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Everything posted by kickstart

  1. You are right, this photo is a Teak plantation very near me, about 10 years old, very little is done to it, if anything, trees are not that heathy, cannot see them doing anything, the owner is thinking quantity not quality. Pine trees as we know will not grow here, too hot, they is a type of pine tree ,ไม้สน Mie Sorn, they could be grown a good building wood, quick growing.
  2. We have a biofuel plant near here, they will buy all wood now for 900-1000 baht/ton, depending on size of the wood, a lot is Eucalyptus. What the price is for Eucalyptus going for the building trade is I am not shore but I would say it would be about the same price. I see a good few trucks of Eucalyptus on the main road going down to Bangkok for the paper business, Double A is a popular one ,I think they have they own plantations, and they might contact out.
  3. In a nutshell they are no way to make money from just 10 rie or 4 acer in English money, you could build some pig or poultry sheds and contract rear pigs or poultry, but that would be a mulit million-baht investment, but a regular income . Cucumbers and long beans can be all right ,need the right land .around here Watermelons are popular,,but like a lot of crops seasonal If you have had a farming background ,which I think you have not,rearing pedigree cattle can be profitable ,but you would need some cattle knolwedge. As for growing things not a lot of money can be made, Eucaliptus fast growing you can get a crop in 3-4 years ,very near me is Teak plantation been they 10 years trees are only a foot wide ,still a long way to go same as any hard wood trees ,guy near me has a Teak plantation now 30 years old ,he sells few trees now and then last time 3 trees 15000 baht.
  4. Get a mod to move this over to the farming forum, you might get a proper reply.
  5. Hi FJ I forgot yesterday, my posts are spaced at 6 meters ,I should have done them at 5 meters, but I thought with the fence being electric I could get away with 6 meters,. The post are 7 foot long with 3 foot in the ground ,I made a post rammer to knock them in works well ,made from a length of 4 inch pipe ,with a piece of 1/2 plate welded in the top ,plus the handles ,I have another on I use for bamboo electric fence posts ,lighter a piece of 3 inch pipe, I did most work during the wet season but one section I had to do just after the dry season ,land was still hard ,that was hard work ,doing it the Thai way dig an 18 inch hole and concrete them in dose not work they soon become lose ,but saying that our black land when that dries out it crakes ,even at 3 feet deep 1-2 post will still move about ,but the main straining post they are in the ground 3 foot and have not moved at all..............except one set around our pond ,they were put in to build up land ,just no solid bottom they have moved a bit . I know what you mean by a Spinning Jenny I did not have one, the wire I just carefully rolled out from the coil, once I found the right end.
  6. That my fiend is well wrong, Thai milk is not full of hormones and never has been, as for it never goes off, so dose milk I buy in the UK, it is called pasteurization.
  7. Hi FJ Putting up chain like fence will not be cheap a 3km run, try PPfence.com they sell fencing equipment. I can see where you are going ,robust and with bio security, the photos are a fence I made it now goes all round our land ,4 rie plus our Nappier grass ,as you can see it is 3 strands ,the middle one is live ,it does work ok ,but only a few months ago we had a 14 month old bull he kept braking out to get to next doors beef cows ,especially if one was on heat, first time in 6 years since it was done The advantage of it was it was cheap the whole lot only about 15k, some steel being second hand, and a lot from a steel place that sells grade 2 Chines steel, good enough for this job and easy to erect. Disadvantages a lot of cutting and shutting and drilling and fiddley bits to made for the steel posts, the eye bolt strainers I made could not find any suitable, the insulators I brought over from the UK ........then I found them on Shopee, half the price, wire is just slandered 12 swg wire. PP fence do sell high tensile wire. I would say you would be better off with 4-5 strands of wire much better security. Back to the cricket, we might as well give you the earn now, they do not deserve to win, Root playing what.
  8. A rice combine harvester, can be used other crops, made in Thailand, it has a 6-cylinder, Hino truck engine.
  9. That is well wrong I have used Ivermectin on our dog for some years no, I inject them, and it works well against tics and fleas, but not again flies ,no jab will work against flies. As for flukes, they are only one or two drugs that can cure flukes, and one is not recommended, but can be used, Ivermectin is not one, best way make sure the animal does not eat any small snails, the intermittent host.
  10. The Thai's regular get 20 years plus out of a pickup/car so 20 years with an EV could well be done. But, the cost of replacing the batteries after X years could be the big X factor.
  11. Glad your back, in time for the Ashes, if you are thinking of getting a few animals now is the time the market is well down should be able to get some fairly cheap, just do not buy any long-eared things they just do not do, do not cut and cart ,use a small paddock grazing system and rotate the animals or a strip grazing system would work. I do not know about you, but over the past 3 weeks we have only had 23 mm of rain, now middle of June farmers are still drilling corn, this time last year it was up to my waist, things are well late this year. Rice farmers are still ploughing they land, waiting for some rain, wife's daughter and son in law have sown they rice in to dry fields now awaiting some rain ,son in law spends his time bird scaring as the birds are feeding on rice seed, soon as it gets wet, they will stop, they do not like mud on they claw's. Most of our land is down to cassava this year after prices went up to 3 baht/kg plus this year they are a lot about, you can see next year prices will drop, and finding labor to harvest all this cassava will not be easy.
