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Posts posted by NongKhaiKid

  1. 45 minutes ago, SOUTHERNSTAR said:

    According to a comment yesterday she was number 20 on the list and sat on seat 24 k there and back. By the way according to this list she has the rank of major. But then again the lady said she didn't make the trip. But the CCTV cameras at the airport should solve the problem on who went and who did not.

    Yes she's supposedly a major but is she a genuine officer who became a news anchor or an anchor who was given a rank because she works for Channel 5 ?

  2. 1 minute ago, whatproblem said:

    Does this country have no obligations to protect the children from these animals,there cannot be an excuse for that amount of violence on a child ,the child's father who will except an apology doesn't deserve to be a dad.where are the children's rights mr pm

    You are so right but it seems everything here is easily trumped if there's money to be made.

    The victim's father will accept an apology and compensation no doubt and the BIB likely to get something for acting as ' honest brokers '.

  3. 3 minutes ago, colinneil said:

    Brain in neutral?

    I remember spitting image on tv they had a sketch of President Reagan opening the top of his head, popping in his brain.

    The caption was the Presidents brain is missing.

    When i read about Prayut that is what springs to mind.

    Maybe the PMs brain is missing.

    If I'm correct in that episode a tortoise tried to hump Reagan's brain.

    I'm not going to say anymore especially about the current situation.   :biggrin:

  4. 2 hours ago, smedly said:

    that is like a taxi driver asking the government to pay for the vehicle lol


    why should the tax payer invest in a private business were they will see absolutely nothing in return


    why should the tax payer give money to these people when it is obvious they either have no idea how to run a business or have simply creamed off the profits and made no attempt to pay off the debt or both 


    you gotta wonder sometimes just how these people thjnk 

    Isn't this indicative of how many Thais view debt, they don't seem to worry just trusting someone will bail them out and expect it to be done ?

    It doesn't matter it it's commercial companies or individuals the attitude is just the same.

    I've been lucky as the amounts I've never been repaid were minor and the recipient,  a relative of my landlady, knows better than to ask now, The first time i mentioned repayment she was shocked saying she didn't realize she was expected to return the money as she thought I was just ' helping ' her . Mind you it still didn't make her offer to re-pay far less do it.


    On the other hand I know some who have really lost out usually with loans to the family of wife or gf and encountered extreme hostility when they dared to mention the money being returned.

  5. 11 minutes ago, fxe1200 said:


    No secret


    Great, thanks for that. Now all that's needed is the justification for them being needed in the delegation.

    11 full generals, 1 police general and an air chief marshal plus lots of subordinates.

    No. 40, apparently a foreigner, and 3 passengers on the return only.

    Original it was supposedly 38 but 43 listed !



    18 minutes ago, chrisinth said:


    If the wheel goes around in uniformed circles, the mother could be as young as 26/27yo. It could well have been the mother doing the BG/dancer bit, which would make more sense especially in tourist areas.


    But, you never know....................

    Lots of unanswered questions starting with has the Swede been here before but he won't be the first to be fooled by a mature looking girl presenting herself as older than her age. With money to be made no one would be likely to tell him.


    I suppose there's the age on her passport issue but again not necessarily a problem here as there'a a way around everything.

    If money was being sent home to mum she wouldn't be bothered about anything.

  7. 7 minutes ago, aussieinthailand said:

    Try making public the flight manifest,  every person on the flight and why, then maybe after that can there be satisfaction.....

    As for the claim they only had normal inflight food such as "noodles"  as claimed,,, well we all know just how much Thai's love to

    take photo's of the food they are about to have,  then let's see them lovely lovely first class noodles on a Thai air flight...

    Any one think that maybe the info supplied to the OAG could be sanitized and then after spending more tax payers money will be made public  so as to make the junta look as if they are corruption free.....???    

    It's the people's money so they bloody well do have a right to know how it is spent.

    Noodles fit for a Guinness Book of Records entry as they must be amongst the most expensive in the world .

  8. 22 minutes ago, PatOngo said:

    General Prawit is ready to bare all about his trip to Hawaii.


    Nooo!......Please keep your clothes on!!!


    :clap2: Oh yes.

    What's it to be,

    Right Said Fred : I'm too sexy for my shirt   OR

    Rod Stewart      : If you want my body and you think I'm sexy.


    Personally I'd think the only interest in his body would come from medical science.

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