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Everything posted by kickstart

  1. That is true about suspending operations wife's granddaughter's husband works at our local sugar mill they are talking about suspending operations, good job they are no lamp post near the mill as the mill owners will be swinging from them, they are a thousand plus growers that send they sugar cane to that mill, 2 million tons last year, they will make shore of that, sugar cane is a high input crop a lot of money is at stake, it will not happen Also, our local CL supermarket is limiting sugar to 3 bags per customers they price is no more than anywhere else. They is a world sugar shortage Thailand is one of the biggest exporters of sugar, are they exporting a lot of sugar and leaving the home market short??
  2. Should be,13,ถ.หิน เมืองหิน......Thailand
  3. 1500 GBP /month, in my town of Lopburi they is a Thai care home that gives 24/7 care, all for 20 000 bat/month. Probable ben said, the residents will not speak any Thai, if it is the normal Thai way, the staff will not be that preferent in English, should make some interesting conversions.
  4. On a friends farm, he has just made this chicken shed, he has about 30 hens in it, as you can see, main posts are secondhand timber, main frame is eucalyptus rails, and he has used second hand tin sheets the floor is still dirt, but concrete would be better easer to clean. I would say to build this no more than 9-1000 baht, may be if that.
  5. It is almost how long is a piece of string, that shed looks if it was made with new steel, I have a place near me that sells grade 2 steel ,it has a few floors in it but perfectly good enough for a chicken shed, and it is lot cheaper than new steel, ask around to see if they is a place like this near you(I am in Lopburi province), you might be surprised what a local recycling center has have a look. That shed is reasonable light, I have seen sheds like this made with eucalyptus polls, you would have to mount the on 1-meter concrete posts, but it would reduce you costs by half. Labour is the big X, it is getting more 4expenive, that block work would not take long, welding the steel frame is the time-consuming part. One thing I would be tempted to use insulated roof sheets, better for the chickens during the hot season. You could do a budget yourself, measure the steel and get a quote, steel sheets the same, and ask around local builders for an estimate, for doing the job. I would budget 20-25000 baht, as I said a lot cheaper if you use eucalyptus polls.
  6. Had a look on line,found one place but the prices do not make sense ,wrote in $...... You could try Thai Facebook . In my area it is about 2.30-2.50 baht/kg,but this time of year not a lot of cassava is harvested,still the rainy season ,you need dry weather for harvesting ,what I have seen it is coming from light land easy to harvest.
  7. Najomtien, that would be Pattaya ,you would have to go out of the city and find an agriculture shop that sells seed, sprays, and fertilizer. I live in a rural area and we have two of these shops and they sell a 16-16-16 compound fertiliser by the the kg ,just bagged up in to 1 kg bags from 50 kg bag,cost 40-50 baht ,I often by a kg for the garden.
  8. Yep,after the hospital attack global benchmark prices increased $3/barrel or 3%. If it goes up any more, the government will put up petrol prices ,Christmas is still a long way off,regarding fuel prices . https://www.theguardian.com/business/2023/oct/18/oil-prices-rise
  9. You are not a Thai,they like Carrabao compered to most/nearly all, Thai bubblegum music they are good ,and they have lasted a long time,as I said they are alright a tight band. And for some reason they like The Corrs over here.
  10. Same as our local Wat, seen him 3 times now they, the security was handled by Sor Hor Thai military police ,complete with a paddy wagon parked near by ,nearly always a fight ,wife says you should not go . Always a good concert except one year when 40 minuets in in rained, end of concert, I have seen Pon Sit Cum Pee twice ,again a good concert,job to say who is better ,Pon Sit is a better guitar player.
  11. If you have a nail/screw,sticking out of the tyre easy to repair,but if you can not see the hole the tyre will have to come off. One thing most certainly, less pinch flats,about the main cause of flats in bike tyres, low tyre pressure, pinches the tyre, or called not checking tyre pressure every 7-10 days.
  12. That is the problem ,I know of some of our local garages that do cylinder re-bores ,we have a place near me ,but I have never heard of having a cylinder head skimmed. It is a case just asking around,some one will know .
  13. From a few days ago, most Thais are working in Israel mainly in agriculture,earning the equivalent of 50 000 baht/month,a lot for a Thai,even if you take off agent fees living costs etc ,they can still save a bit. I know a good few Thais who have worked in the middle east over the years ,they have said they have done all right.
  14. Where I am most of the locals smoke roll ups ,you can still get a small pack of Black Cat tobacco for a few baht,it is locally grown tobacco. Back in the UK, I know people who roll they own ,never buy it in the UK ,know someone who buys it across the channel,truck drivers, and sell it on,bit like what the op said.
  15. Actually ,his nick name is Big Jog,which is the best why I can spell it,which is Thai for rice porridge which apparently he liked as a kid,hence the nick name .
  16. Wheels on tubeless tyres and tubed tyres are different, the well patterns are different to take tubeless tyres. All Waves are tubed tyres no matter what the tyre is. Cast wheels are the same as wire spoked wheels.
  17. I would not say about the reliability of the brand but the servicing, or lack of, unless it is an old modal with the simpler petrol engine. The Audis and Merks built over the past 15 years are full of chips and need the proper servicing that go with them, which a lot of Thais cannot afford. Parts which will probably have to be imported, ouch. Your Somchie spanner man at the end of the Soi could not do a proper service on them no diagnostic equipment.
  18. And if my memory serves me right Paddy Feeny had a stint, I think it was him that played my request.
  19. I would say the chance of that would be remote never heard of anyone working on a cash in hand job, getting caught and having they pensions stoped . Who would go round all the motorcycle and sidecars/hand carts selling meat balls hotdogs etc. etc. checking to if they have a pension. A friend of mine has a farm rearing cattle and growing trees, now on a company pension, been doing now few a good few years, never had a problem.
  20. I had a few 2000 and a couple of 4000 all I do is go to the seller and claim from them, no ID needed, normally at our local market they normally take 100-baht, service charge, wife said BAAC bank, / farmers bank, will take 60 baht as a service charge.
  21. The place to buy number 30 would be on the underground lottery, that if any one of the sellers are selling number 30, this often happens a rumor goes round about a number or number's and no one will sell that number, and of cause most times that number never comes up.
  22. Watched Thai tv of the search on his house, just reveled even more, a Range Rover parked in the front ,even if it was second hand it would not be cheap. He is up to something they.
  23. I read that this evening on the Khoa Sod web site, my first thought was where did he get the money from, a police salary, to buy the houses, in Bangkok as well, it seems that he is not as clean as he seems. Also, so the rumor mill has it, the gambling outfit? Gave him 2 million baht, for his mother, for a stay in hospital, that must have been a long stay ,in a very expensive hospital, he will be back to counting paperclips soon again. .
  24. You are not a Thai, remember we are just guests here, a lot of Thais still say that was the best thing he did doing away with the drug dealers, I was l told it cleaned our area up, now Yar Ba is just a few baht a tablet. Now you be pleased to here, that was a reason, one of two, that the coup that ousted him happened, the drug controlling army generals were fed up with the money they were losing from their drug dealing, all they dealers had gone, so they staged the coup.
  25. Then you do it the Thai way, go 200 yards down the road and have a 50-baht bowl of noddle's, I can recommend a bowl of But- Mee -Mo-Hang, egg noddle with pork and no soup.
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