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Posts posted by NongKhaiKid

  1. Another confirmation (as if any were needed) as to just who is really in charge of PT.

    While the PM is off on another overseas jaunt the real PM will give pep talks to those peed off with the changes.

    Then no doubt there will be a great party with plenty of the correct bottles and some lovely young ladies to serve the food which will get the troops into a good mood to come back and give their best to (or get the best out of) their new jobs.

    The Thaksin who will be present, is this the one who has no role in Thai politics ?

    • Like 1
  2. On the positive side, where else would a police force be as transparent and admit to an absence of professionalism, and no respect for the concept of justice?

    I commend Pol Colonel Chalotorn Sitthipanya, who represented the National Police for his honesty.

    Bless his soul, the chap probably didn't have a clue as to what he was defending.

    Last seen sitting under a thatched roof shelter on the top of a mountain in command of 2 pigs and a chook.

    and the chook is actually the one in charge so when they run around there's a headless one and the boss

  3. My mate Chooka and I ( both retired cops ) could go on about this sort of thing and bore everyone's pants off, quite acceptable if you are a buxom Isan girl of the female persuasion, BUT we both cringe that this sort of thing goes and there's no accountability.

    The rule of law here appears to be " make it up as you go along".

    Not retired yet.

    Oops, sorry young man.

  4. Police lunacy as always. To the best of my knowledge no other developed country does this, why on earth would the Thai police brain trust think this is a good idea ??

    Re-enactments are used elsewhere but under strict conditions and rules of evidence.

    If a suspect makes a complicated confession he may be asked to show what he did for example. He can refuse, he is told the video taken will be prosecution evidence and the media are kept away.

    Here it's an all singing, all dancing Hollywood extravaganza with the cops all looking for Oscar nominations especially senior officers who were never involved in the original investigations.

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  5. The original story has been changed as he was supposedly trying to get to Swampy until it was pointed out he was on the wrong bus and that point was picked up by an on the ball TV contributor

    He didn't miss his flight as his official car was a convenient phone call away no doubt shadowing the bus for the inevitable.need to get to the airport on time.

    What's the bet that if this farce is repeated by him or other officials there will be special arrangements and magically there will be no holdups ?

    • Like 2
  6. It's hard to believe this is a DPM, a retired military man, who is talking to people who have shown no regard for human life previously.

    The BRN wants a Ramadan truce on their terms which is ridiculous and they have a cover story if violence continues that it " was outside their control ".

    The violence will continue, the insurgents will re-group and re-supply and the government will come out with some complete crap about it. Meanwhile the PM, Defence Minister and Chairwoman of the Rice Committee will have her nose buried in a map of the world thinking " where to next " ?

    • Like 2
  7. On the government’s U-turn on its rice price pledging scheme, she said the decision to reverse the rice purchase from Bt12,000/tonne to Bt15,000/tonne was made following a recommendation by the National Rice Policy Committee (NRPC).

    You would have thought the government would have consulted the NRPC *before* they dropped the purchase price. Then they wouldn't have had (more) egg on their faces a week later.

    The funny thing is, the chairwoman of NRPC is no other than Yingluck Shinawatra !rolleyes.gif

    But I guess holding so many positions, PM, MoD and PR-person for the government, it is easy to forget which meetings she didn't attend to!

    If it wasn't so sad sad.png , it would almost be funny!

    This and earlier posts from " hellodolly " are right on the mark. She and others churn out his rubbish, they contradict themselves, they carry on as if they are on the ball with everything and they expect to be believed every time they open their mouths.

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  8. A slightly different message in a newspaper article today in which he is quoted as saying the government can no longer rely on red shirt support as the reds have been let down by the government which has not recognised what's been done for them and are only interested in PTP.

    He's right that PTP are users but so was he with his arson calls etc. in Bangkok and I'm sure part of his message concerns his absence from the cabinet.

    Maybe he does need medical treatment but I'm quite sure he's up to something.

  9. It's a sad day when a monk who has taken all sorts of vows can't accept generous gifts from devotees who are assured of a better life in the hereafter.

    I think that you are a troll and just taking the pi$$ with the above comment.

    Not all, but many of these saffron garbed individuals are drop outs too lazy to get a real job.

    It is even possible that NKK was being sarcastic. If you are Thai you don't know about sarcasm.

    Sarcasm: the use of words that mean the opposite of what you really want to say especially in order to insult someone, to show irritation, or to be funny

    Thank you, i was being sarcastic. Nothing else seemed appropriate

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