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Everything posted by kickstart

  1. No secret,ust giving you some Infor as to what is about. What the prices are around here should be the same as where you are.
  2. I use this it is neat chlorin/bleach; it would do the job, use it for cleaning the concrete water troughs for our cattle (when the troughs are empty). I thought about Haiter ,would it work, meaning would it be strong enough, it was used in the days of hand washing it was used help to remove stains, but now most people use a washing machine not used very often, wife said still available.
  3. You beat me to it chlorine, same as bleach, in Thai known as Nam Chlorine, may have to brush it if it a bit thick.
  4. Now the country is back to normal our local shop is now open, bottles of CO2, and next to them bottles of Argon gas, they are mainly a steel shop with a small builder merchant. Theu also sell welders and wire. The numbers, to buy your first bottle of CO2 is 4600 baht, but for a refill /exchange it is 500 baht, they said the gas tank regulator should??? come with the welder. They had a welder in, only a Flux-Core, they did not have the dule ones, it was 5500 baht,220 amp at that price should be ok, better than 1500-2000 baht jobs on Lazada , the Flux Core wire 0.8mm was 360 baht the pack was 1 kg. As I said I live in a rural area, and as this is Thailand, they must be a place like this near you, it is a case of asking around.
  5. It is a subject the wife and myself often ask ,the answer ,we think what will people eat ,the average age of a Thai farmer is 55 ,they was a thread running last week about the shortage of milk in the shops ,due to dairy farmers giving up ,cannot make it pay big debt burden ,and more than one farmer has said they children are not interested in farming they see the parents work 24/7 and still have not a not to show at the end of the day /week/month/year. So, the grandchildren where will the buy they food will it all be from vertical farms in cities, which some economists forecast more and more people will be livening in deserting the countryside because they are no work. And what work will they do, will AI have taken over, will they lives be ruled even more by the mobile phone. Those working they tax rate could be 10 points higher than what is paid now, due to the ageing population, they pensions have got to be paid fpr somehow, or will our grandchildren not get a pension as some economists have said, just live on savings and insurance policies maturing. Me looking at the crystal ball, as me and the wife have said we do not envy them.
  6. I am looking at MIG welders, but I am almost working backwards, looking for CO2 gas first, before buying the welder. I live in a rural area and so far, I have found two suppliers', one our very local steel stockiest, the other I noticed driving out from our local town, next to the main road. So, ask around oxygen is easy to find ask them if they know of any suppliers of CO2 in the area, or maybe try Thai Facebook?. Looking at this photo what is the steel 1/4inch angle iron, I would use an ark welder on that, the steel is thick enough to take a good weld. I am making yet another gate,10 foot , steel a bit thin not easy to ark weld, hence looking at a MIG welder.
  7. This is about the third time in the past 2 weeks that they have been a thread about storms in Thailand, here in cental Lopburi we have had 64 mm of rain this month the least for 5 years in July, we look at our local weather forecast regularly give rain, but we never seem to get it So, let's see if they predictions are going to come true or am going to bring a fir cone back with me next time, I go back to the UK.
  8. The UK State Pension is set to increase by 10.1% from April 2023123. This increase is part of an annual uprating each financial year and is linked to inflation through the government's 'triple lock' promise345. The new rates will take effect from April 2023, and the full new state pension will increase by £19 a week, while the full basic state pension will increase by £14 weekly4. The former will be £10,600 a year or £203.85 per week for 2023/24, and the latter will be £8,100 a year or £156.20 per week45. Pensioner benefits such as Pension Credit and Attendance Allowance will also increase by 10.1% in line with CPI inflation How are you getting the present rate, have you been back to the UK for 3 months ? over the past year?, that is the only way you can get the increase , and of cause have it paid into a UK bank?
  9. Take to your local bike shop, they will take it apart and put an airline though all the carb bits and clean it. I have a grass strimmer that was playing up I knew it was the carb tried cleaning it myself, still playing up, took to my local bike shop they took it apart used an airline, now good as new this was a few months ago now. I think it was 200 baht
  10. I would say 95% of milking sheds here in Thailand are the old as you call them, flat milking sheds, cheap to build, they are a few tandem parlous about, two near me. You are right most breeding now is Holstein, that is why they is the milk shortage, they cannot sand the poor diet, average yield of a Thai cow is 12, kg/cow/day, not a lot with a big infertility problem. Been a move to get in some Jersey stock, good small cattle do not suffer from heat stress can eat the poor diet, but Thai do not like small cattle they like big cattle, hence the above problems, another problem Thai's that will not change they ways. In the UK 3 main problems with cows, mastitis and feet problems, here in Thailand the same problems, some of the feet I have seen on some cows it is a miracle they can walk. Go into YouTube look at some foot trimming videos.
