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Everything posted by kickstart

  1. Wrong, I live in a big dairy cow area the reason is the profit margin for dairy farmers is very low, over the past year concentrate prices have gone up, along with other feed suffs so dairy farmers are giving up. Most dairy farmers buy in all the feed stuffs, very little if any is produced on the farm, the farm gate raw milk price has gone up it is now, depending on milk quality it is 20 baht/kg. Thai dairy farmers are from the most efficient of dairy farmers, average milk yield is 12kg/day/cow, in our countries it is about 25kg/day, so any changes in the input costs hits them hard ,and most are also in debt to the bank ,or the milk center /co-op, who borrow money from the bank ,then loan it out to the farmers at a couple of points above base rate of cause. I think it could get worse, as more farmers give up, Thailand never was self-sufficient in milk. importing raw milk ni on impossible, milk powered is imported mainly from Australia, have heard China a swell but not certain, that goes into your flavored milk.
  2. So true,but this being Thailand, the opposition would have found something else to accuse him of.
  3. Export of British beef ban was lifted in 2005 ,but export of beef to Thailand was allowed, but the regs were revised only in 2018.
  4. From the LP Who's Next, very appropriate, who will be next.
  5. And you will go bust with in 6 months, just look around your area at coffee shops as to how long they last, same with food stalls.
  6. As I said yesterday, if him at the top of the ladder says no, which lot of people think but will not say, Pita will not be pm and he knows it, that is why he is trying to change things, but it is like pushing s#@t up hill .it will not happen. Another sad episode for Thailand.
  7. If you are a Thai farmer with a crop of maize in the ground that is about to die due to lack of rain you would not be very happy And unlike our countries they are no government subsidy on corn so the farmer, who is already in debt to the bank, will get even more in debt. Wifes son in law rice has had to re seed his rice, no rain the first crop died, but he had go to a local guy to buy some more seed not cheap, another few thousand baht off the bottom line.
  8. I have had some people say he will not become PM because they/him at the top of the ladder, and the proposed ?? changes to the lese majesty.
  9. How dose Essex girl turn the lights off at nighttime? Shuts the car door.
  10. I use this, good stuff ,I also use it on gutters ,
  11. One reason you can get TV playback over here is that the BBC sell a lot of programs other countries ,when the BBC took Top Gear off air they also lost a good few Millon pounds from rights. If you want to listen to the BBC just use BBC Sounds, I do most days on my mobile phone.
  12. I just brought a new computer from a shop in our local town a new modal to, ticks all the boxes, except one they do not speak English, and that will be your big stumbling block . So, buy one online likes of Amazon they will send to Thailand ,or as has been said JIB, they are competitive on prices.
  13. They are Wagyu cattle in Thailand ,and most Thais know they value a lot better than your Bos Indicus things. But it is finding the market for the premium price they should command ,no use asking your cattle dealer to buy your Wagyu, as he would have no one to sell it on too. They are company's that will buy Wagyu ,one in Korat, that is a co-op and very fussy they are to, must use certain breed of Dams, Charolais x Brahman, they is another company is Surin ,they sell locally AN's Kwie Bar has been involved with them. But, it is not 100% Wagyu ,the breeding comes from Australia, even then it is not 100% Wagyu only cross breeds, farm near my has an imported Wagyu bull from Aus ,one guy I know had some semen from an ET, Embro Transfer bull, again that would not be more than 50% Wagyu?over here a lot is put on dairy cows ,so by the time you have your calf it could only be 30%? Wagyu. But they are not over popular a lot of farmers say they are too small, Thai's like big cattle, one reason you do not see any Jersey, or Jersey X cattle over here in dairy herds, despite the fact they would do well over here.
