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Posts posted by NongKhaiKid

  1. 8 minutes ago, Strange said:


    You believe an incarcerated person should be allowed leave, from incarceration

    I asked a question I didn't state my belief. Did you not see the ? after the sentence ?

    I can't speak for Thailand but prisoners being taken out under escort isn't exactly unheard of.

    There have been reported instances of prisoners here getting special privileges depending on who they are of course. 

  2. 10 minutes ago, z42 said:

    I'm a career teacher (educated, trained, and qualified in the UK / NZ), I have worked in education at multiple levels on multiple continents. and imho I think it is a stretch to even begin to claim there are hard and fast ways to train students to tackle multiple choice exams, anything above and beyond standard / focused revision anyways.

    This event just looks hollow, a textbook case of style over substance. Unless of course these exams being rolled out nationwide are seeking qualitative answers from students (which is highly unlikely) it is a textbook exercise in futility

    During my time in Hong Kong I had to sit quite a few professional exams and at the very start of my career the expats in  our training class were warned not to expect exams as we  might know them so no narratives with the question using words like discuss, explain, consider etc.


    He explained that our Chinese colleagues had been educated as if sponges and they simple soaked up information, facts etc and could regurgitate them with almost total accuracy but it didn't mean they understood what they were writing so asking them to ' discuss' was a non-starter.

  3. 2 hours ago, HoboKay said:

    Perhaps this is an attempt to appear accountable by responding to social criticism? Feeble but an attempt nonetheless.



    At the very, very best there may be some vague statement that it could have been done better but no major problem, no loss to the taxpayer and no one is at fault.

    The junta' s procurement dept is ordering more whitewash to deal with all the spurious allegations that have surfaced recently.

  4. 12 minutes ago, colinneil said:

    Auditor - General can investigate whatever they want.

    We do not care, we do what we want, spend what we want.

     We are unaccountable/ untouchable.

    They peasants are revolting...so... no matter. Let them, maybe we will throw them a few scraps just to shut them up.

    Prime Minister, General, breaking news, the peasants are revolting !

    Oh pleaasse, tell me something I don't know.

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