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Posts posted by NongKhaiKid

  1. Still trying to justify the speech someone else wrote for her? Give it up. FAIL

    I'm surprised she said anything about learning lessons as they way her brother, she, her government, the party and the reds act they are infallible and never do anything wrong although Mr. T may quietly think to himself he did make a few mistakes so next time it's " no more Mr. nice guy ".

  2. In order for Thaksin do meet up with heads of other countries he must have been given (behind the scenes) some official status by the Govt.

    There is no way anyone except some sort of ambassador, cabinet minister or MP could get meetings with the Iraqui PM without some sort of official request from the Thai Govt.

    For him to be able to make promises and set up meetings would be impossible without him being a representative of the Thai Govt.

    I think you've got it spot on, it must have been sorted out in advance. We all know he is the Thai government and the Iraqis will have been told exactly who they would be dealing with but because of international diplomatic niceties it can be said in public.

  3. "Don't forget that Thaksin is a former prime minister. He knows what is and is not appropriate. He has never dominated or ordered party members to do anything."

    He couldn't have said that with a straight face.


    Pheu Thai Party deputy spokesman Anusorn Iamsa-ard

    They never seem to remember what has already been said about Mr T as plenty of MPs have in the past spoken of waiting on conference calls, instructions via Sype calls and so on and now he's playing no role. Part of it is arrogance and belief they can say anything and it will be accepted mixed with a massive amount of stupidity

    • Like 2
  4. BANGKOK: -- Asst Prof Jessada Denduangboripart, the scientist who proved that the GT200 explosives detector was a fake, looks back on the reasons why Thailand fell for the scam.......

    Now, we are going to need 1000 words to say the word corruption.

    Nail absolutely smashed on the head. Unfortunately for the gentleman concerned he can hardly claim to have discovered they were fakes as the BBC did it.that long before anyone here knew about. Look at the situation, who was involved, the money both over and under the table and the massive loss of face, little wonder he's jumping through hoops trying to explain it away.

    • Like 1
  5. While exporters are claiming closure and redundancy, the nation points out that you can take a holiday.

    This is one of the dumbest unconnected, out of touch, articles I have ever read.

    Dumb, unconnected and out of touch also sums up the government, politicians and Thai society in general.

    • Like 2
  6. one party investigates ... another party investigates some more

    but nothing ever changes and nothing really gets done

    Guess they have to look like they are doing something, they could

    do something useful like becoming street sweepers

    Thai officials are experts at doing nothing yet making it look as if they are, well they've had enough experience. It's like walking around an office with a file in your hand, nobody thinks you are doing anything other than your job.

    • Like 2
  7. Noting surer I would say. PM Airhead read a speech prepared for her and may not actually have understand much of it but constant reference to her brother and family wrapped in concern for the country fools no one except those who believe everything a Shinawatra says and can't see how they are being used. Chalerm is to push a bill designed only to get Mr. T back and the red hordes are threatening all sorts of horrors if the constitutional court judges don't do as they are told and it's unlikely to stop there.

    The RTP would be well advised to read material on public disorder as when a mob is released it takes on its own dynamic and anything can happen as it get more out of control.

    During the last Balkans problem when the US " accidentally " bombed a Chinese Embassy there was an immediate outbreak of " spontaneous " protests in Beijing given nothing happens without official approval but they suddenly ceased after 3 days without explanation. Western embassies and journalists ventured the opinion that the Chinese authorities had realised the danger of actually allowing people to protest in public as they could so easily decide their own agenda and all in the glare of the international media who had been invited to witness the Chinese peoples' " anger ".

    • Like 1
  8. I believe a lot of things and would love a lower baht and while this might be true.. the biggest problem is not the baht but the government stance.

    Cabinet Ministers and officials of BoT talk a lot but do absolutely nothing except " after you Claude " when it comes to making decisions. I suppose if you don't make a decision you can't be criticised for making the wrong one and self-preservation is the name of the game here.

    • Like 2
  9. If he was really interested in coming back without a seeking a position, he would keep out of Thai politics now. How could anyone believe that statement given his current involvement?

    Of course, what would happen is that he wouldn't "seek" a position. He would "be given" a position because "that's what the people want".

    If I remember correctly he has said in the post he would of course get back into politics etc if " the people " wanted and needed him. Of course he'll be wanted and needed if he's gets back as the sheep will be told they do.

    • Like 2
  10. In a related development, Pol Maj-General Sangiam Samranrat, an official attached to the PM's Office, filed a complaint with the Crime Suppression Division, alleging the nine judges were causing a public disturbance.

    This is one of the most idiotic statements I have heard from these buffoons. The judges are going on about their business as usual and the red minions have laid siege outside the court building. Of course that is not a public disturbance. Unbelievable nonsense.

    Yes and very Thai but the same judges never caused a disturbance any time they have found for the government, PTP or the Reds

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  11. Is YS going into exile? I thought that leaving Thailand and start criticizing it was a thing only the fugitive on the run does. YS is becoming a coward too it seems. One way communication from a safe place far away from Thailand….pfff…

    The Shins (including YS) are now going for broke. Hold tight Thailand, a big storm is approaching. The game has changed the last few weeks. Pressure is mounting on the Shins. Dozens of pawns are in jail and/or on the run.


    Yes the gloves are definitely off as instructed from Dubai and he's ruthless enough to try anything to get HIS way and the other potential problem is the sycophants here who will want to prove how loyal they are and will do anything to win approval

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  12. So the puppet has a voice ? Well that's about all as it certainly wouldn't be her own words and as others have said the pressure is upped and so are the stakes. It's wonderful how her fine words about law and democracy discreetly overlook the red shirts leaders call to " capture " the constitutional judges which is the start of real anarchy, the past calls to torch Bangkok and the reds making it clear they will do what it takes to get their way.

    I doubt anyone has been unsure about the grand design for the country but if there was it's blatantly clear now.

    A long hot summer ahead ?

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