  14. The bank will be BAAC,The Bank of Agriculture and Agriculture Co-ops ,Tor-Gor-Sor in Thai ,they basicity loan farmers money, some time on short time Ie money to buy seed and fertilizer then pay it back after the harvest is sold. Other loans would be long term ,ie to buy land, equipment . I live in a big dairy cow area, I know farmers that have up to500 000 baht some plus loans, money to buy stock build cattle buildings ect It is the sugar cane farmers with the biggest debt, since the ban on burning cane, in some areas, a lot of large cane farmers have brought cand harvesters costing 2millon plus baht, secondhand imports, wife knows a cane farmer wo has a 1-million-baht loan. I read somewhere a while ago with compound interest it would take Thai farmers 50 years to pay back all of their loans, as BAAC is a government bank, they try not and foreclose loans.
  15. Where to start, you said you had one cow not coming on heat, an injection of hormone brings her on heat, was the hormone Lutalyse ? , not certain but the reason she did not come om heat she could have had a cyst on her ovaries ,that would prevent her from coming on heat, an injection of hormone will cure the cyst and bring her on heat. Using hormones does not increase the conception rate, it just brings them on heat, one of my cows does not show many heat signs, one year I saw her on standing heat just the once, served her and she held, as I said to the op the cow comes on heat but if she is not fertile, she will not hold. From your other posts of your grazing fields are better than the op's ,OK your grass is still Yar Con, Para Grass, but it is young and better quality than the op' ,so your cows will come on heat, and you do feed some concentrate??? As for injecting rather than feeding, it might be working now but, you will come unstuck if your grass quality drops, you stop feed concentrate you will have problems remember your cattle are Brahman X Charolais, Charolais are a European breed and will need feeding to get any production out the, again they will come on heat but will not hold. Cooler weather will bring cow on heat, that is true to some extent, with the cooler weather cows will eat more spend less time in the shade, more content so they become fitter, our dairy farmers always say conception rate is always best around the New Year, when the when the is cooler. But saying that I know farmers who inject hormone in the hot season, and they still come on heat, and they still get in calf.
  16. In a nutshell, no ,you would be better off feeding some concentrate at calving and for about 100 days afterwards . The reason, when a cow calves she will lose weight, they all do it, the cow is using all her energy to produce milk for the calf, so feeding just say 2kg of feed/day will help prevent weight loss, and more importantly keep her fertility up, so when she has calved about 3-4 months she should come on heat and be fertile. As for concentrate feed do not use the pellet feed that is expencive ,use the straight mixed feed, if you do have the good quality grass a 14% feed should do, if you do not have any good quality gras use a 16%feed. Where you are do you have any brewers' grains? (Google it), a good feed, a byproduct of the brewing industry, not always available.
  17. Friesian Cattle, or you come from Austria, Fleckvieh Cattle, or is these splitting hairs.
  18. Thai cattle breeds are almost a Heinz 57 ,what is ment by 50% Thai cow ,is that the dam is 50% Brahman, and 50 % Thai Native, that is about one of the best breeds you can have, relatively easy to rear. She looks in good condition, that grass is Purple Guinee grass, the other in Thai, is Yar Con, or Para Grass ,Yar Con loves wet areas, both are low protein grasses, and these samples are looking like old grass ,so the quality will be even lower., as I said hence your infertility problem. You have made a right move growing that Mulato II, but it must be grazed young to get the quality, say 45 days between cuts or grazing, and it should be no higher than the top of a wellington boot when grazed or cut,. Hope the Mulato II grass is on dry land as it does not like wet conditions, you could be better growing it on the flood resistant land, and for it to do well it will need some urea fertilizer on it
  19. Your problem is almost certainly to do with nutrition, a three year first calving heifer, I would say a s a maiden heifer she held to get n calf with 1-2 service? I live in a big dairy cow area, and getting first calving heifers back in calf is almost mission impossible, the reason the diet is short of energy, any cattle textbook will tell you energy is the limiting factor in production and fertility in cattle dairy and beef, Also, a first calving heifer needs more energy in the diet to allow for production, and growth, which can be done, but a diet short of energy will give you a fertility problem, main problem being small nonfunctioning ovaries, hence the heifer being served 6 times. To solve the problem, increase the energy containt of the ration, you said you cut grass what grass? from the roadside? roadside grass is low in protein and energy etc. ,or do grow some planted/sown grass ,if you can grow some good quality grass it would help ,if you have the land ,contact Ubon Forage Seed for some grass seed ,,if you can find some concentrate feed in your area a few kg's of that a day will help ,plus minerals ,not ,the mineral blocks only they are really salt block about 98% salt 2%minrals ,with Thai soil being shot of minerals they need some supplement ,and getting your vet in to inject her with a multi vitamin or whatever is a waste of time and money . And if you feed rice straw that will not help very low in protein and energy As for AI verses natural service natural service has a higher percent on conception, but the bull must server her a good few times, once or twice is not enough, our few beef cattle we use AI without many problems. What breed is the heifer, a Brahman Thai Native, or a European cross, if it is a long-eared thing, they are not easy cattle to rear, need the same diet as a dairy cow. So, do not cull her, with the market as it is you will not get a lot for her, buy some feed and minerals and feed her up for a while.
