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Posts posted by NongKhaiKid

  1. When asked if taking the case to court would affect the construction of police stations, Piya said there should not be a problem because the goal was to build the stations as soon as possible.

    No problem--famous last words. Sure, the fired contractor is just going to let another contractor come in to restart construction work. Me thinks this is going to get messy and drawn out in court even if the fired contractor was at fault.

    IN Channel reports PCC is to sue the BIB as an organisation and the National Police Chief as an individual and the BIB are to sue PCC. LOL, hard to make this up

    • Like 1
  2. "... He attacked the justice system - whether it was the Courts of Justice or the Constitutional Court - making no bones about the fact that he viewed the verdicts against him as unfair."

    This narcissistic megalomaniac sociopath is beginning to sound more like Hitler every day. Contempt of law, desperate to place himself on his imagined throne... sick.gifbah.gif

    Oh so true and look at the potential for more serious damage to the country as the PTP crawlers drop everything to push for amnesty and his return in the belief their loyalty will be rewarded

    • Like 1
  3. Over 600,000 drivers violating traffic laws were charged, about 100,000 more arrests than last year.

    That is big bucks for the BiB.

    Wife's brother (quite rightly) was done for drink drinking. 10,000 Baht bail then a 4,000 Baht fine.

    He was told that the local BiB were targeted to arrest 30 drunk drivers a day.

    Seems he was dealt with officially. I suppose at Songkran 30 drunk drivers a day isn't a very high target but how about those after number 30, back to the " on the spot " fines ?

  4. The midday news on IN Channel had a long opening segment on the Boston incident including a press conference by the Thai transport Minister to assure he was closely monitoring the situation including how all major airports were ready to handle any emergency. Emergency, what emergency the bombs were set at the end of a marathon and the only transport used was shanks' pony ?

    Why is the Thai government getting so worked up other than to seize every opportunity to sound off in public without realising what dicks they make of themselves

    What a country, a bomb goes off at a sporting event on the other side of the world and the Thai government does to DEF COM 4 with a cabinet minister and the head of Thai Airways calling press conferences to explain how ready they are etc. The rub here is that with bomb blasts the norm in the south our hero Chalerm who is responsible for that security situation won't even visit the area.

    He visited the area last week, there was a thread on here about it. But i'm sure facts like this won't deter you from posting nonsense. There was a press conference in the UK as well to explain how ready they are etc. Normal procedure i would have thought!

    I check this forum everyday and didn't see that thread. Did he go over Songkran, not much publicity ?

  5. The midday news on IN Channel had a long opening segment on the Boston incident including a press conference by the Thai transport Minister to assure he was closely monitoring the situation including how all major airports were ready to handle any emergency. Emergency, what emergency the bombs were set at the end of a marathon and the only transport used was shanks' pony ?

    Why is the Thai government getting so worked up other than to seize every opportunity to sound off in public without realising what dicks they make of themselves

  6. I was at swampy yesterday and noticed no extra security in place

    Did not see one officer in deparatures / check in

    This is just typical malarky that Gov't feel the have to say to the public

    They can't stop deaths on the road or trouble in the South ... I give them

    slim to no chance of stopping anyone / group who wanted to wreak havoc,

    and slim just left the building

    IN Channel reported that Immigration have been told to examine arrival records going back 6 months to check those with criminal records entering the country but how would they know who has a criminal past and what are they looking for as even the US doesn't know ? Some offences would prevent a passenger being permitted to land anyway so this is just another load of official hot air.

    • Like 1
  7. I have just heard more government BS on an IN Channel news report as the studio anchor announced that all agencies and the BIB have been instructed to " strictly enforce " traffic laws as motorists head back to Bkk, the same strict enforcement I suppose that applied over Songkran. There was also a reminder that buses operating on routes over 400 Kms should have 2 drivers which is a new one on me as I have travelled to Bkk from various parts of Isan on many occasions and have never seen drivers change.

    What should happen and what actually happens here are two completely different matters.

    • Like 1
  8. <deleted> ???????????? I seem to recall just last week there was some

    sort of crackdown on bars that were open late ? Oh well, never a dull

    moment here in miracle Thailand...

    In my local municipality all bars tend to close on time except one very " well connected ' establishment which closes when the last customer leaves and has never been troubled by the BIB.

    Are you talking about the one in Chiang Mai the BIB own? Soon to reopen in it's original location. At the moment under going some renovations.

    I'm sure there are many such places but the one I mentioned is in Udon Thani. Tip of a Thai iceberg

  9. Nothing to do with Americanisation IMHO. Short fuses, hot heads and easy gun access are more likely reasons.

    A couple of years ago a acquaintance of mine, a well built Thai speaking German, was riding his m/cycle home late at night when he was boxed in by a couple of youths. He stopped and asked what their problem was and where did they want to take it so they rode off. The next day one of his Thai friends had the horrors when he told the story and he was warned not to be so responsive again again as many of the youths out late night are armed and that's not with knives. Now, I am talking about Udon Thani not Bangkok, Pattaya or the like

    Going back to Thaksin's war on drugs when more then 2,000 dealers " killed each other " to avoid prosecution it was overlooked that the country was awash with firearms and when there are technical school students shooting at each other the alarm bells should be ringing

  10. Many years ago in a memorable birthday speech the King spoke of the country being run as a wholly owned subsidiarity and the media reveled in the fact that a certain gentleman was squirming as the speaker was the one man in Thailand he could do nothing about. Has anything changed much as he's in Dubai with a bench warmer in his seat while he orchestrates everything?

    Will no-one rid me of this troublesome pest?

    Now is the summer of our discontent. His people will push and push, bring the mob out if necessary and TAT will announce tourists are flocking in. Imagine one man, only one can wreak this havoc and be allowed to

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