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Posts posted by NongKhaiKid

  1. <deleted>!!! Lost for words!! ............ How bout just a total ban on the ivory trade??? Oh hang on.... Many influential figures including politicians possess ivory products.

    If the pardon and registration were in place, it would help the

    authorities see the overall picture and better control the ivory in the

    country, Chote said.

    The Thai way of solving problems always seem to involve the words " pardons " or " amnesty "

    • Like 2
  2. What an embarrassment.

    Thailand should not be dealing with Iran, particularly after Iran sent terrorists to undertake acts which violated Thailand's anti terror and criminal laws. I guess the lure of the Iranian tourist money is too much. I was unaware that the Pattaya ladyboy prostitutes commanded this much political clout.

    Will Yingluck add Iran as another destination on her world tour ? Be careful with your older sister now an MP it could be a farewell tour too

  3. What a headline " hunting an anonymous rock thrower ". If there were any witnesses their description will be something along the lines of " black hair of average length, brown skin, average height, average build ". Chances of the " hunt " being successful, if it actually exists, are nil unless he's caught in the act and even getting his m/cycle registration number won't help because records are, well not exactly accurate.

    • Like 2
  4. It'll certainly hit westerners that are on a pension. With nothing getting cheaper, only more expensive, and the baht getting stronger I know of 6 retirees that have already left for Phil.

    With most walking out the door, exports being hit etc I wonder how much longer the Government will hold out before taking action - if they are capable of such a thing.

    All the government does is talk about the situation and explain it's still not the time for action. Compare this to Japan where the Bank of Japan is right in there if the yen gets too strong.

  5. Wouldn't seem unusual if he broke-up with her and she tried to commit suicide. Thai are quite dramatic about their relationship woes.

    So are farang, especially just after they realise they have lost their life savings in a house / condo / apartment / farm / land/ business - that wasn't in their name.

    I lived in Pattaya for a couple of years and a foreigner " falling " to his death was a very regular occurrence. If memory serves most, if not all, had Thai wives or girlfriends

  6. The prime example of how the DSI has been compromised.

    It's supposed to go after the big stuff, the sort that the ordinary police are not equipped to handle. There is surely a case here for Tarit wasting the DSI's time & taxpayers' money.

    I wonder if any of the usual suspects will be stupid enough to defend this baloney.

    It's an apalling waste of tax payers money, as you say. Completely politcally motivated and petty. The DSI is now a disgrace and purely a lacky for the PTP.

    Presumably they have been tasked with causing as many problems as possible to opponents of the clan.

    Can we assume that all donations to PTP have been checked with equal rigour and due diligence? Does the money coming from Dubai count as a donation or is it classed as salary?

    I'm sure we'll get one or more of the usual suspects on soon, saying rules are rules and applauding the DSI for bringing these wanton criminals to jsutice. They usually defend all the crap like this.

    If ever the unthinkable was to happen and the Democrats win a general election would the DSI change their allegiance and become the Democrats lackeys or suddenly decide that they are really " independent " ? Just a wild thought.

    • Like 1
  7. Apart from the questionable legality of this which will probably be ignored it seems to be just another stunt by an official wanting to see his name in the media which adds to the question why does an individual cop need a Facebook account covering his official status ?

    Drunk Driving will never be reduced until the whole system is overhauled completely and that's never going to happen. Let's start with the very basics of the BIB making good money allowing drunks to continue after a " fine " has been agreed not that any of the cash goes into the government coffers. There's little chance of a court appearance, licence suspended and driving while disqualified resulting in jail time for what is a contempt of court. As I understand it there's no central register of disqualified drivers and even if there was I doubt it would be checked much.

    The system as it stands makes it easy for the BIB to make quick cash without any effort or any pretence of doing their job properly

    • Like 1
  8. "Today I am still swimming in the sea. We have to communicate clearly, so everybody knows that we have fought for a long time, and what the fight is for," he was quoted as saying by the source.

    What a change for Khun T. Before being overthrown he could walk on water; now he just swims in it. His floatation capability sure has changed.

    It's a proven scientic fact that s..t floats, well for a while anyway

  9. Yes the government needs money to waste on populist schemes all tailored towards support for the amnesty bill designed to benefit Mr. T pure and simple. He sits in Dubai and orchestrates everything and is happy to make provocative statements yet how many times in the past did he say " I'm finished with politics time for younger people to take over " ? There is no chance he will ever bow out or even be happy to play elder statesman as it's all about him and that will never change.

  10. To say the public wasn't interested is a bit of an understatement as I would suggest so many are completely turned off by politics and politicians as is made clear in ABAC polls and the like, even allowing for polls themselves often being distrusted.

    Yes the election was just after Songkran but how much too was down to voters considering the result was a forgone conclusion so they didn't have to waste their time voting ? The candidate herself didn't inspire much confidence with her " to busy to campaign " statements so perhaps lucky that her family name helped carry the day

    • Like 2
  11. They just present this crap to the international community to make the impression that they really care, when in reality the agenda is always the same anyway:

    Protect Bangkok from flooding by sh****loading on all other provinces... and keep the taxpayers' ripped of 350 Billion-trillion kachillian Baht as a tax free tea-blood money as a donation to amnesty the true ruler of Thailand back.... aside from 2.2 billion trillion kachillian Baht infrastructure ripoff, how much more will the Pheu Thai rip us off???

    Unlike some reservoirs the well is in no danger of running dry.

  12. What's the point of making these programmes then going back over content to cut scenes and dialogue? I can see the need to avoid libelous issues but if something is fictitious where's the problem ? They should stick to soaps where it's always set in a rich family's luxury house or business office with a handsome, level headed son and a screaming rich bitch daughter. Thailand sticks it's head in the sand about so many issues such as corruption, sex, mia nui's and all the issues those involved with don't want aired

    • Like 2
  13. This story is brilliant on so many levels. I have no idea <deleted> they are talking about, but the writing was riveting.

    I have an old friend in the Royal Malaysian Police and a lifetime ago the story he told me was so like Tony Blair and Gordon Brown i.e. promises made about handover of power then reneged on but Mahathir took it a step further and had Anwar locked up because he was a genuine political threat and knew too much as well. Very much a case of thieves falling out

  14. I am a bit confused by this story. The police colonel was detained because he was not investigating the incident to the satisfaction of the Malaysian authorities ?? Wow....

    The story would suggest he had actually done a good job and found what the Malaysians didn't want found. Good God a BIB actually does something right and gets locked up in a foreign country ! Something's rotten in the state of Perak or wherever

  15. I am a bit confused by this story. The police colonel was detained because he was not investigating the incident to the satisfaction of the Malaysian authorities ?? Wow....

    The story has more holes than a Swiss cheese. A Malaysian political party official, who has no authority in Thailand, arrives to " collect the evidence and take witnesses bacl " so a Thai Pol Col pus wife happily head off to Malaysia where they are arrested at the border. He was supposedly involved in an investigation which was abandoned because it was ordered dropped by a foreign government. A million and one questions and my brain is beginning to hurt.

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