  20. Funny you should say that, a friend of mine went and watched a film, when the National Anthem was played, no one moved, he has known Thailand for 20 years plus, he was rather shocked.
  21. I asked our local office about land tax, it is a mine field, they is no fixed price for all the provinces, if you live near a town city you will pay more than if you live in a rural area ,a lot depends on if you have a full charnort title deeds, or just a Nor Sor 3, land awaiting title deeds. Some also depends on value of the land, it goes up more if the land is worth more than 50 million baht, that would be apply to vacant land in city/town centers. So back to the op, if his land is on the edge of a big town with a full charnort he could well be paying 30K year in land tax, but I doubt it ,he said he can read Thai, so he must be able to speak it ,go to your local office and find out.
  22. I agree with you ,somewhere, something is wrong ,Ok we only have 6 rie ,our land tax was I think, was only 50 baht for year ,the wife has said it has gone up even if that was 100 % it will only be about 100 baht ,the OP has 230 rie ,that would be about 2000 baht/year??, and I take it that the land is owned and not rented ,it is the owner of the land that pays the land tax ,for a clarification go to your local Or-Bor-Tor office and ask them how much land tax is ,that is where we pay our land tax. The wife's son in law and daughter farm 27 rie of rice land ,last year they had an income of 100 010 baht ,last year was a good year, like the op on one crop of rice per year, and they rent they land that is 1100 baht/rie/year, they do most of the work themselves they have Kwie Lec ,walk behind tractor, just using a tractor to initially plough the land ,and a combine in to do the harvesting ,and they can still make a profit ,not a big one ,renting the land being they biggest out lay. So, if the op's family owns all they land they should be making some money ,in my area 230 rie of rice is a big farm, and what about the 15000 baht government, subsidy ,that is 1000 baht/rie for the first 15 rie. I would say the land could well be the problem not fertile low crop yields, just mono -culture rice for years, the land is well short of organic matter, ask in the Farming Forum about how to improve this.
  23. I thought he was still working at that chip shop, along with Princess Diana and Dodi .
  24. That price of 40-70 baht, I take it that is per Kg?, as you said 30K for a 500 kg animal is well short of what it was. Back in January we got 33K for a 280 kg beef bull, around here you can still get 80-90 baht/kg, but the animal has to be in good condition. One local cattle buyer has said the low beef price is knock on effect from the dairy industry, dairy cow prices are still low, farmers are still saying feed prices are high, farmers are giving up, one local slaughterhouse is not taking any thin cull dairy cows, which most are. Your other problem is a buyer is buying from you, then he will sell it on to another farmer, so he will be thinking how much he can make buying and selling. Cattle prices have been high for a good few years now, the market has always been up and down, but this time it has come down a long way, with the future not looking like a price increase. But the wife is still paying 250baht/kg for beef at our local market, same as it has been for a few years now.
  25. We have the Pask-Jonansit one of the late Kings projects, attached to the dam is a concrete canal system, suppling locale famers with water for irrigation, but 90% is not used and has grown wild, ideal for birds. This I found near me, the nests of the Weaver bird which one I do not know, they make nests like this in colonially, have seen them before but this is about the most I have seen in one area.
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