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Posts posted by NongKhaiKid

  1. he was wearing the "ROYAL" Thai Police Uniform while doing something unbecoming an officer of that institution... its a pity that many other BIB in the same uniform have no problem with other activities that are unbecoming to their uniform, the institution and what it represents in society. coffee1.gif

    In many forces around the world this would likely lead to some form of disciplinary action but TIT.

    Is there a word similar to " discipline " in Thai ? Maybe I should have said vaguely similar as discipline sounds so strict, harsh and not Thai like...LOL

  2. When a reporter asked her if she had talked to Mr. Thaksin recently at all, Ms. Yingluck simply smiled and left the press conference.

    That's nauseating.

    At the drop of a hat her cabinet heads to Hong Kong to brown nose yet she is paranoid about admitting any contact. I suppose she's afraid of follow up questions like " what did you talk about ? " but it could be handled better, definitely not appropriate even for a pretend PM.

  3. I remember reading a letter in The Post from a Thai lady whose husband lectured at a university in California and every year they held a BBQ to welcome any new Thai students.

    One of the first things was to quietly get it through to the new arrivals was that they were now the foreigners and she was less than complimentary about the attitude encountered in trying to make them understand and she included students already at the university who could not / would not adapt. All non-Thais were still farang.

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  4. The angry and harsh words Chalerm used suggested a bitterness he feels at the trust Yingluck has placed in spin doctor Suranand.

    But once his puppet boss is gone Suranand will be out of a job and have to return to journalism like before.

    Chalerm shouldn't let such children bother him, let them eat ice-cream.

    It would help if no one responded to Chalerm, he will make his own headlines at every opportunity so why hand openings to him on a plate ? It's all fitting though, playground stuff.


    It's a national embarrassment, and KFC are giving it free publicity by doing this.

    I remember when McDonald's tried to sue a village store in Scotland for using the name and the Golden Arches. Maybe the logo use was wrong but the McDonalds had been in the area for centuries long before that clown Columbus and his pal Amerigo discovered America and look at the problems that caused.

    It was my understanding that this was connected with head of Clan McDonald, who told them he could take away their using the name. Made me laugh

    He threatened to send the Fiery Cross around, who needs courts ?

  6. He added that DSI officials would also arrange DNA tests for the girl who said she was sexually involved with Luang Pu Nenkham, and for her son.

    Testing her sons DNA I can understand, but the testing the girl will reveal what exactly?

    I would imagine it is to prove the boy is actually her son and leave no doubt that Nenkham had sex with a minor

    Arthur Scargill ?

  7. Serious stuff! This clip needs to be professionally verified to authenticate that it is Thaksin's and Yuthasak's voice.

    The only credible verification would have to be done by an independent lab and nothing is independent in Thailand.

    I can't see it being examined outside the country especially if there's any truth to it.

    If anyone wants to see it, the numbers will be listed in his phone bill. International call and all that.

    Would that be the phone records that will never be found ?

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