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Posts posted by NongKhaiKid

  1. I did the overnight bus trip, Bangkok to Chiang Mai late last year, and never again will I place my life in the hands of an local bus driver. For the cost of an airfare you'd have to be crazy

    to do it. I did it to see the country, albeit at night, but for the adventure of passing through villages etc, but, seen one villiage, seen the all. Our driver was all over the road, and it didnt really help matters that most of the time, he spent looking out the side windows and boy, did he like Tick Tacs. I hope thats what they were anyway. If you value your lives, plain and simple. Dont do a bus trip in dear Thailand. Its just not worth it.

    Sot on Jumping Jack, I have done the Udon - CM bus trip by day and night. Now I fly as in the words of Monsieur Alfonse on "Allo "Allo " I 'ave a dicky ticker ", well i didn't until the bus trip

  2. Just saw the news on TV3.

    It was reported that passengers informed the driver that the brakes appear not to work properly - the driver choose not to look into the matter and kept on driving.

    One has to wonder why anyone who suspected the brakes were faulty stayed on the bus? I for one would have asked to get off as soon as I was aware.

    But if the bus couldn't stop would it be a case of " Geronimo " ?

  3. What a wonderful article with so many little nuggets, e.g the call for the PM to show leadership in solving the issue of time for the charter debate. Show leadership is a good one as she never has and is always on overseas trips anyway.

    I especially liked the call to suspend sessions over Songkran as MPs feared they would not get tickets to go to their constituencies - most have luxury cars and some have drivers but the idea an MP could not get a ticket is ridiculous.

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  4. As an retired cop I have to say i would have been embarrassed to take part in a press conference like that and say things like " message sent " and " seriously cracking down ". I have no great respect for BIB and although they proved it's easy for them to botch things i have to wonder if there was more to it.

    In the force I served in their would have been serious questions asked and repercussions for such a foul up but TIT.

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  5. Most dictatorships start off in this direction , Thaksin is a past master, if it wasn't for the academic's pointing out to the press the shortcoming of amendments, the public would never have known, that's what they work on , that the public are not interested , then bang, one day you have a dictator , hence the reason for the Coup of 06, also appointing all your mates to command positions, makes the path easier to dictatorship.bah.gif

    If Thaksin was a past master he wouldn't be sitting in Dubai.

    The last two generals that he had not replaced , pulled off the coup, he is only in Dubai because he brought it on himself by jumping bail at HK and going to UK.after the Beijing olympics the Dems are as much to blame for the mess for trusting the prick in the first place and allowing the dear, go to the olympic's.

    Look how long it took then to revoke his passport and there never was an Interpol Red Notice requested. They didn't want him back

  6. Thailand has no shortage of labour. The problem is that most of it is involved in inefficient and uneconomic industries, and subsidies are being paid to maintain that situation. Keep them poor, uneducated, and grateful.

    Some years ago the staff of a school where I taught were shown a video produced for the Thai government by a consultancy and it absolutely shafted the educational system. The bottom line was " far behind other Asian competitors " especially in English and now they have to be ready for 2015. As an old girlfriend said many times " the government does not want us well educated ". She has a BBA which was up to Thai standard, spoke excellent English but knew nothing about much of Thailand far less the outside world

  7. Wow it must have been some pretty serious fraud if he was sentenced to community service! Doesn't interpol have more important things to do then go after someone who skips out on community service like maybe some of those crooked bankste

    Thai citizen arrested in Dubai, wanted for tax evasion ,various pending charges , jumping Bail ,extradited back to Thailand, interpol reports.cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

    Only thing is INTERPOL ignored that request because it was political and they were trumped up charges based on political motivation so INTERPOL refused that request and right at the time when all you T haters said oh Interpol will now pick him up I SAID IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN and it hasn't has it smile.png

    He's still to answer charges and broke he's bond undertaking, so who cares who arrests him ,he;s still a crim

    Interpol is a clearing house for information, requests etc from member countries. Our friend in Dubai was convicted on criminal charges and a Red Notice could have been issued if the Democratic government had requested it. Remember how slow they were to revoke his passport ? I suspect they didn't want him back as he would have been even more of a focal point. The current government say " political charges " so Interpol won't do anything as it's not in their charter

  8. Why bother making up such stupid lies? So what if you met him? We already know you're in his pocket anyway.

    No doubt the lie was delivered in his usual arrogant " don't dare argue with me " manner. So he went to meet Thaksin without finding out where he was staying or arranging a meeting, and this clown is a Deputy PM ! Says it all about Thailand

  9. Note that the gambling equipment is not destroyed on site (after collecting forensic evidence) but carefully dismantled and taken away by a private company.

    It should not be destroyed at scene as it may be needed in any subsequent court case then destroyed by court order but I know what you mean - needed elsewhere ! Once again we read " transferred ", " inactive posts " and the like but never suspended pending disciplinary proceedings. I suppose everybody has too much on everybody else and nobody comes too hard as one day they might want a similar consideration when they are caught with their fingers in the tills

    Can some one clue me in?

    What is an inactive post?

    Is it a bar stool while still getting paid,

    I believe it's a post where you do nothing, have no clout and can't get get your nose in the trough. That's a major punishment here

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