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Posts posted by NongKhaiKid

  1. Abhisit will be thanking his lucky stars that a twit like Tarit is running the DSI show.

    Pre-meditated murder? There is no chance of making that stick even in a Thai court and once it goes international the goverment's prosecutors will look like fools on the world stage.

    Another example of not thinking things through, so short sighted and so Thai. The reds will be loving every minute then when it all starts to fall apart ...!

  2. 'National pride' must be restored in Suvarnabhumi, says new director

    It's an airport for gawd's sake. Like a bus station, but bigger coffee1.gif

    I've travelled extensively throughout my miserable life and have never thought of an airport as anything other than a means to an end so I think in terms of how long did I have to queue at check-in and immigration, how far from the departure gates are the " refreshments " and so on ? I can see how this might play in Thailand though if you remember the hand wringing when the country lost its status as the world's biggest rice exporter but I doubt the average non-travelling Thai will be in the least bit motivated..

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  3. If you look at the activities of Seh Daeng during the weeks prior to his death, one thing stands out. Seh Daeng was mouthing off to the press about how Thaksin told him to do this, or Thaksin wanted that.

    My bet is that Seh Daeng's mouthing off to the press was an embarassment to Thaksin and was also directly implicating Thaksin to the activities undertaken by Seh Daeng, the men in black and the red shirts.

    A call was made from Dubai to someone in the Phua Thai, or one of the red shirt leaders, and the message was clear and simple... 'Shut Seh Daeng up by any means necessary.'

    Seh Daeng was silenced. Who actually pulled the trigger is irrelevant, but it was Thaksin who gave the orders.

    and is so often the case the deceased becomes a martyr, a cause celebre, so he gets silenced and gives those who did it an extra voice to demand justice for him knowing the killer(s) will never be found.

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  4. It's wrong to jump to hasty conclusions but sometimes it's inevitable and with the current political situation hard not to so for this reason I have to say the Thai Journalists' Association call for a speedy investigation and arrests will only result the the appropriate BS and very little action as PTP and the reds don't want any possible link to them or their members being established.

    Wonder if DSI will call Abhisit and Suthep in for interview ?

    • Like 1
  5. rolleyes.gif Not sure if it made a difference or not, but the "police" the transport company "hired" to escort them were not the normal highway police who usually do the escort stuff.

    The police were freelancing apparently and may NOT have known that route.

    Read the last paragraph carefully.


    Begs the question if they were freelancing were they authorised to use an official vehicle ? Hardly likely but what difference would it make as the BIB seem to be involved in nothing but unofficial endeavours of all descriptions. The driver may be facing a charge and the book should be thrown at the transport company too, again hardly likely.

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  6. Again the question remains why only ban this low life for 5 years? All politicians who use their position hiding behind parliamentary privilege for malicious means or curruption should be banned for life.

    It's a bit like so many other things in Thailand that are not pursued with due vigour as politicians may need a favour returned in the future. A law encompassing a life time ban would never be passes as the politicians know how close they sail to the wind at any given time and could find themselves on the wrong end of that life ban but 5 years makes it look as if they are sorting out the bad ones while leaving an opening for them to return. Look at Yaowapa Shinawatra, virtually the moment her ban was up she's in a by-election, wins and is now being spoken of as next caretaker PMd

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  7. With the calculating way that Thaksin operates I wonder is this has all planned in advance so Yingluck keeps the seat warm and simply repeats what she's told until he returns and if that's not possible elder sister takes over until he gets back. Elder sister is a better proposition fort PM as she's experienced in the trench warfare, dirty tricks and downright nastiness of Thai politics and she's strong enough to control the likes of Chalerm and the Finance Minister both of whom suffer from foot in mouth disease.

    I'm sure the majority of the party and reds would welcome Yaowapa to give leadership and strength but some in the cabinet might be happy for Yingluck to stay on as she so lightweight and pliable that they can more or less do what they want until they're told a certain gentleman from Dubai has come up on Skype.

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  8. Good, I hope they get it banned.

    Definitely but the problem is too many uni presidents think it's " character building ", gets freshmen into the school spirit and other such meaningless crap but they always deny knowledge of the rough stuff.

    I have taught at a rural uni and on the days freshmen were due to arrive students from every faculty went to the bus station with welcoming banners from that faculty and would sing and dance all day as they greeted the new arrivals. A casual observer could be forgiven for thinking it was a lovely gesture and so on but that was the public face of the " welcome " and the nasty business was conducted on campus. Naturally the president and his assistants had no knowledge of that and frankly didn't want to know.

  9. Past performance is not guarantee of future returns.....

    Except when it comes to coups in Thailand. Whether its next week, month or year, you just know it is coming sometime. Why? Because they get away with it. Simple really

    Maybe the ones in power should TRY to THINK before bludgening their way through in dictatorial fashion.

    concentrate on running a non corrupt government. If you don't have the army, OR any other way to halt the slime, what would then happen ????

    Maybe after 18 attempts the army would find a way to write a constitution so well written that NO sides of the political agenda can modify it quite so easily.

    I.e. super majority.

    Maybe some of the top brass like a coup now and then as it gives them something to do other than play golf and politic to get plum posts in the annual reshuffle, they can put tactics into actual operation and really play with all that new equipment ( well the stuff that works anyway ) and it makes them feel needed.

  10. Well done K. Anudth, in your efforts to prove your're a powerful man as ICT Minister and of course a loyal party member and Shinawatra sycophant you have only succeeded in getting up peoples' noses and painted a large bullseye on Yingluck's back

    I think it is hilarious.

    Ban this, ban that, and hack their very own website.

  11. Reminds me of the time when no newspaper in Thailand could print anything bad about Taksin Shinawatra. Are we returning to those dark days?

    Remember when a newspaper group critical of Thaksin was told they had just lost a lot of valuable advertising because they were printing adverse comments ? It seems in the Shinawatra dictionary there is no such thing as even " mild " criticism so agree completely or we'll send a couple of heavies round to point out the error of your ways.

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  12. It doesn't matter how many laws are in existence and are applicable as the key issue is implementation and this government has no will to control the reds which only emboldens them and it's reached the point where the government and PTP are losing control anyway so it's only a matter of time before elements of the reds turn on PTP and the administration. If Mr. T sees this as being to his benefit there's no way he will reel the reds in.

  13. As long as there are people with double digit IQs in positions of power in Thailand, then this sort of nonsense will continue. My msz and her friends (almost all uni graduates), are ashamed of the image that these sorts of Thais portray.

    I'm sure they are suitably impressed by the idiot senator who wanted a court to issue a court order banning Mr. T from using Skype, that defies description.

  14. As for the planned demonstration of the Radio for Democracy Network on Wednesday

    The latest renaming of the red shirts. rolleyes.gif

    Will the Radio for Democracy Network be protesting against Pheu Thai over another issue facing radio freedom?

    Yingluck Sues Thai Rath Cartoonist For Defamation

    Meanwhile the media stranglehold gets tighter as the BP is reporting this morning that the Pheu Thai Party is requesting the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission to closely scrutinize the content of all television and radio programs for inappropriate remarks about the premier.

    The next step is a law making it an offence to criticise the PM, proving the name is Shinawatra of course

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