  11. You more than likely had tame Frisian cattle, like I use to milk ,but here in Thailand 35 years ago they started to use imported USA semen, with problems mainly tic fever, Babesia, very often fatal .and heat stress. and low milk yeild with the heat and poor diet. So they cross bread with tropical breeds Milking Zebu cattle, and the popular Shawiel ,a breed that has very good resistance to heat stress and a more impotently Babesia, in fact a good few thousand Sahiwal X Frisian cattle were imported from NZ. known in Thailand as Whar- New ,NZ cattle .and the Thai DLD also bred they own version of the breed. But good as they where, they could the B's could kick, I remember doing a foot trimming job on one, feet well overgrown, had to knock it out could not get near it from kicking. Now wind forward to now most of that blood line has gone still a few grand/great granddaughters about some of them can still kick, So hence tying up they legs, most farmers still tie the legs back to the cow shed stanchions, not all are Forking idiots.
  12. To stop them from kicking the milking machines off, and most Thais are scared of cows, mainly from getting kicked.
  13. We won the world cup at football and in rugby union, that was against who.........................cannot remember now some team in yellow shirts.
  14. And his mate Deniss Lily, and at the time a certain Mr. G, Boycott decided he was not available to play for England. Note: the world second best spin bowler Jack Leach, was also injured, that could have been a game changer for England.
  15. In fact, from TMS radio, Sydney has had the most day washed out in Ashes cricket 25 in total, as you would expect none in Perth, next two grounds are in the Uk.
  16. I have seen them make Thai sausages, the twine is just ordinary plastic string, farmers use it for tying up stooks of sesame seed for drying ,and other agriculture jobs, it is just split down into thin threads to tie the sausages up with. Just asked the wife she said the same.
  17. That is Thailand for you, nearly everything has sugar and salt in it, I always say Mi-Si-Num-Tung-Si, no sugar.
  18. You love BS, yes, they is powdered milk in Thailand, that is made into your flavored milk, all the rest is fresh milk, most say pasteurized milk on the bottle that is fresh milk that is posturized. Talking to some dairy farmers today it seems that abut 30% of them have given up, just uneconomical, so in that light, the market is down 30% in fresh milk, which seems about right with shops being shot of milk.
  19. We have couple of places selling, Nam-Dow-Hoo, soya milk,in the morning and one guy does a good trade selling in the evening, they are normally a hand cart selling it ,you can tell by the Bar-Tong-Goor, fried doe, stacked up at the front of the stall . Try the Nam-King, ginger drink that is nice, but do not let them put any sugar in, just too sweet same as the soya milk.
  20. That is BS no milk comes from Malasia I just said if Thailand dose not have enough where would it come from??? ,milk powder comes from Aus and NZ, no milk comes from they, have you ever seen milk with "made in Aus or NZ" in the shops ,answer, no .
  21. Isn't Rayong,or Rain-on as someone once said, known as the wettest place in Thailand . I am in Lopburi province, so far this month we have had 21 mm of rain, now corn crops are dying due to lack of rain, and some rice crops are looking a bit dry, but most are not even planted yet, no rain, things running well late this year.
  22. They is no government price control, I know someone post a quote from somewhere saying they was, it is the milk companies that dictate the price, they pay the milk center's/co-ops that sends their raw milk to them, and it is that milk centers /co-ops that pay the local farmers. Thai dairy farmers have no on farm cooling for milk so milk is picked up from their farm twice a day taken to a local center for cooling and storage, then it is sent to the processing company's ,each milk center/co-op has a contract to supply raw milk to a company.
  23. What other countries?? Malasia is the only country that could sell milk to Thailand, but they have they own market. nothing to do with the election, fake news. Milk is one fresh food that is not easy to transport a long way in bulk, unless it is UHT milk, and I will drink Chinese tea before I put UHT milk in my tea. As I said yesterday, Thai dairy farmers are giving up no money in feed prices too high to make any money so a shortage of fresh milk, and they debt burden, the problem will not get any better, cows are not taps it will take a long time to get back to former production, if ever.
  24. You are right the reason is the very poor diet of the Thai cows, main problem being very low-quality forage rice straw being the main souse of forage resulting in low BF,butter fat, and protein in the milk, hence not easy making cheese at home. Note, Maji is a Japanese's company being a 51 -49% ,with CP ,hence Maji milk available at all 7-11's
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