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Everything posted by kickstart

  1. My two stang's worth,this chopper is at our local shop ,the price was a sharp in take of breath,37000 baht, when I last asked 18 months ago it was 25-27000 baht. It has a 3 hp electric motor ,a bit under powered ,better off with a 5 hp Honda engine. But,the knifes on it are good quality ,some cheaper choppers have very thin knifes ,that dull quickly or get chipped /twisted . Around here used mainly for chopping Nappier grass for dairy cows ,some grass is well past its best feed value ,old and hard stems ,this thing cope's with it ok.
  2. True ,but do you have bows of sugar at our restaurants ,for putting in food,not like us only for tea or coffee. My blood pressure, and weight are OK ,I have been trying to get the wife to cut down on sugar and salt and msg in food ,it is like trying to push sh@# up hill ,how can you eat food without the above she said,been doing it for 40 years plus. Like a lot of things here in Thailand some will never change ,and the Thai's and they almost an obsession with food, this will not change . Last year the wife's daughter was in hospital with Covid ,wife was with her for 10 days ,I was on my own buying market stall food some bags of curry was so sweet it was like eating Ka-Nom's Thai sweets ,or others that salty, that week the dogs did well. The problem will get worse, not better.
  3. That is the problem ,they still think because they were they 3000 years they are still entitled to it now ,things have changed and moved on . Are you going to give the Uk back to Italy,becouce the Romans were in the UK 2000 years ago , and Italians have been living in the UK for a lot of years, same difference.
  4. I would say it is quite easy,the fish head must have come from the Ber-lar ,the fermented fish ,Pla Mor is oftern used in Ber-Lar . If she was revolted by the fish head she should have ordered Som -Tam -Thai ,that does not have the fermented fish and crabs ,she ordered Som-Tam-Lao that does have the full works .
  5. If it is a water heater, you would be better off with brass caps ,but is they is no reason why you could not use plastic caps. I have used plastic caps and plastic fittings, on plastic fittings with brass threaded inserts with no problems . Just make sure you use plenty of PTFE tape .
  6. This subject comes up every few months ,have a look at the archives on this subject.
  7. And yes those same people are probable up to their eye's in debt with credit cards,people nowadays what everything ,and just put it down on plastic ,and now that is coming back to bite them in the rear. Look at the UK debt to GDP, at the end of Q2 April -June 2022 101.9% of GDP.
  8. They are a Claas dealership selling tractors ,have seen one in this area,cost would be the biggest draw back ,import tax,when the owner of that Claas forage harvester said 5 million baht I said a lot of that would be import tax he said yes. Again I can not see the combines taking off over here to expensive,in this area we have a few second Claas Dominator combines ,they have now been around for 50 years,the ones here are probable 20 ears old plus?. Also, we have a few John Deer combines ,again second hand. Most are the Thai made combines ,they can do rice, corn and sunflowers, mung beans,with a change of head. And a fair number of Kubota combines about, some the same as Farmerjo uses. Also the
  9. For us this is the second year of baling cane stubble,it still goes to our local mill where it is used as fuel for boiling up molasses ,as far as I know the mill is paying about 900 baht/ton. Last year one guy had a round baler ,not seen it this year,i would say he could not get the weight in a bale,with haulage could not make it pay.,these square bales weigh about 350 kg The second set of photos is a first for us ,this guy is chopping cane stubble using a self-propelled forage harvester ,the double acrobat row's the stubble up then he chops it ,he said it goes for bio mass not so far from us . The numbers ,this chopper was 5 million baht a second hand import from Germany ,where they are made,he had two working in this field the following day he is getting 1000 baht/ton ,he said he uses 5000 baht's worth of diesel a day. What I forgot to ask what was the weight he got on the sip law and trailer,I would say 10-12 ton very dry ,as you can see ,and from a long way off ,an awful lot of dust.
  10. Or Worst chewing gum I have ever brought. Buy one to stop one.
  11. In this area it is now cut with a machine ,straight in to a trailer ,then to the mill ,most farmers can not afford a machine upwards of 2 million baht ,second hand imports ,this year they are being charged 380-400 baht/ton,cut haul to the mill. ,Last year right at the end of the season some fields were burnt,the queue for the machine too long, growers afraid the mill would close before they got they crop in ,so they burnt their crop and cut it by hand ,but the mill pays a reduced price on burnt cane, so they would not make a lot on burnt cane . We were saying last week how they are cracking on this year,a lot of machines about, so probably not a lot of cane will be burnt,wife's granddaughters husband work at the local mill ,he said this year they estimate processing 3 million ton of cane ,last year it was 1.5 million ton,alot of rain last year ,a lot of cane,but it seems sugar containt is low.
  12. Yep I use Ivermectin ,I use the injection, 1 cc on our Thai medium-sized hounds work well ,and we live in a rural area, we have a lot of ticks. Again you are right about heart worm, one of our dogs had it 2 jabs of ivermectin cured it.
