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Posts posted by NongKhaiKid

  1. Not long ago homosexuality was considered an of fence punishable by death only recently was the law changed

    Spot on. I went to work in Hong Kong in the late 1970s and the line was homosexuality was not part of Chinese culture although many scholars begged to differ. It was illegal in HK and on the Mainland carried the death penalty and gays were hounded just as much as in any Islamic country. When HK introduced legislation there was an inital outcry citing it wasn't in Chinese culture which is pure hypocracy.

    This man is a party official and living it up against the dictates of the party

  2. Would appear that China is not too tolerant of the LBGT culture.

    Still, this is an odd story. If he performed his duties during the day,

    and has a photo taken with some lady boys at night, not really sure

    that is a firing offense...

    Could it be the use of public funds for personal enjoyment is a crime in China. It is not in Thailand?

    Most definitely if all the noises coming from the new leaders are anything to go by as there is serious public disquiet about party officials abusing their power and using public funds for their own use plus receiving lavish gifts and entertainment from companies and individuals. With the new regime wanting to prove it's a new broom etc. he's a prime candidate to be made example of.

  3. I rode up on my bike from Phuket to Ranong last week.

    I had at least 6 close calls from morons pulling into my lane and flashing their headlights to claim right of way.

    No doubt the moron driving the white toyota did exactly the same thing.

    And no doubt the bus was travelling at warp speed as they do on that stretch of road.


    Right of way has a funny, and dangerous, application here and there's an element of face depending on the vehicles involved.

    Recently i was walking up my soi towards the main road, it's not the widest and there are no pavements so I walked left foot on a grass verge and right on the road. I heard a car horn from behind but ignored it, it was repeated in a continuous fashion and when I turned around there was a Thai driver waving at me to get out of his way, I ignored him so he was forced to pull out ever so slightly to pass and there was no on coming traffic. As he passed, I can only say if looks could kill. I still don't know if he was having a laugh, could only drive in a straight line or decided a foreigner had no right being ahead of him on a Thai road. No matter what very childish but stopped laughing when my GF pointed out if he was really worked up I was lucky he didn't hit me as it would have been my fault anyway

    Oh yes, almost Dead Man Walking and I'm not trying to be funny.

  4. Taking over an international airport = terrorism.


    Taking over an international airport = protesters.

    I remember a BBC report from the airport where a very annoyed American told a young yellow shirt lady that he only wanted to go back to his country and she answered that they were only trying to protect theirs. It was wrong but hardly terrorism

  5. If my memory serves me correctly the sequence of events was Swampy was seized and then Don Muang. And PAD have not been very active in the past few years. But charging them with 'terrorism'? Hardly - unlawful demonstration more like it. Then compare them to the RED rabble with spiked bamboo, burning of tyres and then the city buildings, grenades being thrown - now there is a prime example of 'terrorism'. And their leaders now govern Thailand? Goes to show what should be rather than the digressing into this YELLOW rabble. Either way they should all be charged. But with RED PTP being the prosecutors, it is easy to see who is being charged.

    Couldn't agree more but TIT. Amazing isn't it from whipping up a crowd to riot and commit arson to government ministers in a relatively easy move. The situation is easy to read though as PTP and the reds now make the rules and if there are any in existence that doesn't suit them they will be ignored and action taken against any judges who try to enforce the law

  6. Even negotiating with terrorists organisations is sheer stupidity. Meanwhile the Police Minister and Army sit in BKK whilst attacks are almost a daily occurrence. You would think looking at the stats on the 'incidents' the army should roll out in full, move south and start culling every household in a pincer movement to round up these animals. No point asking the police. No point asking the govt - it would interrupt the PM's busy shopping or overseas travel schedules selling Thailand as a safe haven for investment.

    Yes latest trip to Mongolia resulted in agreement on closer co-operation but in regard to what isn't mentioned. Is she keeping out of the way so as not to be tainted by the nastiest pushing through her brother's personal agenda at all costs ? This insurgency thing is just an irritant and distraction to the real business and won't get the attention it deserves

    • Like 2
  7. A Post article covering the talks indicates how Thailand's Chief Negotiator finds the BRN's conditions " hard to accept " and that a leading Democrat calls him " stupid " for making the talks public before actually being agreed on.

    It's common around the world for talks like this to be kept secret and denied if necessary in order not to give false hope or scupper them by interference, opposition and so on. With PTP's populist agenda you would have to think they have jumped in too quickly just to look good and it doesn't matter about the country

  8. A Snr Sgt Major isn't exactly junior and he was on leave for a promotion exam which would have seen him become a Sub Lieutenant ! Just where does the BIB find these people and I wonder what the vetting process, if any, is like. Part of the problem is that everybody has the black on everyone else so anything goes and is duly overlooked or down played. Even Saatchi and Saatchi couldn't improve the image of the RTP.

  9. a "homosexuality test" was repeatedly mentioned as precondition for relationship registration under this law.

    I imagine some asking the applicant.. "are you now, or have you ever been a practicing homosexual"

    sound familiar to anyone ??

    This very question used to be par t of the booking in procedure in British prisons but I'm a couple of decades out of date so I not sure now. Before anyone asks Yes I've been in prison a few times and No not as a guest of the Queen.

    That serves a different purpose in prison than what we are talking about here.

    and it serves to stop people being badly assaulted and I mean in the old fashioned way but the question is still the same

  10. a "homosexuality test" was repeatedly mentioned as precondition for relationship registration under this law.

    I imagine some asking the applicant.. "are you now, or have you ever been a practicing homosexual"

    sound familiar to anyone ??

    This very question used to be par t of the booking in procedure in British prisons but I'm a couple of decades out of date so I not sure now. Before anyone asks Yes I've been in prison a few times and No not as a guest of the Queen.

  11. Any Thai who's English,Russian or other language proficiency is good enough to take and reasonably answer a foreign travel groups questions is probably going to swim upstream for a better pay cheque.Apart from anything else a Russian group would most likely enjoy the tour better with a Russian tour guide, as no one can "learn" the nuances and compatriot realities that exist,the same would apply to any other nationality-better all round...except in Thailand.

    I taught for a year in a rural university and a highly favoured future occupation was tour guide not for the salary as much as the tips potential.

  12. Oh indeed, registering a boi regional head quartets may be cheaper than Singapore, but actually running it in singapore, is about 10 times easier.

    The problem for some Asian countries including Thailand is the lack of work ethic, how often they change their jobs, don't go to work and leave without any warning.

    In the late '90s I was in Manila when the staff of the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank went on strike so the bank got temporary work permits for 40 staff from Hong Kong. The local media loved the story that 40 Hong Kong Chinese were doing the work of over 200 Filipinos until the union realised it's strike was dead in the water and on a nationalistic argument forced the government to withdraw the work permits. The strike was subsequently called off but the local media didn't let go of the fact that 40 were dong the job of so many more.

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