NeilSA1 said:

    “It’s not real,” Maj. Gen. Thammanoon Traithippayapong said” yet

    “…national police Deputy Commissioner Srivara Ransibrahmanakul told reporters the memo is genuine”


    Disrespect for the populace, lies are not even co-ordinated.

    It must be reassuring for the public to know they have the best police force in the world protecting them.

    It's not a question of the right hand not knowing what the left is doing, it hasn't reached that level yet as the right hand doesn't even know what it is doing.

  4. 5 hours ago, bkk6060 said:

    I love this and would like to see more of it.  Let's get the dopers off the streets. If one has nothing to hide why worry?  

    When dealing with the BIB people have every right to worry given their reputation and what they get up to.

    I wish you well in your belief there's nothing to worry about, having nothing to hide doesn't come into it.

  5. 1 minute ago, halloween said:

    Well you chose to make a political point over B20 million, which was probably twice what it should have cost. I repeat, why make a point over such a small sum when there are far larger examples of waste and corruption?

    I made a point and a valid one as an example it's you that calls it political because it suits your own needs.

    All unnecessary waste and corruption is wrong but so much here is acted on selectively irrespective of who is in power.

  6. 10 hours ago, halloween said:

    Work it out for yourself. If there were a milion recipients, they could have a B20 increase for ONE month, or B2/m for 10 months. In other words very little, just BS to make apolitical point, ignoring that B400 is considerably more than the <deleted? they received under the benevolent Shinawatras.

    Why don't you ask how much social security could be provided by the B600 billion wasted on the rice scam?

    It doesn't matter what scheme we discuss it's all down to priorities and they're all skewed here and far too often skewed in favour of the few over the majority.

  7. 1 minute ago, AGareth2 said:

    tried to rush the lights

    seen it so often

    if a maned gate they often close the barriers at the last minute

    There's a controlled crossing near my home and I haven't heard of any deaths or injuries, thankfully, but that's not to say there hasn't been.

    However I have seen smashed barriers caused by drivers drying to beat them as all the warning gear starts, there's ' rear end shunts ' as drivers wrongly assume the driver ahead will race the barriers and don't expect them to brake and stop and there's always motor cyclists swerving around the barriers right up to the last very last minute when there's no room for error.


  8. 18 minutes ago, Alive said:

    Just more abuse, endless abuse by the oppressors. If you haven't checked out Prachatai English you should. It has a lot from the other side of stories. The world stays silent on Thailand's abuse these days because of too much investment here. It's not like in the past. You can't just shut these giant car companies and move so easily. Globalization empowers the abusive leaders in nations by causing the countries whose factories are there to be more submissive. Thailand and its people and human rights are screwed. The only way to change this is for the people to take back their nation. At this point, many of those reporters from other newspapers like the nation who supported the overthrow now are turning their tune. They too risk the wrath of the pro-regime system that is in place.

    Checked Prachatai as you suggested and have bookmarked it, some interesting stuff indeed.

    What caught my eye was an article on how a senior prosecutor was removed from his post for supporting the call to investigate the PM's brother and is now being investigated himself for his Facebook entry on the matter. 

  9. If and when PTP get back into power I suppose  the calculators will be out to tot up all the money wasted etc by the junta and there's plenty ammunition available, the last couple of weeks being a case in point.

    The Thai political merry-go-round and internecine dog fight stops for nothing but at least it's all in the name of and the interests of the people.

  10. 1 minute ago, aussieinthailand said:

    10 years gaol for having vote no stickers.

    Some could say that the junta operate with fear and intimidation against "selected" people.

    Quote:  'Let them hate, as long as they fear.' 


    The PM seems to have the best of both worlds as no doubt what he does and can do is feared BUT the opinion polls show how much he's loved and respected too !      :rolleyes:

  11. 20 minutes ago, JAG said:

    The reality of democracy in Thailand. 

    And they are going to "work with " Amnesty International!


    I suppose that the word "Amnesty " caught their attention, 

    They'll meet the Amnesty people, maybe get a photo taken then issue a statement that Amnesty understands and supports all that's being done.

    Only problem is that Amnesty isn't known for holding back and are unlikely to remain silent about a statement made on their behalf especially one that's not exactly accurate.

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