  13. We give our dogs and cats the injection,one bottle that does two dogs /cats costs me 50 baht. And it works ,must not give to them when they are on heat ,they can not give birth cervix and ,birth canal does not open to allow birth only way is a C-section. At something like 800-1000 baht,where we are,to spay bitch, easy to see why they do not get done.
  14. If you do not mind a bit of smoke for a few days,that will depend on which way the wind is blowing, neighbours ? make charcoal from them.
  15. It is a nice city ,when King Narai was King his capital was Ayutthaya ,but he used to like and spend time in Lopburi ,hence all the old buildings ie the Sam Yod . Not changed a lot over the past 20 yeas ,yes I know they is now a Big C ,Macro Robinson's ect ,and a rake of DIY shops ,they were a couple of disco/clubs, but I think Covid put them to rest .live music place near the bus station use to be good,still they?? As for restaurants we use to meet up once a week all us farangs ,at different restaurants in and out of town ,a good night out it was ,that stopped a good few years ago now ,along with most of the restaurants we used,again a lot suffered under Covid .a lot just stopped, could not make it. As you can speak Thai just ask about someone will tell you what is good ect . I think that backpacker gust house is still open ,not so far from the station. Whinnit School use to have farang teachers ,not certain if they still do same as the Rachapat,for some frang company. Ps. Immigration is back of the main Police station out of town off the Narai round-about nice place very quiet ,again you speaking Thai will have no problem.
  16. And Shell are nearly always a Baht or two more expensive than other petrol stations ,( they are around here). And a new Shell petrol station has just opened near me, see how they go. We have a Caltex near here ,one of a very few petrol stations selling proper 91 octane petrol ,if I remember right about 45 baht/litre.
  17. I have a Thai friend of mine ,he has a small dairy farm ,he uses just dried cow manure on his plants ,he has about 30 odd plants ,they all look well. I joke with him, he will be selling organic cannabis .................niche marketing.
  18. Britain has not yet officially confirmed the number of tanks it will be sending to Ukraine, but it’s believed to be about a dozen Challenger 2’s. The decision could be significant, but only if other Western nations follow. On its own it’s unlikely to make a big difference in the war. Ukraine says it needs hundreds more tanks and armoured vehicles to retake the territories still held by Russia The Challenger, built in the late 1990s, was originally designed to face Russian armour. But it's rifled barrel means it uses different ammunition to NATO countries. From the BBC websight .
  19. All so The new company has 55millon subscribers ,AIS has 45 million,total 100 million Thailand has a population of 60 million . They must be using phone users and internet users as separate customers,when a lot ie me use both on my mobile phone . And True TV must be separate ,when a lot of customers will be using all 3?
  20. I filled up today at our local Bangchak noticed petrol was 40 stang/litre more expensive than a few days ago . suppose they have to pay for the acquisition somehow.
  21. They are good at keeping these old Fords going ,we still have a few old Ford 5000 about still working ,first manufacture in 1968. As you say they are not expensive,I know of 2–3 farmers who have had their Ford's rebuilt from the ground up ,engine ,backend etc even a new paint job and Ford stickers,cost about 40-50000 baht bar routine maintenance no major work needed for 10-15 years . Dealer near me sells re-con imported 6600's for about 400 000 baht, When I first come to LOS about half of our sugar cane was hauled to our local mill by Fords and trailers ,trailers being cut down 10 wheel trucks ,total weight about 20 ton not bad for a late 80's 75-85hp tractor.
  22. https://www.bbc.com/news/business-64192382 He has rattled to many Chinese cages . They stopped the flotation of the Ant Group at the last minute, a multi-billion flotation ,it was his company ,he had to give it up ,well, now has 6% control,after a change of governance structure . Chines government clapping down on big tec companies, Why would someone in his position just disappear for 3 months.
  23. The wife on a bad hair day , E - Heea.
  24. Good Q,having lived here for a few years now you notice these things ,twice now ,seen a rear half shaft on the road looks if wheel bearing has collapsed ,or crown wheel /pinion ,due to lack of oil has collapsed whoe lot falls out. Thai friend of mine has a car repair business he had in a Mitsubishi G Wagon owner had run it out of water cooked the engine had to replace the engine ,he said he is always replacing battery's ,owners never check water levels battery dry, plates twisted,replace only . Our neighbour has a Ford pickup known them for a few years now ,far as i know never been in to Ford for a full service ,no money ,and I would say the no money bit is a problem with a lot of car/pickup owners.
  25. It uses a fair bit of oil ,and no leaks 110 000 km ,or in English money, 68 000 miles ,not a vast amount for a modern day engendered car. Using oil sounds to me if the piston rings /bores are worn? ,been in Thai hands,not regularly serviced ,get a compression test done might show something.
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