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Posts posted by NongKhaiKid

  1. Please Yingluck, if you have any balls at all, do not give this oxygen thief the satisfaction of resigning, sack him from the party immediately. Display some Leadership. This guy would have lasted nano seconds if he did this in the UK or the States.


    That's about as well as anyone could have said it!

    Spot On. They must have known that demotion would cause the same reaction so why give him any room to maneouvre ? He's still a minister and will address the media as such and we know he will take every opportunity to speak on any subject and he does so as a member of the cabinet.

    If he continues to embarrass it would be easier to write him off as a malcontent angry at not getting his way rather than having to deal with him as a minister.

  2. Thinking back many a long year to holidays with a wife and young daughter were we quality tourists ? The day's activities revolved around my daughter so no boring bus trips, visits to ruins and so on. the evening ended with her bedtime and hopes of a decent movie on TV or in-house movie channel, no nights on the town or even body swerving the wife for a couple of hours.

    We were quiet, respectable tourists, maybe even quality but a couple of young lads with money to spend and all the intention of doing so contributed more to an economy than we ever did.

    TAT talks crap and their figures are even worse.

    • Like 2
  3. Politics as usual. Yingluck said the scheme was the bees knees and enriching farmers' lives but 2 days later it had to be " sustainable " so the pledge was being cut to B12,000. The farmers and some MPs got uppity so the issue it went into " consideration ", then came the uproar over the cabinet re-shuffle and the North East got upset.

    Nothing can be done about the cabinet for a while but as if by magic the rice pledge will be unchanged for a few months at least.

    It portrays a government in total control with foresight and sensible forward planning not one simply reeling from crisis to crisis!

  4. A wise move by KY not to interfere in military matters considering what happened when her brother tried that.

    Do you think she will be able to resist getting involved with the annual re-shuffle, as directed from Dubai of course ?

    I'm sure they would love to have " their people " in position. Remember how Mr. T promoted a relative up 17 places in the seniority list and had him ready to become Supreme Commander and he did the same with another relative in the police.

  5. "The government and the army have fully performed their duties in the past two years, the premier said"

    The army were certainly magnificent during the floods. Not sure what PTP were doing - oh yes, illegally issuing a passport and getting a large amount of emergency cash.

    Something to look forward to then, the PM presenting all the acheivments of the PTP government whilst fully performing their duties over the last two years.

    5th cabinet reshuffle means 6 cabinets in 2 years. Are they trying to get into the Guiness Book of Records too?

    She has raised delegation to an art form, is regularly missing from house sessions and now doesn't have Chalerm to speak for her and she chairs committees that she never attends.

    What's next ?

  6. BBC World News is covering the Yingluck story as a headline. It's pointed out that she's the first woman to become defence minister and will give her " control over the military that ousted her brother. "

    It was also pointed out that the army is due a major re-shuffle in October but nothing more was said.

    For those of us here the latter aspect means will she interefere and put or try to put loyalists in the top jobs etc ?

    No surer way to anger the military than interfering in the old boys club of promotions and postings.

    Deja vu?

    That's quite a point. Isn't there something about failing to learn from history's mistakes and being doomed to repeat them.

  7. Paveena Hongsakul, a women's and children's rights advocate, is the new Minister of Social Development and Human Security.Thailand has a serious problem with human trafficking and domestic violence. Now there is a minister that is considered to be one of the strongest advocates in the country and that has the confidence of the organizations both domestic and international that are involved.

    Was wondering Gerry if you could tell me where this paragon of womans and childrens rights was on the issue of the 10yr old girl that recently gave birth or the little girl who was held as a slave and tortured not so long ago.

    Never saw anything in the news from her then.

    She's a self serving politician so pick the high profile issues and look good, don't touch anything not in the news or which might backfire.

    I used to walk around the floor my office was on always carrying a file, everyone thought I was working.

    So now we all know you're a skiver.

    Please find yourself a place in the remedial class, I wrote " used to " which is past tense and now I am retired.

    Please repeat after me " was a skiver ".

    • Like 1
  8. Paveena Hongsakul, a women's and children's rights advocate, is the new Minister of Social Development and Human Security.Thailand has a serious problem with human trafficking and domestic violence. Now there is a minister that is considered to be one of the strongest advocates in the country and that has the confidence of the organizations both domestic and international that are involved.

    Was wondering Gerry if you could tell me where this paragon of womans and childrens rights was on the issue of the 10yr old girl that recently gave birth or the little girl who was held as a slave and tortured not so long ago.

    Never saw anything in the news from her then.

    She's a self serving politician so pick the high profile issues and look good, don't touch anything not in the news or which might backfire.

    I used to walk around the floor my office was on always carrying a file, everyone thought I was working.

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