  12. We have 3-4 clinics in our area, only open in the evenings, and one on a Saturday morning, why open in the evenings only ?because the doctors are working at the local hospital during the day . I was at our locale hospital seeing about a hip problem the doctor went home at 4 pm ,to do his clinic in the evening. As we all know that is where they make, they money. These doctors will be the more senior ones the rules need to be changed so these doctors do more work at the hospital they are supposed to be working at, not skiving off to line their pockets at they own clinics. But, to be fair to the hospitals, the OP is right the Thai popular will go to the hospital for the most minor of things i.e. wife's daughter ,she has 3 kids, had a bad cold this week ,off to the hospital she went ,a while ago the wife's granddaughter had period pains ......of to the hospital she went ,and less than24 later she was better ,could have got some tablets from the local chemists . The people do need educating but it will a big uphill struggle try to change something that has been going on for a lot of years.
  13. I have used crictime.com ,it does and does and not always work, they somehow tap into Sky,s broadcast.
  14. I was told, she died from HIV complications, or was that the Thai rumor mill. The wife's daughter often plays her songs. And I do not know about Thai royalties and copyrights, but listening to her songs, a lot of other Thai artist are singing them as, well and one is by a well-known singer so the wife said, her estate must be missing out on a lot of money. We saw one of her daughters in a concert a good few years ago, not my cup of tea, (A Pong-Sit fan), she was good. the wife enjoyed it.
  15. How did he do this, the land was flat no slopes, some tractors flip over when pulling a load from above the back axal, the tractor front comes up and over it goes. But it looks if this one is pulling its load from the standard draw bar, that draw bar looks well homemade. I saw this article on a Thai web site yesterday, it was not a steel beam it was pulling but a steel cage, the logs as said were in the cage to prevent tea leaves, thieves, from steeling the logs, OP check your facts .......yet again. I would say the cage got stuck to much weight. he pulled to hard and over the tractor went.
  16. Just walk 100 yards down the road to a mom-and-pop shop they will sell you some booze.
  17. Guy up the road from us is worker looking after 100 rie of newly planted trees, he has a small house all run on solar cell no, PEA, think about it. His main job is watering the newly planted trees, from bore holes, again all solar cell.
  18. We were told yesterday that the shears were "worthless". So, how much is worthless, if before iTV lost its frequency, so lets just say, the shears where worth 100 baht each after the company lost it frequency the shears were worth 2 baht each, they may be worthless to the owner, but to the EC they are still worth something, and the main thing still in his name. I would say he kept the shears in the hope that they might rise again, unlikely but they you go.
  19. A good question, but as the OP said the TV company's shares where about worthless after the iTV frequency was blocked, so could he have sold some just about worthless shares.
  20. Sounds like head stock bearings, could be over tight. Put bike on main stand, with some weight on the back, the front folks /wheel should just drop to each side under they own weight, if they do not could be too tight or lacking some grease. To see if they are lose grab the front wheel and try and move it backward and forwards, any movement at the headstock bearing are to lose. I have a side car on my Wave and I had to replace the headstock bearings, sidecars are heavy on head stock bearings, the wife nephew reluctantly did the job, like your bike you spend more time taking all the plastic off than replacing the bearings. I had a Kawa GTO I replaced the headstock bearings on that, did them one hour at lunch time between jobs. nice simple job.
  21. The same field same place photo taken this evening, weeds are growing well, as of yet no other work done on this field. A green manure.?
  22. I would look at this way, you could keep some fish in a pond, but you could not keep fish in a well. But, as we have found a pond is alright, you have water for irrigation, but during the dry season evaporation is high, but, at say 8 meters deep maybe not so much of a problem, and what is the soil type, on light soil water could leach away, heavy land should retain the water, you might have to put in a pond liner.
  23. That will be the last time I use Microsoft/Bing, I wrote, what year was the Honda Wave introduced into Thailand, and it come up as 2013. If that is AI for you, which I think the answer was ,in a drop-down box, the machines can come and take over. PS. send one to me tomorrow morning my bike needs an oil change, getting down on my hands and knees under the bike is getting hard work
  24. And how many people use agents because they cannot speak Thai or are to laze to learn. I did my retirement extension last month went on my own in and out in 35 minuets and that was plus 90 day, never used an agent and hopeful I never will. One of the many advantages of speaking Thai, the IO is more combatable have seen them they trying to speak a bad pidgin English with some farang just hard work on both sides. And if all your paper in order, should be no problems. ps. I like to think I have a full brain.
  25. For a house try something like this, Penty about. bigger than this one too, this one is made of Teak wood, others I have seen a metal frame with pressed cement boards, you will have to build a bathroom. You can put where you like, any problems load it up and move it somewhere else, this photo I took a few years ago, it was 250 000-baht, metal frame ones would be a lot cheaper.
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