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Posts posted by NongKhaiKid

  1. Many, many years ago I was told that Thailand had once planned an F1 track in the Phuket but some of their ideas were completely unacceptable to the F1 bosses who then nipped over the border to Malaysia where they were met with total co-operation and Sepang was custom built. It was said Thailand wanted import duty paid on the cars despite not being for sale but the duty would be refunded after the teams minus an " administrative " fee. I can't vouch for the truth of this but it does sound so Thai.

  2. I could be completely wrong but I don't think there are many undecided voters in Thailand and with all the Thais I know it's very clear cut pro-Thaksin or most definitely anti. I would suggest these rallies are simply a response to Mr. T's " get it done " instruction and to whip up the red shirts who will be the only ones to attend. Look at the potential for this to get out of hand and it's all to satisfy just one man.

  3. I try to educate the Security Men at my Condo in respect of English language and British Etiquette.

    No such thing as British culture, the Untied Kingdom is 4 different countries with their own culture. unfortunately there are too many misguided people, always English, who regarded the words UK, England and Britain as one and the same and therefore inter-changeable which they are not

  4. We all know that foreign tour guides is the way to go.

    We also all know that this isn't going to happen....at least not legally.

    How long is it going to take for a Thai, or any other nationality for that matter, to speak Russian to a level to be able to conduct tours and answer questions? Especially as most students will be starting from scratch.

    Why don't the powers that be realise that native tour guides may be attractive to prospective tourists from Russia and other countries?

    Ironically where are they going to find Russian speakers capable of teaching Thai's Russian?

    Wouldn't it be a smidgen quicker to employ these teachers as tour guides?

    Ummm Russia!

    Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE Q6

    I hear that just about every beach resort is full of them, some of the occasionally, legally or illegally moonlighting as tour guides.

    Hopefully, a good amount of Russians have married well in the resorts, and their spouses are learning pillow Russian every day, so the void should be filled in about 3 to 5 years.

    OKski, I go 11ski, honeyski

  5. Stories like this have been around for decades and never seem to go anywhere as per usual. There is an army basic training camp near my home and many NCO instructors live in my village and it's usual to see recruits at their home digging the garden, building walls and carrying out general home improvements. Over a decade ago I worked in a mid-Isan province and an Australian colleague used to play golf on a simple 9 hole course in an army camp in the adjacent province. He had been invited by the Officer Commanding the camp who was so proud he had designed the course and had it built by " his " recruits. Sort of says it all

    Maybe we are missing the point that in the nation's hour of need an army of part time gardeners, construction workers and golf course builders will swing into action in defence of the realm. Maybe this is what's meant by Military Intelligence, LOL

    • Like 1
  6. Robbing the country blind is what the Army and their backers are all about.

    Airships, aircraft carriers, submarines etc.

    The Generals and their buddies up high take a large piece of it all.

    The army budget is over 160 billion and they probably steal at least 35%.

    56 billion a year to spread around. Nice.

    Didn't they give themselves amnesty and an 80 billion raise after the last coup?

    Right now it seems they have a deal with Yingluk. You leave the Army alone and the army lets you play PM.

    Is there any wonder there's massive corruption here when those and such as those know then can operate with impunity because of who they are or what they are ?

  7. The fall of Ayutthaya happened because King Ekkatat at the time refused to turn the canon on the Burmese in fear of waking his 1,000 consorts. That was an intelligent move! The Burmese on the other hand learned from their continued mistake of repeated invasions and trashed the city rather than keep returning to be repelled. But let not the truth stand in the way of a good story. The history books are never written by the vanquished but in this case they were.

    To make a film of this sounds interesting as there are a couple of other screenplays floating around about this subject for a major movie. This period, the following 10 years, created the beginning of the present Chakri Dynasty.

    The figures of the viewings are way out (reported here) with more than 200,000 already

    There's a couple of apt sayings about war, one is the first casualty of war is the truth and the second somwthing about the victors writing the history

  8. Careful Kerati or you'll have it banned on the grounds of National Security making comparisons like that.

    Part of the " reasoning " too was that it would harm international relations but with whom I wonder ? The rest of the world isn't interested and the Thais look down on all their immediate neighbours anyway

  9. I always hear my Thai friends say that Thailand was never invadedgiggle.gif

    Thailand never , Siam was

    more than once and not only by the Birmese

    I believe you will find Thailand was invaded and occupied by the Japanese between 1941 and 1945.

    I believe Thai historians say that the then PM told the Japanese they would not be opposed in order to prevent death and destruction. Funny thing though, he was never seen again.

    • Like 2
  10. 33 of them going to Israel for a "tour" on the taxpayers baht, what few of them there are in Thailand. We'll see if Thais are willing to pay Israeli premium for the best security technology around.

    I could see the point if it was a small specialist team but 33 MPs and I wonder if the wives will be going too on a government paid for " chopping trip " ? It doesn't matter what they see or learn the Thais do not have the determined application of the Israelis and never will plus add in the corruption, special interests and all the other " considerations " that apply here.

  11. Do they never get tired of their stupid and childish games ?? rolleyes.gif

    It seems they haven't as all sides are into name calling, allegations, official complaints and the ever popular law suits. You will find more mature behaviour in a school playground and what they don't realise it that when they really have an important and valid point it's immediately devalued because they've cried wolf so often that it's not taken seriously.

    I would say however their only saving grace is that I have never met many Thais who care that much about politics or politicians. I live in a very red area of Isan and they really don't understand the issues just follow and repeat what they hear from red leaders, PTP and Mr.T which is exactly what is wanted.

  12. These blokes will never learn. It's one thing to challenge the workings of the system by talking about it and discussing its merits.

    Hosting protests like this at a court is unacceptable.

    Another step down a dangerous road as instructed by someone well outside the country and who is using these blind idiots to his, not the country's , advantage. I will repeat a post I've made before that after the general election some red shirts were reported to have said " we are in charge now and can do what we like ".

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  13. Hey, if some of the police are busy looking for someone they can't find then at least there is less of them extorting the general public.

    They should Google the name " Harry Chanellor " ( hope that's the correct spelling ) a one time D/ Sgt in the Met who went insane and planted bricks on people thinking he was doing his job. How many males in Bkk will now be found with rocks in their pockets, no pun intended, and have to buy their way out of false trouble ?

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