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Posts posted by NongKhaiKid

  1. Power and the need always to be boss ?

    HE was deeply offended when the other group refused to get involved in a confrontation and insisted on their peaceful rally.

    Thailand has a lot to look forward to as " leaders " at all levels just need a sniff of authority and their off.

    This simply underlines the "me, me, me" attitude of anyone who seeks to be a leader of anything here. It also reflects the need for external recognition as 'the one calling the shots'.

    I recall seeing an owner of a small teaching school giving a farang a good 'dressing down' in the public area close to the school. There was no requirement for her to display this in public, but it obviously made her feel good. As one who has lectured in Human Resource Development, I don't care what anyone has done, any rebuke should be delivered behind closed doors.

    However, such things can't be dealt with in such a way in Thailand, as there are far too many other wheeling and dealing matters going on behind closed doors, so all the space is already taken...!

    One of the rules of command " praise in public, reprimand in private " unless you are trying to prove how important you are, or think you are, and if nothing else to yourself.

  2. This article is frivolous, disarming and - ultimately - extremely alarming.

    The monk is a criminal and yet the writer makes light of this fact.

    'How did he manage to command their overwhelming respect and support? The answer might be as simple as a well-crafted marketing plan.'

    I doubt that very much.

    The next thing we will hear is that this poor, naive but well-intended monk has been a victim of circumstances, manipulated by a well-oiled marketing machine and brainwashed in to believing in his own transcendental divinity.

    This guy set out to fleece the people from the beginning, knowing full well their susceptibility to the power and charisma of the personality cult, something which is - sadly - par for the course in Thailand.

    The truth? He's a front for other, more powerful and influential people. Simple.

    So, the Nation, let's find out who they are.

    It's now being reported that apart from the initial 22 luxury cars he bought there could be another 35 more over the years and that he " gifted " some to 2 VERY senior monks ? This is only the tip of a very large iceberg and like all icebergs how much will ever be revealed ?

  3. "Pol Lt. Gen Kamronwit said the latest Case May happened."

    So I take the latest case hasn't happened as yet and it is still a possibility. I guess they have already been charged with the case that is still to happed for the ease of processing.

    Was there not a movie , Tom Cruise I think, about a futuristic police unit that predicted crimes ?

    LOS ahead of the curve as usual.

  4. I would have thought answering the question of her deputy stepping down in a supportive way would have shown even more solidarity.

    From what I've seen and heard medals are like confetti here.

    A young neighbour of mine when I was in Pattaya became a uniformed official employed by City Hall, he bought a second hand uniform which was covered in ribbons but he made no attempt to remove them as he couldn't afford to risk damaging the tunic.

  5. It's being reported that the son is definite it's dad's voice but the tape had been heavily edited. He will be taking a copy of the tape to Beijing next week when he goes to meet him as Mr. T has been " too busy " to listen to it so far. The Deputy Defence Minister is still adamant he's not the other voice.

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